Monthly Musings; Spring Cleaning

 With the last Thursday of the month it's time to link up with Holly and Patty for their Monthly Musings series.  This month we're answering lots of questions about spring cleaning. 

1.  Are you doing a spring cleaning this year? Not really.  I am going through and organizing different areas of the house though; like changing all our photos over into photo cases. I tend to work on small areas like this ALL the time. 

2. Favorite cleaning products? My Libman Freedom mop; with it's machine washable pads and fillable chamber I can use whatever I want to clean my floors and it's so easy to use and reuse. 

3. What is your must clean for every spring? I concentrate most of my cleaning outside each spring.  I have to clean off the patio, the deck, & all the gardens, otherwise it just doesn't feel like spring to me.  I do like to wash all the windows (that I can reach anyway) in the house.  



4. Any garage/ shed cleaning tips? Our shed & garage are cleaned out a few times each year.  I find staying on top of it (like any other cleaning project) helps keep it manageable. I also find it's worth investing in storage solutions to keep things in their place. 

5. Pat rack or Maire Kondo devotee? I have a vague idea of who Marie Kondo is but while I don't know her I know I am NOT a pack rat.  I am definitely a purge and everything in it's place kind of person.  I love bins and labels.

6. Best cleaning hack? I use a dollar store chenille sock on my Swiffer and we use it to clean the floors, walls, baseboards, etc.  The socks really trap the dust and are machine washable and fit on the Swiffer easily.  

7. Do you  have help with house cleaning? Yep! My boys always get assigned tasks and my husband often pitches in too.  

8. Favorite cleaning appliance? Our new robot vacuum!  I rarely feel like I need to vacuum the entire downstairs anymore.  It's such a big help.  

9. Run the dishwasher every night or just when full? This question made me laugh-- it implies that my dishwasher isn't full enough every night to run it... when in fact we run our dishwasher 2-3 times a day!  

10. Favorite way to donate or purge unneeded items? We don't have garbage pick up where we live so we have a dumpster that we rent year round.  If I can't find someone (or an organization) to give unwanted items to we just purge them in the dumpster.  

Linking up with:


  1. I admire your attention to detail and your orderly home!

  2. I am obsessed with your bins and organization. I wish my house could be this organized--and you have so many males in your house! How is this possible?

    The sock on the Swiffer is pure genius. I am totally going to try this.

    I love my robot vacuum too. I almost bought the Eufy but went with the Roomba. I so loves these things.

    Thanks for linking up with Holly and me.


    1. Sometimes it takes a few tries to find an organization system that everyone is willing to keep up with-- but I find that broad labels and a quick explanation of where things go helps them all pitch in. I just have to make sure it's not more work to keep it organized than it otherwise would be to put something away.

  3. I forgot about outdoor cleaning of flower beds and stuff -- you're right in that's where I focus most of my spring cleaning energy!

    1. I always want to make the most of our good weather seasons and spend time outside.

  4. Your home is so organized and I love the tip to use a sock for cleaning with the swiffer.

  5. Great idea about the sock on the swiffer! What do you do with your everyday garbage with no garbage pick up? That sounds hard!

    1. Most people either rent dumpsters (like we do) or have a large garbage cans they rent from our local waste management company and schedule their own private pick up. It's not really any extra work just an added expense.

  6. Sock on the swiffer is brilliant! Love my robot vacuum as well!!!!

  7. Oo robot vaccuum! I did that on a swiffer once, great tip.

    1. I am loving it! I've even been debating about a second one for the upstairs...

  8. Everything looks very organised and tidy! How's the robot vacuum? I am considering one too. Your dishwasher works VERY hard!

    1. I really like the robot vacuum! It works great; though our house is large and I have to run it at least twice a day before it gets all the little nooks and crannies cleaned. Our dishwasher does work hard. Between all the baking and cooking we do and the fact that the majority of us eat the majority of our meals at home it seems like that poor thing is always on.

  9. You are very organized! That is most of the battle with house cleaning.

  10. That mop looks great and I am so jealous of your organized pantry!


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