How We Did on Our Spring Bucket Lists

Tomorrow I'll be linking up with Shay and Erica for Let's Look... to look at our summer bucket lists but first I wanted to take one last look back at our spring bucket list(s) and see how we did.  

*Spoiler alert I don't think we did all that well!  Between unexpected injuries, completely forgetting about my spring recipe bucket list, and the weather not cooperating, much of what we had planned will be moved over to our summer bucket list.  

1.  Go to the beach!!  Nope! I'm moving this to our summer list. 

2. Plan a few day trips during Alec's Spring break- Nope! With Alec unable to walk well and his knee in a brace we only planned one day trip to Bass Pro, Cupcake Charlie's, and Five Guys.  

3. Go hiking (preferably up Mount Monadnock!) -- Check! We hiked a lot this spring but not up Mt. Monadnock (yet!-- perhaps this weekend or next?!).  We did hike a lot of mountains recently on our New Hampshire trip though.


4. Plant some flowers -- Check!  I planted a few pots of flowers for the front porch.

5. Go on a family vacation (perhaps to visit my sister?!)-- Not yet!  We leave after summer officially starts so I'll move this to our summer list. 

6. Celebrate Ian's birthday with a family dinner out-- Check?!  Rather than have a family dinner out Ian decided he wanted a traditional party at home with all the grandparents.  He picked the menu and we grilled burgers and hot dogs with tater tots and fries.  Alec made him a fabulous peanut butter pie and we had a great evening at home.  

7. Plan a weekend away for our 20th anniversary-- Check! We headed to New Hampshire and stayed at a fabulous resort.   

8. Go kayaking - Nope! It just has not warmed up enough yet; moving to our summer bucket list! 

9.  Cook on the grill and hopefully eat outside-- Check!  

10. Eat breakfast out on the patio in the sun-- Check! I've only managed this few times so far but I just love starting my day this way. 

Our Spring Recipe Bucket List:

1.  Pasta primavera-- Check! 

2. Scones

3. Weight Watcher's Ramen Noodle salad-- On the menu tomorrow night! 

4. Honey butter Old Bay grilled shrimp-- On the menu for Wednesday night!

5. Orzo with tomato and zucchini-- On the menu for Friday night

6. Turkey burgers with zucchini

7. New chicken marinade-- Check! We tried a yummy chicken marinade for mother's day.

8. Strawberry chocolate chip Bundt cake--Check?! We made strawberry chocolate chip muffins so I'm counting it!

9. Shrimp, peas, and rice one dish

10. Pistachio delight

11. Some new side salads like this asparagus/ strawberry salad. 

Definitely not our greatest effort but we did have a fun spring with lots of hiking and yummy foods so I'm letting it go.  

Linking up with: Creative Mondays,  Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Give yourself a break Mama- life happens- still looks like an awesome Spring and hope Alec is doing better!

    1. It sure does! Alec is feeling so much better.

  2. Those cakes look delicious #anythinggoes@_karendennis

  3. The cupcakes look so good and your hike looked gorgeous! #MMBC

  4. It sounds like a great spring to me, you did way more than us anyway. I think I will work on a summer bucket list myself, we could do with some inspiration.

    1. We did have a fun spring and that is always my goal when creating these bucket lists.

  5. Ahh! At least with the spring bucket list you can move things over to a summer one. It sounds like you still did well and had a lot of fun x

  6. You got a lot of good accomplished already! And summer's comin'!

  7. You did pretty well on your list! Spring moved pretty quickly, so don't fret having missed a few items.

  8. You do way better than me by even making a list. After changing countries and the collapse of my marriage, just getting through each day can seem like an almighty effort but most days I put on a smiley face for the sake of my teens and young adult. Thanks for reminding me of some of the better things in life and once I find a new home I will be inspired by you and get living again. #MMBC

    1. LOL. I love making lists. I am the queen of list making.

  9. You had a pretty busy and productive spring!!

  10. Replies
    1. I'm disappointed but I do think we did well despite how quickly the season passed.

  11. Not too bad! We have been working on our summer list and have visited two historic sites lately! There is still at least one I want to visit and maybe a fort when we go to Savannah and Tybee Island this weekend. It has gotten really humid here so not sure how much hiking will happen. I should add some fun meals and baking to our list though. Yum!

    1. Our weather got real hot and humid all of a sudden too! I am so unmotivated to try things in the heat and humidity.

  12. Those New Hampshire photos look beautiful. Also, everything on your spring recipe bucket list sounds (and looks!) absolutely delicious!!

  13. You did great on your spring bucket list! It's funny how life kind of derails the best made plans sometimes, but it looks like you still got some great hikes and pre-summer fun in!

    1. Yep! We found that out this weekend when our house rental for North Carolina fell through; luckily we were able to book something else for the end of summer. We did get in lots of great hikes and had fun so that's all that matters.

  14. Even though you didn't get to do all on your list, it still looks like you had a great spring. Sorry about the injuries though!! Your anniversary getaway looks like so much fun!

  15. Dave and I have been enjoying coffee together at our backyard table. The morning weather has been perfect for that!

    1. It really has! I am loving my morning quiet time.

  16. You still accomplished a lot! Sounds like it was a fun spring! That peanut butter pie looks amazing!

  17. What a fabulous place for your vacation Joanne. That veranda is so enviable!!
    And we have breakfast on our back porch almost daily....sometimes it's the best part of the day,

  18. I am hoping to complete last year summer bucket list as we didn't do everything!! The hiking sounds fun. Lots of yummy foods and treats :)

    Thanks so much for linking up to Creative Mondays. I hope you can join us again tomorrow :) #CreativeMondays

    1. I'm not surprised; it seemed like it was hard to get a whole lot of anything done last year.

  19. Joanne, I think you did pretty good hitting many of your bucket list activities. The one thing I was determined to do this summer is a music festival. And I am so happy to report that we are going to one next weekend. Two days of family camping fun and great music and people!


    1. That sounds like fun! I hope you have a great time at the festival.

  20. You did well on your spring list. Pretty sure you will have time this summer to kayak and enjoy some of the other things you weren't able to get to in the spring. Are you feeling back to 100% these days after your surgery?

    Where do you find these yummy sounding recipes? Would like to try the primavera and the WW ramen salad. I have got to get back to tracking...I say after indulging in a brownie with ice cream for dessert tonight.

    I have decided that planting flowers in pots might be the only way I can successfully grow flowers in our desert. That way I can move them inside on our triple digit days. Your potted flowers look very pretty by the door.

    1. I am feeling back to 100%! And we've already gone kayaking a time or two!

      I find most of my recipes on Pinterest. That primavera was amazing and will definitely be on next month's menu too.


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