Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant Garden

 After we finished up at Airlie Gardens we went out for pizza with my aunt and her husband.  Then Alec and I dragged everyone over to the Stanley Rehder Carnivorous plant garden.  After reading that Wilmington North Carolina (and a small radius around Wilmington) are the only places where carnivorous plants grow in the wild in the united states we really wanted to see some of them!

We were surprised to see so much variety!

Pitcher plants both large and small and with various colorings.

Venus fly traps; again of various sizes and colors.

We even found some sundews which were so much smaller than we had imagined.

Alec and my uncle were both really into this trip and Alec happily listened to everything my uncle had to teach him; having grown up in Carolina beach and Wilmington and being a real avid nature/ outdoorsman he had a lot to say. 

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  1. Another beautiful garden- thank you for sharing!

  2. Replies
    1. I thought so too; well worth the sun and heat to check it out.

  3. Replies
    1. It was really interesting! Surprisingly we saw hardly any bugs though.

  4. Wow, I didn't read the title of this post until after I had started reading it and looking at the pictures. These showy plants are just teasing those insects to land on them, aren't they? Very unique plants. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos.

  5. Wow! That's so interesting to know that they grow in the wild here. I would love to visit this place, too.

    1. I thought that was so neat too! I wonder what it is about THAT particular area that makes them grow and thrive.

  6. What a fascinating garden to visit!

    I enjoyed your lovely photos, Joanne.

  7. What an interesting garden to visit. I find carnivorous plants fascinating - I never realised there were so many different types. #MMBC

    1. I only knew of two species myself and found this garden fascinating as well.

  8. Oh my goodness, this is so neat! I can't say that I've ever seen a carnivorous plant in person.

    1. We have a few nature museums near us that have one or two of the plants on display but they are very different when not seen behind glass!

  9. I really enjoyed this post, Joanne. What fascinating plants! They are so pretty, and yet so dangerous for bugs and things. The Stanley Rehder Carnivorous Plant garden looks like a seriously interesting place to visit.

    Thank you for sharing and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community. I’m featuring this post at the party which goes live on Sunday this week. Hope to ‘see’ you there! Take care and I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

    1. Oh wow; thank you so much for featuring my post!


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