Monthly Musings: June 2021

 It's the last Thursday of the month and I'm joining in with Holly and Patty for their monthly musings.  Today we're talking about the end of school and our summer plans. 

1. Any last day of school traditions? Not really; this is the first official year we've had a last day of school.  We did take Alec out to lunch after his awards ceremony and I can see that being a yearly thing as the school ends each year with an awards ceremony. 

2. Do you make a summer list? What is everyone looking forward to most this summer? Always! I make a list for each season (you can read my summer bucket list here).  I'm pretty sure everyone is most looking forward to heading down to see my sister, brother in law, and nephews. 

3. Any summer vacation plans? We have a few.  My husband and I are taking a mini weekend vacation to Maine and the whole family will heading down to North Carolina for a week at the beach.  

4. Favorite summer outfits? What do you live in in the summer? Tank tops, shorts, and sandals are my usual.  

5. Favorite summer meal? This is a tough one.. I love clam cakes and chowder (preferably with a view!) but I also like burgers or stead cooked on the grill with all the summer salads.  

Our trip to Martha's Vineyard in 2013

6. Do you end school in May or June? How about when you were growing up? Our local public schools all end in June (and usually pretty late in June too with snow days thrown in) and they always have for as long as I can remember.  Our homeschooling is typically done in May though; but there were a few years where we homeschooled year round when the boys were young.  

7. Bikini? Tankini? One piece? I actually have at least one of each of these!  I rarely wear the bikini though and seem to wear my tankini most often.  Just as flattering as a one piece but easier for going to the bathroom and stuff. 

8. What are your 4th of July plans? We'll be spending the day (probably more like the weekend!) at the family cottage for our annual cookout. 

9. Do you dress in red, white, and blue for the 4th? I don't usually; though last year I did find this cute blue romper with white stars and wore my red flip flops. 

10. Charcoal or gas grill? We prefer the ease of a gas grill. 

Linking up with: Thinking Out Loud, 


  1. So fun and makes me excited for summer. We always went out to lunch on the last day of school and then they'd go with their friends as they got older. I love that cute romper!

  2. Maine & North Carolina both sound like fun! I hope you have a great summer!

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a great summer too.

  3. I prefer a tankini for bathroom reasons too!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm really excited. We're staying in a new area we haven't been to before.

  5. Oh I love that blue halter and the romper! Thanks for joining us today.


    1. Thank you! I'm wearing that blue halter right now.

  6. That chambray halter looks beautiful on you! It really accentuates your shoulders and neckline. That blue romper is so cute, too!

    1. Aw, thank you! I'm wearing the halter right now with some yoga pants. Cute and comfy!

  7. Love the blue halter on you and dying over that patriotic romper!! Can't wait to read all about your trip down south- you are all going to have a blast! Thanks for linking up :)

  8. Carolina sounds divine, breezy and maybe not too hot/humid like Florida?
    Happy Summer!

    1. Um... not really; from what I understand it does get real hot and humid too even in the Carolinas but that's OK. We're renting a house near the beach and hope to keep cool by the water.

  9. Love the summer tops you got! I have one tankini and one bikini top. And 100% gas grill all the way.

    1. Thank you! I have a bikini... but I've only worn it once or twice (at home!)-- last summer.

  10. So fun to have a few more trips planned and cute halter top!

  11. Great questions and answers - and my mouth is watering at the thought of clam cakes and chowder. I'd love to try a real one, somewhere by the sea with a view like the one in your image.

    1. I haven't had any yet this year and I can't wait to try some soon. I'll have to make sure I take photos and share a recipe!

  12. You have the cutest smile. Just a little bit sly or mischievous. With a sparkle in your eyes. Especially in that darling blue top. So pretty on you.

    Here's to crab cakes and chowder with a view. Hope there is some of that on your getaway with the hubs this summer.

  13. We've been wanting to do a New England trip for a few years now and that meal of crab cakes and chowder makes me even more excited to do it!!!

    1. New England is such a fun vacation area with so much history and yes, tons of fresh seafood!

  14. Lovely photos. We do not have much planned for summer this year because we do not know what we can and can't do with covid restrictions keep changing. So hoping to plan a big holiday for next year :) Thanks for joining us #TheWeekendLinkUp

    1. So far our restrictions are all lifted and seem to be staying that way... but time will only tell!


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