Friday Favorites: Mainely Fun

 Most of my favorites this week center on our weekend trip to Maine.  My husband and I had a great time and it sounds like the boys had a great time at home without us with my mother in law in charge.  Other than that we had a pretty boring week at home with lots of rainy, dreary weather. 


Before we get to all the fun though I did want to document on the blog somewhere the crazy amount of rain we've been getting.  It feels like we have had some sort of rain, thunderstorm, showers, etc. nearly every day for weeks now and it is really becoming a problem.  We had flood warnings in effect since last Friday afternoon when tropical storm Elsa dropped even more rain and on our lake most of the docks are now level with or under water-- ours included.  In fact late Friday afternoon I had to kayak out and tow our jet ski back home since it had floated away (and we had pulled it up onto shore!).  

Notice how far from shore our dock now looks; that's how much the water has risen (Taken Friday July 9th)

Runoff from the roads look like mini waterfalls

Now onto my favorites:

I decorated my nails in this fun summer popsicle pattern for our weekend trip.  I just love all these fun summer patterns Color Street came out with.

Our hotel was just beautiful and the view from our room was not all that bad either. 

The ocean was a block away and the hotel had chairs, beach towels, etc. for use on the beach and the restaurant onsite even delivers lunch at the beach!  It was not warm enough for us to really lay out on the beach though; I didn't even bother packing a swimsuit with temps in the 70's.

We ate lots of yummy homemade ice cream and tons of seafood.  We had clam chowder, a baked haddock sandwich, & a lobster roll (cold with mayo) from The York River Landing, homemade ice cream from Bayley's ice cream.  The next day we stopped at the Maine Diner and tried their famous seafood chowder, fried scallop roll, and another lobster roll (warm with butter) and stopped back at the York Ricer Landing for some delicious ice cream.  

Chocolate raspberry truffle-- chocolate ice cream with raspberry swirls and mini raspberry/chocolate cups.

We went walking on the beach and along Prout's Cliff walk for even more beautiful ocean views. 

I bought myself some cheery flowers while grocery shopping on Monday.

Ian dropped our jet ski off Monday morning to be fixed and by Monday afternoon my husband called to say he was picking it up on his way from a road job.  He swung by to pick me up on his way so I hung out in the truck reading my book while he worked, then we picked up the jet ski, and had an impromptu date night at Pub 99 on the way home! 

I found 3 hummingbirds flitting all around our feeder; it was so fun watch them buzzing around.

We had both a foggy afternoon and one bright sunny morning on the lake and I just love how the view changes with in all different weather.

I even managed to squeeze in breakfast on the patio; it was a bit damp but I didn't mind after feeling like I've been stuck in the house. 

Evan and I managed to squeeze in a really buggy/ mosquito filled hike Wednesday between storms.  Even the mushrooms were growing mold it's so wet!  But it still felt great to get up and get moving again.

Our basement is nearing completion! The builder packed up his stuff today and headed home. We still have a to install flooring, finish the countertop, install all the cabinet doors/drawers, and paint the doors, bathroom ceiling, and trim but it is really starting to look like a finished off space now with drop ceiling in place doors up and all the trim (baseboard trim is cut and labeled and ready to be installed as soon a the flooring goes in)!

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. We've had a lot of rain here too and our backyard is basically a mushroom forest. Dave is always out there trying to pick them so they don't take over entirely. Your trip to Maine looks like so much fun, even if it was a little cool. The food sounds AMAZING!!! Yum! And your basement is looking so good already! I can't wait to see the finished product and I bet you can't either.

    1. Yes, we have mushrooms cropping up all over the place too! I am getting so anxious to see the finished basement.

  2. Happy Friday! I'm popping over from the Friday Favorites link up. :) Wow! That was a lot of rain, causing run off that truly does look like a waterfall! Your trip looked wonderful - the cute hotel, the stunning ocean views, your scrumptious looking treats! Looks like a memorable and refreshing weekend well spent!

  3. Oh how I love watching the hummingbirds this summer! But a chipmunk has been jumping up on one of my feeders, that little rascal! I’m so glad you had such a sweet time in Maine, it looks so amazing. The flowers you bought are beautiful too and I absolutely adore your popsicle fingernails!

    1. Oh my goodness; what a little acrobat! Thanks; I am just loving all these fun summer prints Color Street came out with.

  4. The rain has been crazy. We got poured on in nyc! Maine looks like it was great. I want to go again - I went when I was pregnant with Gabbie and I was so nauseous!

    1. Oh, that is no fun. I was so nauseous for my middle pregnancy and it lasted for the entire 9 months; I feel like that whole year was a big blur.

  5. Chocolate Raspberry truffle. That's my favorite flavor, any day of the week. I need a scoop!

    1. Me too! I am a sucker for anything chocolate/raspberry.

  6. Your Maine trip looks so fun. I have been getting an inkling to plan a trip to explore the northeast coast with my kids. Have a great, and hopefully dry, weekend!

    1. Oh you really should! I love all the adorable beach towns on the coast.

  7. We've had a lot of rain this summer, too. Nearly every day has been rainy or dreary for what seems like weeks! We did have a pretty day last Saturday, but other than that - so much rain! The upside to that is that it hasn't been nearly as hot as it usually is. I'm sorry y'all have had so much, too!

    1. Yep, a rainy, cool summer... in fact it's raining right now. LOL.

  8. Despite the rain, looks like a beautiful trip! Can't go wrong with those landscapes!

  9. Yes to all the ice cream. I love ice cream in a waffle cone. We have had the exact opposite in weather. It is just so dang hot here. We are in the 90s to 100s daily and no rain. I hope we get some soon. Your Maine trip looked beautiful. I have always wanted to go to Maine!

  10. Same here with the rain! It has been absolute craziness! That store bouquet is gorgeous - loving the colors!

    1. They caught my eye and I just could not resist them.

  11. I love the pictures of the foggy lake! Your vacation sound delightful and delicious! I just booked our condo for Thanksgiving at the beach and am going to call hubby's uncle to see about visiting him for a weekend at the lake.

    1. I love your thanksgiving at the beach tradition! So glad you've got that all booked.

  12. What a lovely summer vacation! We've had some rain as well, but mostly in the evenings and at night.

  13. You've tempted me with the ice cream. We've gotten some rain, but usually at night. It's keeping things green. I enjoyed all the beautiful photos.

    1. I have such a hard time passing up ice cream...

  14. We were just in York & Wells in mid-June. We've been to the Maine diner too. We were just in Bar Harbor last weekend. Long ride.

    1. I've always wanted to go to bar harbor and Acadia but it is a pretty long drive for us too.

  15. In the south of the Netherlands there is a flood too. Lots of people had to leave their home. Very surreal. That ice cream looks so delicious, we love sea good too. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Oh wow; I haven't heard of anyone having to leave their homes because of flooding but I know we've had flash flood warnings for a week now.

  16. It's so crazy the amount of rain we've had this summer. It seemed like every day we had rain and no sun. It looks like you had a wonderful mini vacation in Maine. I'd love to visit there some day. I hope you have a nice weekend.

    1. It really does feel like the sun is so scarce this summer; but I've learned to get outside and soak it up anytime it does make an appearance.

  17. I loved this. I am a big fan of parents having breaks away for themselves and good on your mother in law for helping you do that. It seems like the weather just doesn't want to behave like it should where you are. Hate that...especially when you want it to! Great to see the basement coming along too. Denyse #weekendcoffeeshare

    1. Thank you! We have pretty much always tried to spend at least one weekend a year away; it's so much easier now that they are older of course.

  18. What a great week. I am sorry about all the rain. I hope is doesn't keep up and get to close to the house.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Luckily our lake is connected/controlled by a damn, so while the water will fluctuate I have yet to hear of a single house ever flooding in the 20 years we've lived here. Hopefully this won't be the year that changes-- as it is STILL raining!

  19. Your nails are so summery! That trip to Maine sounds wonderful, even though it was chilly! The last time I visited was pre-kids! Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I am loving these summer nail styles. Maine was wonderful; it doesn't seem to matter much what the weather is like while we're there.

  20. It’s just crazy how one part of the country is having a drought and another part is flooding. Wish we could just share rain 😂 It looks like a wonderful vacation. I’ve never been to Maine but I sure would like to!

    1. I know! I wish we could send some of our rain to those areas that need it.

  21. The rain has been crazy this summer! Every time I check the weekly forecast, I am met with 10 days straight of rain in the forecast. My backyard disappears in the same way as your dock has! I really like your cute popsicle nails and it looks like such a lovely time in Maine! Thanks for sharing with us, my friend.


    1. Yes, us too! We have rain in the forecast most of this next week too (and we had rain off and on all weekend too).

  22. Glad you had a great time in Maine. Your basement is looking good. I hope the weather cooperates this week for your leisure activities. Thank you for linking with #weekendcoffeeshare.

  23. Oh...I want to go to Maine. Everything you did sounds like everything that would be on my list. I love a good storm, but multiple ones with lots of rain and thanks. Great pics of the hummingbirds and I love your nails.

    1. I love Maine; and would push my family to move there if the winters weren't so darn cold!

  24. Can I just say you had me at seafood chowder, fried scallop roll, and lobster roll? Be still my beating heart.

  25. Raspberry chocolate truffle sounds so delicious! I'm so glad you had lots of fun on your trip. So sorry about all the rain - it's similar here. #weekendcoffeeshare

    1. It was amazing! Definitely my new favorite ice cream flavor.

  26. Hi Joanne. This looks like so much fun, well except the part about dealing with the flooding. I'm glad your jet ski did not wander too far off. I'll bet there were others that did and are still being sought after. I've never been to Maine, but now have a friend who recently moved there. You've reminded me that a visit is called for.

    1. Oh yes, you should definitely plan a visit!

    2. We did see a jet ski that actually floated away OVER the damn and ended up getting wedged under the covered bridge leading to the river. I hope they're able to recover it once the water begins to slow.

  27. It sounds like you had a lovely trip. We have had a lot of rain here too but thankfully the sun is shining now.
    Your nails are so pretty. Such a fun summer design. x

    1. We really did! I'll be sharing more details about our trip this coming week.

  28. I've never been to Maine but it sure looks beautiful! I would love to take a trip up there someday! Also, that ice cream looks delicious! And I love those flowers you bought!

    1. Thank you! They were just so cheery looking I could not pass them up.

  29. That ice cream looks soo good! Very appropriate with National Ice Cream month!

  30. So happy that you had a wonderful Maine vacation. We came through southern Maine on our way to and from Manchester airport last week. Beautiful part of the state!


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