Monthly Meal Plan #6

 We had such a great month food wise!  After eating out so much last month we made a conscious effort to eat from home.  We had fun mixing in lots and lots of new recipes; many of which I just know are going to be added to our permanent rotation of meals.  

1.  Pasta Primavera-- a new recipe that we (and by we I mean my husband and I) just LOVED!

2. New England baked fish with Cole slaw and baked potatoes. (I made chicken tenderloins for the younger boys).

3. Chicken, broccoli, & rice casserole

4. Pulled pork nachos with Cole slaw (another new recipe the boys loved!)

5. Balsamic baked chicken & cheese with pasta (yet another new recipe we tried)

6. We went to Wright's Chicken Farm with family & then had dessert at their house.

7. Honey butter Old Bay shrimp with rice and mixed veggies (with chicken tenderloins for the boys).

8. Grilled chicken with Weight Watcher's ramen noodle salad and salad.

9.  Grilled marinated pork chops with orzo tomatoes & zucchini and a garden salad.

10. Pineapple marinated grilled chicken with BBQ macaroni salad and corn on the cob

11. Steak with asparagus/strawberry salad and left over BBQ Macaroni salad

12. Homemade chicken fingers with French fries & squash fries & broccoli

13. 3 Meat sauce (meatballs, peperoni chunks, and sweet Italian sausage in traditional spaghetti sauce) with spaghetti and salad. 

14. Homemade pizza with salad

15. Pork tenderloin with corn on the cob, green beans, & couscous

16. Tacos/nachos/ taco salad

17. Cheeseburger quesadillas and salad (another fun new recipe my boys gobbled up)

18. Grilled chicken with roasted vegetables and corn on the cob.

19. Grilled kielbasa, macaroni salad, and salad.

20. Father's Day: Ribeye steaks on the grill, tater tots, and roasted broccoli with Tollhouse Pie & ice cream

21. Egg roll in a bowl (Alec cooked up pasta and sauce for himself and his brothers)

22. Ham and cauliflower lasagna 

23. Alec and my husband were at a karate pizza party so I just had the other boys fend for themselves.

24. Corn fritters and salad

25. Grilled chicken, cheesy grilled potatoes, and broccoli-- all on the grill

26. Clam cakes and chowder

27. Grilled chicken, scallops, baked potatoes, & salad

28. Burgers, hot dogs, Cole slaw and salad

29. Waffles, fresh fruit, and bacon

30. Shrimp carbonara (just plain pasta & sauce for the younger boys). 

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness,


  1. Replies
    1. It sure was! I was so proud of us for cutting waay back on eating out too.

  2. Yum! My goal for July is to spend less on grocery than June. Tomorrow I will sit down and start working on a menu!

    1. I find making the menu to be the hardest part... well, and making myself stick to it on hot summer days when I don't want to cook.

  3. There must be a queue to eat dinner at your house. It all looks delicious.

    1. LOL! You'd think but I have a few very picky eaters.

  4. Oh those shrimps!! I made coleslaw too, love it!

    1. I just love seafood and crunchy veggie salads.

  5. So many good meals this month! I'm holding out hope for being able to cook sometime again in the next couple weeks! I can't wait!

    1. Oh I just bet! As much as I always say I hate cooking; I really don't and do miss it even when we go away on short trips.

  6. We need to cut back on eating out in July! Our June was a little intense :) And I've saved that cheesy grilled potatoes recipe because it sounds delicious!!!

    1. I can already tell that July is going to be filled with eating out and so much junky food with parties and cook outs and birthdays.

  7. Your meals all look and sound so good.
    I could just eat the pulled pork nachos now and the corn fritters!

    1. Those were HUGE hits with the boys! Probably their favorite meals from the month.

  8. I love what a variety you eat throughout the month. Unfortunately our kids are super picky and I feel like I'm constantly making the same things over and over because it's the only stuff they'll eat! I wish everyone in our house would be pleased with a meal plan like this one!

    1. Oh I have two that won't eat 90% of this... but my kids are old enough to fend for themselves or work together to cook their own meal. I will cook up chicken tenderloin strips on the nights we eat fish/seafood since that's pretty easy but more often than not they only eat a small portion of the meal and put the rest of the food together themselves.

  9. These look delicious! Thanks for some fun new recipe ideas -- we're in a rut!

    1. I feel that way lately too! I have been scouring the internet for new menu ideas.

  10. Wow, Joanne, what a fabulous month of delicious meals. You and your family ate very well.
    Thank you for your visit to my blog!

  11. It's breakfast time here and I so want to try all of this for lunch. Everything looks so tasty :) Thanks so much for linking up to The Wednesday Link Up #TheWednesdayLinkUp I hope you can join us today for The weekend Link-Up?

    1. Thank you! I was just working on my menu plan for July yesterday!

  12. OMG it all looks so good, Joanne! I am really interested in trying the baked fish and maybe some corn fritters! I have never made corn fritters before so I may have to give that a try! Thanks for sharing your scrumptious meal ideas!


    1. Corn fritters are pretty easy to make; if you can make pancakes you can make corn fritters.

  13. You made some delicious looking meals for the month Joanne. The shrimp carbonara looks so good. Do you have a recipe to make this dish?

    1. Yep, I used this recipe as a general guide: though I did add in shrimp and peas in place of the pancetta.


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