Currently... August 2021

 It's the first Wednesday of the Month and time to link up with Anne for her currently series. This month we're talking about what we are currently admiring, anticipating, enjoying, spending, and saving. 

admiring-- My new basement! I just can not stop wandering down there during the day to look it over and plan where I want furniture, what curtains I want, etc.  It's so exciting to have his room so near completion after nearly 18 years. 

What this school year is going to be like; between Alec's school and all the regulations/changes that may pop up and Ian trying his first college class and Evan taking on harder classes in our homeschool, I think we're all in for quite a year. 

enjoying-- SO many yummy new recipes and delicious foods. July was a wonderful month of eating and yet I still managed to creep closer to my Weight Watcher goal.


spending-- Spending lots of time with family and friends this summer.  We have been seeing ALL the people.

saving-- All sorts of basement decorating ideas to my Pinterest boards as well as some yummy recipes and outfit ideas too. 


  1. What a great July! Love it all and congrats on your weight the balance you live!

  2. I'm admiring all your tasty food!

  3. That's awesome that you're approaching your weight goal! Mine is still way up.

  4. Your basement looks so nice! What a great space to enjoy.

    1. I can not wait to start enjoying it! Especially in winter with the woodstove going down there...

  5. Love that ya'll are getting to spend time with people. So great compared to last summer.

    1. Yes! We are seeing ALL the people this summer.

  6. I cannot wait to see how you decorate your basement! It is going to be such a great extra space to have!

    1. It's been so long since I've had a blank slate to start with that I'm almost feeling overwhelmed by it! I can't wait to watch it all come together though.

  7. Your July was so good and I am just loving the basement!

  8. Your basement really does look amazing. You have worked so hard on it.
    Good luck with the new school year. x

  9. That's great you've been enjoying good food but still getting close to your weight goal. I definitely need a better balance or something. LOL
    Your basement is looking fantastic.


    1. I try to balance my eating and focus a lot more on exercise and movement all summer long; it's not always easy but I do try to focus on just little baby steps... like eating just one slice of cake instead of one slice of cake each day. LOL

  10. God bless Pinterest boards for ideas :)

  11. Yay for your new basement. It looks good. I am always adding to my Pinterest Board.

  12. Oh all those water activities..... it looks fabulous...... and that ice cream!

    1. I can not believe how much ice cream we've been eating this summer... and I don't regret a single bite! :)

  13. Ooh, your basement looks so good - what an exciting blank slate to work with. I'm jealous, as ours really is just not finishable, with super low ceilings and all the wiring quirks of a 130-year-old house. And that ice cream cone is bringing on a craving...

    1. It has been a long time in the making and I really wasn't sure what it would like when it was done but I am loving it!

  14. Hooray for WW (or any diet) goals....even with ice cream and the most amazing looking chocolate cake ever!!!

  15. That basement looks great! And those family photos reveal a wonderful summer!

  16. All those pictures of food look amazing, especially that chocolate cake! Your basement is great too!

  17. Your basement looks stunning! Looks like you are having a wonderful summer!

    1. Thank you! We have been having a great summer.


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