Not Just A Mom: Morning Routine

 With not quite two weeks of school under our belt we're still trying to develop a morning routine here.  It varies slightly depending on the day too but overall I think I have a pretty good one down.  With my boys being older-- one in college & working, one in high school, and one in 8th grade (that I homeschooling) they are all pretty much left to get themselves ready for the day which means I really only have to worry about me in the morning.

I typically wake at 5:00

I try to exercise for 30 minutes

by 5:30/ 5:45 I am getting dressed and ready for the day; showering if it was a sweaty workout or just washing my face and wetting down my hair if it was a yoga/ stretching workout type of day. I make the bed and straighten up the bathroom and our bedroom. 

I then bring my laptop down and sit at the table working on blog stuff or emails and being on hand if anyone needs help. I'll take out whatever needs thawing or prepping for dinner. 

6:40 Alec and I leave so I can drive him to school.

7:30 When I arrive home I make my breakfast; which is almost always a large bowl of fruit with non-fat Greek yogurt and some granola.  I take my vitamins and usually read a book while eating.

8:00 I call Evan down to eat breakfast and get started on school.  If it's a day that Ian is joining us for homeschooling (one or two days a week) I read aloud from Harry Potter before each of them does their own subjects.  

While the schoolwork is getting done I work in the kitchen cutting up fruits, making salad, or prepping dinner.  I also tend to brush teeth and do some laundry during this time too but try to pop in and out of the kitchen so I'm nearby if help is needed with schoolwork.

By 10 am schoolwork is almost always done and if it's nice out Evan and I end our morning with a nice walk or hike.  

Notice I have zero lunch prep/packing to do and I no longer have to get anyone dressed!  I do place all homeschooling materials on the table the night before most nights and make sure Alec has his uniform pieces all ready to go in the morning (depending on if he's in culinary or in academics lets us know which pieces he needs) as well as making sure his bag is packed and he has some idea of what he'll be packing for lunch.  I also check in with Ian before bed to see what his schedule will be like; if it's a school day or a work day and if he's in the college building or working from home.  

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  1. I can't believe how early you have to leave to get Alec to school. Yikes! And my kids are needing less and less help with lunches as the years go by and it's so nice to not have that on my plate, much :)

    1. Yep, their school day starts at 7:15 as do most of the high schools in our area. Drop off is from 7- 7:15 and we like to plan on being at the school for 7 so we don't have to worry about him being tardy if there is traffic or a train holding us up.

  2. My goodness, you start the day early! Well done you! Breakfast looks delicious!

    1. I was up at 4 today... I'm not the best sleeper anymore and even on weekends rarely sleep past 6:30.

  3. We have just about got back into a good morning routine.
    Your day starts so early. We don't get up until about 7 or half past on a school day. x

    1. Our elementary schools don't start school until 8:30 so we used to get up a bit later but high schools start school anywhere between 7 & 7:30 here so yep, it's a bright early day for us. If he were to take the bus we would have to be at the top of our road by 5:45!

  4. Isn't it nice that our kids can dress themselves! lol. I still have to tell Simon daily that getting dressed includes socks and shoes.

    1. YES! I do have to remind Alec to grab his mask and occasionally he forgets his ID badge but for the most part he's great about getting himself out the door without any input from me.

  5. Wow that's an early start to your day, and for leaving for school with Alec. Sophie starts at 8.45 so we don't have to leave until 8.30 although I'm usually up by 6.30 because Thomas wakes early. I tend to get grumpy if I get woken up before 6am! Nice not to have to prep any lunches or get anyone dressed. #MMBC

    1. We ended up leaving at 6:20 today so he could get to school a bit early and get his Chromebook fixed. I think it's so funny that high schoolers start so early when they are notorious for not being early risers but we are loving the 2 pm pick up!

  6. Wow! Joanne you are up so early in the morning. No wonder you get so much accomplished each day! I remember getting up early when my daughter was in high school. Since then it's now early due to my dog being an early riser. LOL. Good luck with your boys this year with school. Thanks for the blog visit and have a nice day and week. :)

  7. Love that you are such an early bird too- sounds like you are always productive- love it!

    1. Very! I think we all are pretty programed to wake up early and I have tried to teach my boys to just do the work as soon as they can so they can rest and enjoy the day once they're done.

  8. Love how you get a workout in every morning, best time to get it out of the way! Well done.

    1. I've learned that if I don't do that then I don't workout.

  9. Wish I was an early riser and not a night owl! You are getting so much accomplished! I'm getting up at 7am these days. Making the bed and getting fully dressed always gets me going each morning so it's something I get done each day first thing. Coffee and some computer time is next. I usually skip breakfast but your choice of breakfast sounds and looks delicious! I love fresh fruit!
    I NEED to get back to the gym for my yoga and pilates classes in the mornings. I'm having such a hard time staying on top of it from home, but now I am once again dealing with a leftover cough from another cold I had a couple of weeks ago. I miss the days when nobody cared if you had a little cough!!

    1. I miss those days too! Even when I'm choking I feel the need to say that out loud. LOL.

  10. I am still working on my routine: nothing has been normal yet at home this past month but we are getting there! My plan this week is to get back to healthier eating and more exercising. Nothing like seeing a picture of oneself swinging on a rope jumping in the river to give yourself a kick in the pants to get back to doing better lol!

    1. LOL. I am often prompted by photos of myself to make better choices too!

  11. Nice to read how your day goes. Up very early!

    1. Yep, my oldest never ever slept past 5:30 as a baby and I just got into the habit of getting up early so I could have a few quiet minutes before the chaos.

  12. I feel like you have accomplished more by 10 am than most people have all day-- haha!

    1. LOL. Thank you! Funny enough it doesn't feel that way to me.

  13. I'm an early riser, not because I have to, but because I'm a morning person and I'm at my most productive. Your morning sounds so well organized. Our children are picked up at 8am, so I have plenty of time. #mmbc

    1. I have realized that that's when I'm most productive too.

  14. You start your day early! I love a good routine. And working out in the morning is so nice. Sets you up for the day.

    1. I used to promise myself I'd work out every afternoon but I'm usually too tired by then.

  15. It seems like such a nice routine you have! I look forward to the day when I don't have to get lunches ready, haha! Got a few years yet, my boys are young still, littlest is still at kindy.

    Hope your week is off to a good start :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. I do not miss making breakfast and lunches for everyone; that was one really nice milestone to reach!

  16. I love to read about your daily schedule. It sounds like you have a very busy and productive morning. Your breakfast looks really good. It's something how our schedule changes as the kids get older.

    1. It is really neat to think about how much my schedule has changed through the years and usually because of the kids.

  17. Sounds like a nice routine you have down!

    1. Thank you! So far I'm just impressed that I'm sticking to it.

  18. This is a great routine. My routine is all over now all my children have left school. I need to start exercising again as the flu ran me down and I lost all my energy for it.

    Thanks so much for linking up and hosting.

    1. I always find that exercise is so hard to get myself back into.. once I miss a few workouts it's so much easier to allow myself to miss a few more.

  19. I look forward to the days of not being so needed by my kids to help them get dressed ( or yell at them 500x to do it) and not have to make lunches

    1. It is a beautiful thing. I am LOVING having teenagers and those pre-teen years were pretty fun and easy too.

  20. You must be getting more thankful for mornings which you get to have so much for yourself these days instead of being son-centred..Mind you I recall getting teenagers out of bed..none was fun at all.

    Thank you for taking part in the 5th Birthday celebrations of Life This Week. Great to see friends who are bloggers linking up each week when they can. I appreciate each and every one of you. Next week, Mr W is back with Time Part Two. See you then if you have a post to share. Denyse.

    1. My boys haven't been the typical sleeping in type of teens so I don't have to work to get them out of bed.


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