Monthly Musings: Fall Fun and Traditions

 It's the last Thursday of the month and time for Monthly Musings with Patty & Holly.  This month we're talking all about our fall traditions and memories.

1. What are your Halloween traditions? When the boys were little we took them Trick- or- Treating each year but the last few years they've decided they're too old for for dressing up so we've turned Halloween into a family movie night.  The first year we watched Hocus Pocus, the second year we watched Addams Family, and this year it sounds like we're going to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. 

2.  Favorite fall activities? Hiking for sure! I also enjoy trips to the apple orchard and baking up some yummy fall treats. 

3. Favorite fall recipe? This is a tough one... I really love apple crisp

4. What beverage makes you think of fall? Apple cider; fresh from the orchard. 

5. Favorite fall fashion staple? My boots and my sweaters! 

6. Do you decorate for fall? Halloween? Or both? I decorate for fall only.  I'm not really a big fan of Halloween.  

7. Bonfire? Corn maze? or Hayride? I enjoy them all but if I had to pick one I'd pick bonfire... sadly I think the last bonfire I went to was when I was in high school and our last corn maze was quite a few years ago too.

8. Apple pie or apple cider? Apple pie for sure! I enjoy a good cup of cider too but it's just not fall without apple pie.  We typically make 3 pies-- one to eat right away, one to freeze for Thanksgiving, and one to freeze for Christmas.  (Our favorite recipe here)

9. Favorite type of apple? We love Honey Crisp apples for eating and Cortland apples for baking.  But I'll eat any type of apple that we get from the local orchard.  Fresh apples are the best!

10. What are your Thanksgiving traditions? We don't have much in the way of traditions for Thanksgiving... usually we host and cook a traditional turkey dinner then end the night with a watching of Elf and our dessert but we have had years where we've gone to my mom or my sister's too.  

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. I love your colour block sweaters! And I absolutely pushing for a Halloween movie night once my kids are too old for trick or treating. I love that idea!

    1. Thank you! I have been drawn to those color block sweaters.

  2. Your autumn style looks great and so cosy! We don't really do Halloween here in Australia so we don't have any traditions for it here, just another day for us!

    Hope that you are having a great week :)

    Away From The Blue

  3. Your fall wardrobe is so great! Love the throwback Halloween pics so cute.

  4. Love your fall sweaters and that first pic of the boys at Halloween melted my heart! Thanks for linking up

    1. Isn't it sweet?! I took a bunch of shots to get one of them all that age/stage.

  5. I love all of those old pictures of your babies. So sweet! I'm going to be so sad when ours are too old to trick-or-treat.

    1. Aw, thank you! I was not at all sad when they outgrew trick or treating as it is such a chore for us (we live out in the country and it's a lot of in and out of the car since we drive everywhere).

  6. The apple pie with ice cream looks so good.

    1. I love my mother's apple pie so much that I won't even eat others anymore! LOL.

  7. I love the idea of the movie night for older kids. Your photos are always so beautiful too! Thanks for linking up with us.


  8. Definitely boots and sweaters here too!!
    We used to have apple trees in our yard before we moved, and it was so nice to make apple pie (well, I should say that my mom made them for us, haha). We would even make applesauce with lots of them and freeze it.

    1. My oldest son loves homemade applesauce (luckily my mother in law makes it for him so I don't have to).

  9. I love all of these things! And, apple crisp…I haven’t made that in years, but I’m hungry for it now. I need to find an apple orchard near us that grows red delicious apples. Enjoy!

    1. We haven't had apple crisp in a few years either. I miss it though but since I tend to be the only one eating it I try not to make it very often.

  10. You can't go wrong with boots and sweaters! Also, I love the idea that you make a family movie night out of Halloween now. That's great that you still have that time together!

    1. Thanks! I completely stole that idea from a friend.

  11. I need to get my husband to make an apple crisp on the grill: he's made it a couple of times and we need to get some firewood, we are about out. Loving your hiking pictures: love when there is some water to admire.

  12. Enjoy your movie night. The Nightmare Before Christmas is a fab film.
    I do love this time of year just to wear sweaters and boots. hehehe

    1. I've never seen it before so I thought it sounded like a good suggestion.


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