Friday Favorites: Wrapping up the Past 2 Weeks

 I thought this would be a much more exciting Friday Favorites than it is... I had such high hopes for a fun April Vacation but Alec has been resting and icing his knee as much as possible so we mostly stayed home.  The weather was pretty lousy and cold and wet anyway so I took that opportunity to get things done around the house.  But first I'm rewinding up to where I left off on the Friday before Easter.

Friday April 2nd Alec had a small party to go to with a couple of school friends.  Before dropping him off we did a bit of shopping.  He needed some sneakers for track and field and I encouraged him to try and find some flip flops for summer too. I stopped to buy some crafting supplies and made a wreath while he was gone. 

After picking him up and arriving home we all decided we'd rather get take out so I ordered and Ian went to pick up pizzas (my husband worked until nearly 9 o'clock!). I got the boys to watch an episode of Modern Family with me and they seem to really enjoy it.

Saturday didn't turn out as planned. Alec skipped karate since he hurt his knee at practice on Thursday and was still limping around. I was waiting around for our new clothes dryer to be delivered only to get a call that it was still on backorder.  

 I spent my afternoon cleaning out the pantry, reorganizing it and that led to cleaning out and reorganizing the utility room. 

My mother in law came over for dinner on Easter Sunday. After the boys opened their chocolate bunnies and we had breakfast everyone scattered.  My husband went to work and I worked some more on swapping out our photo albums into photo holders.  

My husband and I went grocery shopping and then my husband and Ian headed over to work on my mother in law's house.  While I baked up some brownies for brownie sundaes then Evan and I headed out for a walk.  

Alec had a virtual day of school on Monday and the other two boys and I tried to work around him since he needed help a time or two.  We could not figure out how to edit one of his virtual worksheets his teacher assigned and it took quite awhile to get it figured out.

Once they were all done with lunch Evan and I headed out for another walk and then it was time for me to take Alec to track and field.  Though he spent all weekend icing and trying not to use his knee he felt good enough to practice.  Thankfully it was an hour shorter than usual as I think it was starting to hurt by the time we got home. 

Tuesday Ian headed to work and Alec settled in for another day of virtual school.  Evan and I had plans to meet up with friends at Roger William's Park for a talk on stormwater management.  We had plans to tour the botanical gardens and have a picnic afterwards; sadly the botanical gardens weren't open but we had fun walking around the park anyway.  My mother and mother-in-law were pitching in to make sure Alec made it to track and back home again. 

 All three boys had a half-day on Wednesday and I had plans to meet up with my mom while Alec was at track so her and I could go walking.  It was sunny and 70!  I even pulled out some patio furniture and sat in the sun reading my book before we left for track practice.  

My mom and I walked for over an hour around the cemetery near the school and then watched Alec practice with the javelin.  He figured he'd try the javelin for awhile and let his knee heal. 

My mom and I spent an hour walking around the cemetery

He's the one standing up in blue shirt and blue shorts

Ian was at work on Thursday and Alec's entire school was virtual on Thursday. I had plans to get so much done.. but I didn't.  Alec's practice was optional which was such a good thing as he was a little late.  Evan and I had gone for a walk just to the local park and I lost track of time so we were a few minutes late leaving the house then a very long train came and we sat at the light forever. 

I did meet up with my mom again while Alec was at practice and we walked for another hour or so in the cemetery. After dinner my husband asked if I wanted to go for a walk around the block and by bedtime my poor feet were so sore!  Thankfully I wore my comfy sneakers all day. It was great to get so much exercise in though and it has just been beautiful.

Friday Alec went into the building wearing his new super duper knee brace.  The other two boys and I completed schoolwork quickly and I slowly worked my way through my to do list managing to get everything but working in the garden done.  I even managed to get to the bank, the library, and get my car washed-- 3 things that hadn't been on my list!

Evan and I even squeezed in a hike.

I picked up Alec around 4:30 and was bummed to hear that they had practice right through spring break.  I really want him to rest his knee and I want a break from driving back and forth to the school... plus I was so hoping to find a way to add some day trips into our week while still having Alec keep his knee resting somehow.  

Saturday morning I began planning our anniversary trip.  My husband and I will have been married 20 years this coming May and while we wanted to do it up big we're settling for a long weekend in New Hampshire.  I also re-organized my closet and made room for my spring/summer clothes, cleaned out one of the gardens, and swapped some more photos into the cases getting rid of another few albums.

My husband and I went out for a date night then stopped by BJ's on the way home to stock up on some groceries. 

We spent Sunday cleaning up the patio and the side yard.  

Monday was the first day of Alec's April vacation and I decided to make it a vacation week for us all.  It was cold and cloudy though so we stayed inside and watched TV mostly.  I did get Ian signed up and paid for his college class for the fall and talked a bit about what else we're going to do for his senior year of high school.  

I was up bright and early on Tuesday.  They were delivering my new dryer! I can not recommend the brand Speed Queen enough.    

Then in the evening Evan's desk came in and Ian helped me put it together.  Evan loves it and can't wait for his computer to arrive. 

Wednesday we were all up and out of the house early.  We headed to Bass Pro Shops where Ian spent a bunch of his gift cards.

Then headed over to Patriot Place to check out Cupcake Charlie's and eat lunch at Five Guys. 

Eating a "Whirlie"-- they pick your favorite cupcake and swirl it with soft serve ice cream

I made each of the boys share a taste and it was really delicious.  I wasn't too sure about frosting in my ice cream but YUM!

Thursday was another cold and dreary day.  Evan and I headed out to go hiking but it started raining before we arrived so we elected to just drive back home.  I ended up going to get all our groceries done instead and then made up a huge salad and some Chex mix once I got home.

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Love seeing all of the blooms- spring is here! That peach top is really pretty on you too :)

    1. I'm pretty sure they're all going to be next week after today's snowstorm! I wasn't 100% sold on that date night outfit and almost changed twice. I like that top but wish the bottom was a bit different or looked better tucked in.

  2. I hope Alec's knee gets better soon. The ice cream sounds so good!

    1. I hope so too; but it basically sounds like what I have going on with my elbow and from what I'm reading just takes time to heal. He just wants to get up and get moving though.

  3. Poor Alec, I hope his knee is feeling much better! That peach top you wore on your date night is so pretty and I’m so glad you got an anniversary trip planned. I’m loving all the spring blooms. Have a great weekend.

    1. Aw, thank you! I hope you have a great weekend too.

  4. You're surely keeping busy and are getting so much accomplished! Hope your son's knee heals soon! My daughter kicked her toe yesterday right before dance class and the nail turned blue. Not good when you are a dancer and they are just about getting ready to start rehearsals!!
    Love the wildlife at the lake!!

    1. Oh no! I have broken my toe more than once and that is so painful... I can't even imagine trying to dance on it like that.

  5. Aww, I hope your son feels better soon. I love that you and your mom walked around the cemetery. I find they are peaceful and so interesting to walk around. Also, I always eat the chocolate bunny's ears first. :)

    1. Yes! Who doesn't eat the chocolate bunny's ears first?! I grew up near a cemetery and we used to walk around it and ride our bikes there too. It was always so quite and peaceful.

  6. Love all the walking that you and your mom I got to do. Look at you crossing things off that to-do list!! 👏🏻 You look gorgeous for your date night!

    1. Thank you! Hopefully we'll get a few more walks in this up coming week when Alec resumes track practice.

  7. We are going away in May for a few days too. You were quite busy. And i hoe Alec s knee heals quickly!

    1. Thank you! All he can really do is try to stay off it while it heals.

  8. That wreath is beautiful! You have such talent. I hope Alec is a fast healer. Yay for date nights. They are so much fun and so important.

    1. Thank you! I enjoy crafting... and date nights.

  9. Looks like you've had two productive weeks. Do the cases that you use for your photos come in standard photo sizes and keep the photo quality? Thank you for sharing your weeks. #WeekendCoffeeShare

    1. Yes, they are acid-free photo storage bins that hold up to 100 4x6 photos in each mini case (1,600 in total for the whole case).

  10. As always I loved your nature pics. Those brownie sundaes look the business & I adore your wreath. Wishing you a fabulous weekend.

  11. Seems PC is always icing something these days. Hope Alec's knee is feeling much better. Is he liking the javelin?
    Nice that you are able to walk with your mom. Do you stop and look at headstones in the cemetery or just walk around the perimeter? I love to visit cemeteries. Does that should creepy?
    Yay for date night. You look fabulous. That peach top is so pretty and what a great color on you. Pack that one for the anniversary trip!!

    1. He really is liking the javelin a lot! I look at the headstones of the ones we walk by; with so many small towns in our area many of the last names are quite familiar.

  12. Sounds like a great week. I love your wreath and that desk is awesome.

  13. I hope his knee is back to normal soon! The "whirlie" sounds yummy! The wreath turned out really cute!

    1. I hope so too; it's so hard to stay off something you need to use just to walk! The whirlies were so tasty; I decided next time we go I have to get one of my own.

  14. Such pretty spring blooms! Love your outfits.

  15. Love your front door! So pretty!

  16. Lots going on in your world - I was very impressed with all your container storage and the botanical gardens were lovely - I even pinned your flower pic because it was so pretty. Yay for icecreams and date nights and vacations!

    1. Thank you so much for the pin; I'm so happy to hear that you liked my photo so much.

  17. Isn't it AMAZING when the weather is nice and we can walk more?!?! We've been on April Break this past week too and we spent A LOT of time reading and walking. With our current restrictions, we just can't do anything else. sigh.

    1. We are supposed to have another week of fabulous weather this week and I'm already trying to plan a few hikes and walks around Alec's school schedule.

  18. Loved the pictures and the super organized closet and shelves. Impressive. Thanks for sharing. Michele

  19. So many tasty eats and beautiful outdoor time! That "whirlie" sounds delicious! I hope your son's knee is feeling better. I realized in the fall with my daughter playing field hockey that high school sports do not take holidays/vacations off! Hope you had a great weekend!

    1. Yep, we definitely learned that too; in fact a few of them meet 7 days a week!!

  20. My mother-in-law had Speed Queens for years and always raved about how good they were! Your date night outfit is so cute. I just can't seem to do the off the shoulder blouses, but I always think they look so cute on everyone else!

    1. I really can only do off the shoulder tops if I can wear a regular bra underneath; strapless bras and I just don't get along.

  21. Lots of good stuff here, Joanne! I chuckled at your list because it is so similar to how I do lists! I also enjoy a nice walk through a cemetery. Ever since I was a teenager, I have found so much solace in cemetery walks. And those brownies look amazing and now I want some! Thanks for sharing and linking with me.


    1. Me too; I used to ride my bike in our local cemetery and walk all around with my friends just talking and relaxing.


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