Friday Favorites: Bye Bye July!

 We had a pretty good week despite a few rainy days and the hazy mist from the fires out west (I have been thinking of everyone that has been affected by these fires all week!).  We had a mix of cooler days that were great for hiking and warmer days that were good for swimming.  

We had another beautiful sunny and mild day on Friday so when one of my girlfriends suggested meeting up to go hiking we quickly agreed! We hiked for an hour (where I took all of one photo!) and had a great time catching up.  We then ate a picnic lunch with all the boys (my 3 plus her 2) and compared weird eating habits and food aversions.  

We headed out to get ice cream at a totally new to us place.  They make their own homemade ice cream and it was so hard to pick what flavor to try. I finally settled on Black Angus-- a black chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips and strawberry swirls.  It was delicious (if you like dark chocolate; which I do). 

We have been working so hard on our basement and seeing it all come together has definitely been a favorite this week!  I painted the stairs on Friday; they are nowhere near finished (we'll actually pull up the white treads and add in oak ones) but at least they are temporarily looking better.  Then we spent Saturday and Sunday putting in the flooring and baseboards.  I love it!

I made the best blueberry muffins this week (if I do say so myself) and even remembered to write down the recipe as I went along so I can make them again.  They were so light and fluffy.  

I had a fabulous afternoon reading books on the deck in the shade and lazing about in the lake. 

I got a bit dolled up this week with an actual skirt when I went to meet my girlfriend for lunch.  We spent over 2 hours in Panera bread catching up-- without any kids around! I then went on a little shopping spree at Yankee Candle and I am loving the two new scents I bought-- coconut beach and chocolate layer cake.

I dragged the boys hiking on Wednesday.  It was not too hot and the sun even came out... only downside was all the mosquitoes and bug bites we came home with.

I went to watch the kids swim in the pool and sat in the shade to read my book with my feet in the water. 

My husband and I went on a RZR ride one night; it was cool enough for me to wear pants and a sweatshirt so I didn't mind that we got just a tiny bit muddy. 

I just put a new pattern of Color Street nail wraps on this morning; I am loving these cute fruit prints so much.  I even put one wrap on my big toes and painted the rest of my toe nails a bright pink color to match the watermelons.  So perfectly summery. 

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. More nails to love and you looked beautiful for your friend date. That dark chocolate ice cream looks amazing! Have a great weekend.

  2. That floor is just beautiful and I would be obsessed with your new candles...they sound perfect! Have a great weekend Joanne :)

  3. Look at all those mushrooms on the tree! Do you forage, by chance? I wonder if any are edible! Also, that chocolate ice cream looks amazing! Glad to head into August!

    1. We don't because I just do not know what is edible and what isn't.

  4. Those candle scents would be divine! A muddy ride sounds like fun!

  5. The candle scents sound great as do the blueberry muffins! And the basement looks great as well.

    1. Thank you! I keep wandering down there just to look at it.

  6. That chocolate look amazingly delicious!

  7. The floor looks great! The ice cream sounds decadent, and I love those candle scents. What a lovely week!

  8. The basement is looking so good! I've been updating small things around the house (couch pillows, a new bedspread) and it's giving certain parts of the house a fresh look.

    1. I like to do that every now and then too; sometimes small changes really do make a big difference in a room.

  9. I saw something on the news about the fires. They sound awful.
    It sounds like a good week. That ice cream sounds amazing and it sounds like the work in the basement is going well.
    How lovely you got to meet up with a friend. I love Yankee Candles. Your nails are so pretty. Very summery x

    1. Thank you! I am loving how the basement is turning out.... now I have to go pick out some furniture.

  10. Your basement is looking great! And that ice cream and muffins look so good! Hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Looks like a lovely week! Your basement is coming together. Well done! Thank you for your #weekendcoffeeshare.

    1. Thanks! It's so exciting to see it come together.

  12. I bet those candles smell great. What a great month you all had!

  13. I love dark chocolate, we always have a bit of 85% with our evening coffee. So that oce cream sounds and looks pretty good. Have a great weekend!

  14. I love handmade ice cream! So sorry about all the mosquitoes you've been having this year. We have been so blessed for this time I can even remember with no mosquitoes! We never have to put on bug spray anymore! Everyone keeps asking "Where's all the mosquitoes this year?"

    1. They all moved here I guess! LOL. I know it's due to all the rain we've been having.

  15. Those blueberry muffins sound delicious! I am not a dark chocolate fan, but I do love homemade ice cream.

    1. I love homemade ice cream too and this "new" stand had SO many delicious sounding choices that I had a really hard picking one to try.

  16. Homemade ice cream is always so good! I never go out for ice cream but it's something I really should do more often. It's fun to try new flavors and the one you tried sure sounds delicious! The RZR ride sounds fun! My grandpa has one and it's fun to go drive around on the old logging road by their house.

    1. That's mostly what we drive on too. There are all sorts of old logging roads nearby where lots of people go riding.

  17. I love dark chocolate too so that ice cream looks great - as do you all dressed up...and as does your basement. In fact, there's lots that is looking good in your wrap-up. Here's to August.

  18. What a fantastic week. That ice cream looks smashing and now I want that Yankee candle.
    Blessings, Dawn

  19. That ice cream looks so good! I do a monthly blog challenge around a certain ingredient or dish. This past month was ice cream which was fun to do -- it gave me an excuse to try out different ice and make some ice treats!

    Anyways, the basement looks so lovely! Love how it's coming together!

  20. That ice cream looks so yummy. I love what you have done to your stairs, mine need a make over.

    Thanks so much for linking up to The Weekend Link Up #TheWeekendLinkUp

    1. Thank you! We're not planning to keep them that way for good but it's a quick/ easy temporary fix.

  21. Blueberry muffins are about the only muffins my kids will eat (yes, they're the pickiest)! I hope you share that new recipe you tried because I'd love to try it, too!

    1. Yes, it is coming! I promise. I wrote it down and took lots of photos so it's on my "to do" list.

  22. I could get used to living with a RZR in the garage ready for adventure followed up with one of those blueberry muffins. This sound wonderful Joanne. You guys are living life right.

  23. That ice cream looks and sounds delicious! You know, I haven't made blueberry muffins in forever. I need to make those soon. I think I'm hungry. ;-)

    1. I can't remember the last time I made blueberry muffins! I rarely think to make them since I tend to bake so many other things with the blueberries.

  24. Oh my gosh, Joanne, that dark chocolate ice cream looks amazing! And I don't even really like dark chocolate all that much. And your basement floor is beautiful. I am loving that crazy mushroom tree and your pineapple manicure, too!


    1. Thank you! I thought that mushroom tree was so crazy but with all the rain we are seeing lots more fungi than usual.


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