Friday Favorites: The Last One in October

 It was such a rainy week that we hardly got outside at all this week so my list of favorites is a very short one!  

Friday, Evan and I met up with our friends at the Audubon and went hiking.  Unfortunately one of  the trails we picked to hike was flooded and we had to turn around and backtrack.  It was such a beautiful day to be outside though!

We were having a very belated birthday party for Evan on Saturday and Alec and I worked together to make him a really delicious chocolate/ raspberry cake.  It's the same cake I had on my birthday but we cut the two layers in half to make a 4 layer cake so there was extra raspberry filling in it (recipe here).  YUM!

I got some new nail wraps in and am loving these blue stars! 

Late sunrises cause some moody mornings on the lake.  

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Love those mails- adorable! They would be perfect for the 4th of July too! :) Have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, they would made great 4th of July nails too.

  2. Remind me....where do you get your nail wraps? I am thinking more and more about getting some.

    1. I like Color Street; I tend to put a clear coat over them and they easily last a full week on my nails without chipping or falling off or anything (though my nails grow fast so after a week I can see a definite line of nail all around the cuticles).

  3. That cake looks absolutely incredible! I love your stars! have a great last weekend of October!

  4. I love all your hikes; I'm exercising vicariously through you :)

    1. Thank you! It's the only form of exercise I enjoy.

  5. I am all about doing or getting my nails done. Love the ease of nail strips. Those are pretty! What brand did you go with?

    1. Color Street. I tried Jamberry for nearly a year before realizing that my nails were just too oily for their wraps to stick. Thankfully, I don't have that problem with Color Street.

  6. The cake looks delicious!! And your nails are so pretty! I never do anything fancy with my nails, just clear polish.
    Sorry about the flooded hiking trail!

    1. We have had so much rain here that we're getting pretty used to flooded hiking trails and turning around! Just all part of nature I guess.

  7. Replies
    1. We have extra frosting in the fridge and I'm having a real hard time not baking up something to use it all up.

  8. That cake looks amazing. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Such a shame about the rain. We've had rain here but mostly just during the night.
    Evan's birthday cake looks amazing! Yum, yum! x

  10. that cake!!!! Not only yummy, but beautiful too.

  11. The cake looks decadent! Love the nails too!

  12. That cake looks so delicious! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  13. That cake looks really good and I am not a huge chocolate cake fan. I love your nail choice!

  14. My goodness you've have the rain this year. It's a shame you can't send some of it out west. That cake looks amazing!


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