What's Up Wednesday: June 2021

It's the last Wednesday of June already which means it's time for What's Up Wednesday with Sheaffer & Shay.  I am really hoping these next few months slow down as I am trying to soak up all the summer sun and calm that I can.  Can you believe the year is already 1/2 over?!
What We're Eating This Week:  I just shared my monthly menu yesterday.  This week I'm cooking up some homemade clam chowder, shrimp carbonara, burgers on the grill, and all our summer favorites. 

What I'm Reminiscing About: We used to homeschool year round and summer was the time I'd break out all sorts of messy craft projects like tie dying, water balloon art, water gun art, fired alcohol ink art, etc.  Now I can't get any of them to do any sort of arts and crafts projects!

What I'm Loving: These new frozen bars; lately our store hasn't had any of our favorite Yasso or Enlightened Cold Brew bars so we tried these and they are delicious! 

What We've Been Up To: June saw us wrapping up the school year with Alec's award ceremony, we squeezed in lots of hiking, baking, and lake time already.  I'm loving sitting outside at least once a day reading my books by the water.  We've been kayaking and strawberry picking-- all the summer fun! 

He's most proud of his outstanding performance trophy from culinary!

What I'm Dreading: Nothing! 

What I'm Working On: Re-planning our entire vacation to see my sister down south; our rental was not in a good neighborhood and we had to scramble to find a new place to stay and push off our trip for a few months.  Now I'm researching this new area we found to stay and all the fun things we can do. 

I also made some crafts and put together a cute and delicious father's day basket (my family loved the extra PB popcorn and buckeyes that they got to eat).

What I'm Excited About: We're supposed to start working on the basement again soon; we have a contractor coming in to help us install the ceiling then we just need flooring and trim work! 

What I'm Watching/Reading:  Manifest, What Women Want, Two Weeks Notice, Younger, and Friends.

I read a lot of fantastic books this month: (you can read Monday's post for a summary and review of them all)

What I'm Listening to: As I type Ian is mowing the lawn; is there any better sound in summer?

What I'm Wearing: All the SUMMER things! 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Celebrating the 4th of July at the lake with the whole family. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: My husband and I have a short weekend trip to Maine planned for my birthday!  

What Else is New: My husband bought himself a RZR and him, Ian, and even me (at times) have been hitting the trails. 

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Love your lake life- we are headed to our friend's lake house this weekend and can't wait! That blue and white outfit looks dynamite on you!

    1. Thank you so much! The lake sure has come in handy this week with super hot/ humid temps.

  2. Always love your cute crafts. And I love your outfits, especially the pink and corals. Have a super day.

    1. Thank you! I do tend to have a lot of pink and coral for the summer.

  3. Lake life is the way to go in this heat!

    1. Definitely! I even went in it a few days this week and I am not normally one to swim with the critters and weeds.

  4. All your meals look so good! I probably should wait and read about them on a full stomach, ha! Sorry your trip is postponed, but hope y'all enjoy the lake this weekend!

    1. LOL. Yes, you probably should! We were disappointed in our trip postponement but I honestly think we'll have way more fun with this new house we found; it's just a few minutes walk from the beach!

  5. You do such fun things in the summer!
    It's so funny you mention the coffee outshine bars! I was just at my parents' the other day and my mom and I were talking about our love of coffee ice cream. I will have to share that with her. I'm thinking it might be a regional thing but who knows! :)

  6. A lot of cute tops! We are having a nice laid back week with some chores thrown in. Haven't been much of in a cooking mood and actually wish we didn't have to have people over on the 4h. Peopled out...

    1. I am really surprised that I'm looking forward to the 4th this year; maybe because we haven't been seeing lots of people yet?! Normally I'm not all the excited about a party as I feel more comfortable in small groups.

  7. The coffee bars look really good! So many cute outfits this last month! And we have been eating strawberries weekly too! Just sooo many!

    1. I can not get enough strawberries and pineapple! Then we found cotton candy grapes last week and I think I might have an obsession with them too.

  8. Your outfits are so cute! I love that you do a monthly meal plan. I need to get back to even doing weekly but monthly sounds so nice!

    1. Thank you! We used to do weekly meal plans but I always felt like we were eating the same thing every week so I challenged us to plan once a month; the whole family pitches in ideas and so far it seems to be working really well.

  9. Looks like a fun summer! :) I love the outfit with the pink shorts and floral top too! :)

    Hope you are having a lovely week :)

    Away From The Blue

  10. Your summer looks great! I know, it's not easy to take care of everything, but the beauty of the place, of the family, makes everything easier. I admire your energy!
    Strawberry harvest is impressive! 😊
    All the best!

    1. Thank you! We ate through that harvest in just a few days!!

  11. Your meal plan looks great. Looks like you are having lots of fun. Loving all your outfits :)

    Thanks so much for linking up to The Wednesday Link Up. I hope you can join us again tomorrow or next week for our next parties :) #TheWednesdayLinkUp

  12. Your summer is off to a great start! Those coffee bars look so good! I need to get my kayaks out of storage! Enjoy your 4th!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  13. I'm so sorry your trip has to be re-planned. That's disappointing :( Also, I am loving the look of those two tank tops that don't have arms and just fit around your neck -- the blue one and the flowered one -- they are so cute!

    1. Thank you! I am really liking that halter neckline style this summer.

  14. Fun post, Joanne! I love the culinary trophy! How exciting. You must be so proud of your son and his amazing talents! I was just thinking we need to start some messy crafts this summer. We just cleaned out all the broken and junky crayons and peeled all the paper off so we can make some wax art this week. However, I have no idea how to make wax art with old crayons, so I guess I'll be checking out Pinterest first! Thanks for linking, my friend.


    1. I was so thrilled for him to see him carrying that trophy to the car. He was just beaming! I love looking on Pinterest for messy craft ideas and trying to rope my boys into trying them out with me.


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