Meandering Through Mystic Aquarium

 We had a great time at the aquarium a few weeks ago and I took lots and lots of photos!  For some reason they uploaded in reverse so I'm actually showing you our trip backwards. 

We ended our day in the reptile building looking at frogs, lizards, and animatronic dinosaurs. 

This guy was extremely entertaining trying to climb the walls and the glass and he kept staring right at us.

Views of the piranha; there is an indented part of the tank where you can feel like you are standing in the middle of the river. 

While I love watching the fish, I found myself really fascinated by all the coral.  

I was also a little bit obsessed with the jelly fish and all the different varieties. 

A few of the tanks have beautiful stained glass sculptures inside.  They are so pretty. 

We watched the sea lions for quite some time as they were so active and playful! 

This penguin never left the corner of the glass and we were told he really loves being right up in people's faces. 

My favorites though are the beluga whales.  I tend to start and end each of my trips to the aquarium with a visit there.  The whales here love people and come right up to the glass to interact with everyone.  They love listening to music too if you hold your cell phone up to the glass they'll come right up to you. 

These two seagulls hung out in the parking lot all day hopping from car to car... luckily they didn't leave any "presents" for us.

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. What a great aquarium! I need to put it on my list.

  2. I haven't been to Mystic since highschool! Gotta put this aquarium on the list!

  3. Fab photos! My two boys love walking around aquariums. I think we will visit some more as things return to some kind of normal. Have a great week. :)

  4. beautiful. I would have loved to visit the palce. :)

  5. Looks like you had a fun time visiting the aquarium. Thanks for sharing your photos with us.

  6. Oh so much fun! I love how well jelly fish pictures always seem to turn out. Sea Lions are so much fun to watch. And penguins are just darn cute.

    1. I think the slow movement of the jelly fish work well with the slower shutter speeds for the low lighting photos.

  7. Oh, this makes me want to go back to the aquarium. Once Covid is over we'll have to do that because we haven't been for about five years. I love hearing the stories about how the animals interact with everyone. That's so fun!!!

  8. Oh wow, Joanne, these photos are so amazing! I really enjoyed the jellyfish and coral ones. I need to find a nearby aquarium to take my kids. I think the closest one might be hours from here! Thanks for linking.


    1. That's a bummer; I just love a good aquarium and tend to keep an eye out for them when we're travelling too.


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