Sentence a Day in March

 March was an odd month with weather that was all over the place.  Warm one day and freezing cold the next.  We took advantage of the nice weather whenever we could and enjoyed lots of time outside.  We saw our friends quite a few times and I even managed to squeeze in quite a few crafting afternoons. 

1.  We've had warm weather and enjoyed watching the ducks playing in front of the house. 

2. I went to get a much needed trim and my husband and boys had haircuts in the evening. 

3. With everyone having a 1/2 day of school we headed out for a nice hour long hike in the afternoon. 

4. Evan and I went on a short 40 minute hike in the cold; it was still snowy but fun.

5. I finally remembered to go and get my blood drawn; here's hoping I don't need Iron supplements anymore (test results are in and I don't!!). 

6. After Alec's karate class I spent most of my day in my craftroom making cards.  

7.  I finished up my latest puzzle after helping my husband at the woodworking shop most of the morning. 

8. Alec and I worked together to make some fairy cupcakes for an upcoming blog post/ Pinterest challenge. 

9. Evan and I went hiking for an hour and half after we finished up his schoolwork.

10. After Evan's MRI/A scans we met up with some friends of ours at the park.

11. Evan needed some new shoes and then we tested them out with a long hour and a half hike in the 70 (yes 70!) degree weather. 

It may not look it but this rock is really high and really steep so we both shimmied down on our bums

12.  Evan and I met up with some friends to go hiking and have a picnic lunch.  It was beautiful out!

13.  Alec had karate and then I spent the afternoon watching TV and blogging.

14.  I worked in my craftoom and got all my scrapbooking pages completed (up until February anyway).

15. A quiet day at home with my three boys working on schoolwork. 

16. I put together a whole puzzle in one afternoon after spending our morning cleaning house. 

17. I dragged Alec and Evan on a hike after their school day was done. 

18.  Evan and I went to his doctor's appointment to hear the results of his MRI and were so relieved to hear that surgery was not necessary. 

19. We all worked hard stacking scrap after work on Friday night. 

20.  My husband and I enjoyed a date night at 110 Grill; a new restaurant we were so happy we tried out.  The food was delicious! 

21. We went on a nice long 2 hour hike-- mostly in short sleeves!

22.  Evan and I went for a walk around the block after lunch. 

23. Evan and I went for an hour hike after we finished his schoolwork.  

24. Alec, Evan and I went for a hike before lunch and then my husband, Ian, Evan, and I went for another hike after dinner.  

25. Evan and I went furniture shopping and ordered a whole new living room set then stopped at Panera bread for lunch.

26. The younger boys and I met up with some friends at the aquarium! 

27.  Evan and I went for a walk on the river trail to break in his new flip flops.

28.  I worked on making some Easter cards.

29.  With gale force winds our seal watch boating trip was canceled so I was able to watch Alec's first track practice instead.

30.  Evan and I met up with my mom and one of her friends for a nice hour long hike up to Ross' Cliffs. It was a beautiful day.

31. Ian and I met virtually with his academic advisor to plan out which course or courses he might want to take next year (as a high school senior he is able to take 1 or 2 classes per semester at our local community college).  

Linking up with: A Sentence a Day, Spread the Kindness, Lovin' Life, 


  1. It looks like you have been on some lovely hikes! Those puzzles look challenging but fun! Love your cards.

    1. We had lots of great hikes and I just can't wait to see more and more trees and things blooming this coming month. I feel like I have stepped my card game back up and am really back to enjoying the whole process so thanks for your compliment!

  2. How lovely to start the month in snow and end it in sunshine. You really do have some lovely places for long walks near you, what a great place to live!

    1. It has been so lovely to see the snow slowly melting away. We might get another storm yet but by now I know the snow won't last long.

  3. Some great time in nature!! Love that puzzle.

    1. It was such a fun puzzle with all the patterns!

  4. I enjoyed all your snapshots, sounds as if it was pretty good month there. And I especially enjoyed the scrapbook pages.

    1. Thank you! I am so happy to have time to scrapbook and make cards again.

  5. You can really see from your photos that the weather was all over the place. Ice and snow then t-shirts and sunshine! x

    1. That's pretty much how spring goes around here; even this past weekend we went from snow flurries to flip flops! It's crazy.

  6. Love those Christmas scrapbooking pages! It amazes me how many scrapbook pages you're able to get done! I'd love to know about how long it takes you to do each one!

    1. I can usually put together a good 3-4 pages in a day working from 9-3 with a lunch break in-between-- so maybe an hour and half or so per page?

  7. I enjoyed hearing about your March and I loved all the hiking pictures!

  8. Loved reading about your March this way, Joanne. You do so great at crafting! Do you send out a lot of cards? Those must be the sweetest blessings for people that find them in their mailbox. <3

    1. I used to send out so many more cards than I do now. I try to remember to send cards for each of my nieces and nephews' birthday and we do have a rather large family but I no longer make and send cards for all the holidays (other than Christmas) like I used to.

  9. Eventful and fun month. I love the pictures of your bikes and the crafting. I made cards and did scrapbooking myself a few years ago - makes me wistful!

    1. I had taken a good couple of years off from making cards and working on scrapbook pages but I am so happy to have slowly found my way back to it (and so thankful I had kept all my supplies "just in case.")

  10. This is always so lovely to read and I enjoy the beautiful nature in your are
    a so much!Love that aquarium.

  11. I'm jealous of your day at the aquarium, how fun!
    You are really talented at puzzles!


  12. Those are awesome scrap book pages. I got into scrap booking years ago then got into making photo books. When the turtles are basking in the sun, you know it's a nice day. Karen

  13. Oh my goodness! Those hiking pictures are beautiful - you must get a million steps in per day! Love it - looks like a great month!

    1. Thank you! I honestly have no many idea how many steps a day I get done but I do think it would be up there most days.

  14. Joanne, I love the photos of the frozen lake, the waterfalls, and the aquarium! So beautiful and so much fun. We are planning some hikes this weekend when it will be almost 80 degrees before the rain and cold return! Thanks for sharing you month and linking with me!


    1. Wow! Almost 80?? We were thrilled with 70 degrees today. In fact it felt downright HOT!

  15. What a lovely way to keep track of your month, and organise photographs from it, Joanne! Love this sentence a day approach. Thank you for sharing this little glimpse into your life with the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community. Take care and have a lovely weekend!

  16. Didn't get to publish my SaD post because of all the hiccups with my blog. Haven't even begun writing sentences for April but will start today. Thankful that Evan doesn't need surgery. How exciting to have new living room furniture ordered. And to eat at Panera. That is a treat for us because we don't have them here. LOVE their sinful bread bowls and soup. How has Alec liked his culinary arts course work? Will he continue on this path?

    1. He is loving his culinary classes so much! I definitely see him continuing on that path. Though I do wonder if he'll enjoy cooking (in Junior and Senior year) as much as he has enjoyed the baking.

  17. Loved all the photos you added. Yay for getting bloodwork done and not needing Iron supplements.

    1. They always made me feel so nauseous so I am thrilled to not have to take them anymore!

  18. I'm late in catching up on my SaD posts. I LOVE your puzzle from the 16th. And after reading this, I want to go for a walk! I've been housebound for a few days with horrible allergies and vaccine after-effects. Ugh. But your walks are lovely.

    1. I feel like we've been stuck inside a lot lately too; our weather was been cold, wet, and so darn windy that I am just feeling so cooped up. I hope your allergies and vaccine side effects give you some relief soon.


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