A Look Inside.. Our Fridge and Pantry

 Today's Let's Look with Shay and Erica has us all sharing a look inside our fridge and pantry.  Now I have covered these in the past but our fridge and pantry are always changing.

Right now both are STOCKED.  It is the first time since my pantry re-do (that I shared last January) where ALL of my bins are overflowing!  But it's a good problem to have and now that we have lived with this pantry for another year I have found that we have not once touched any of the arts or homeschooling supplies I had kept on hand.

With Alec in school full time & Ian heading off to work most days I am left with only one student-- Evan and he is not at all a hands on learner.  He hates projects, science experiments, and anything that makes learning take longer.  So I cleared out another whole shelf of supplies and rearranged things one more time. 

I bought one more 6 pack of bins and re-arranged a few things.  I haven't had time to make new labels yet but that's coming too.  

Our top shelf holds cleaning products, paper goods, and items I don't need on a day to day basis while the 2nd & 3rd shelf hold all the items we use to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  The bottom two shelves hold items used occasionally like baking goods, extra boxes of Ziploc bags, and party supplies. 

All three boys have started eating more and more fruits so we've had to reorganize the refrigerator too to hold more fresh fruits and vegetables.   Something that is not always so easy to do!  

We always have three bins of cut fresh fruit on the top shelf-- one with strawberries mixed with other berries (blueberries, raspberries, &/or blackberries), one with pineapple, and one with grapes.  It's amazing how much more fruit my boys eat when it's all prepped and ready to go.

We almost always have more fruits stacked beside the bins waiting to refill them.  The rest of the top shelf is taken up with milk and juice. 

Our second shelf holds bread, bagels, English muffins, etc. with butter and sometimes more fruit overflow.  

In our meat keeper we keep assorted cheeses, sandwich meat, hard boiled eggs, and overflow from our cream cheese/ hummus area. 

I almost always have a giant bowl of salad made; we eat salad nearly every single night and I have it for lunch most days too.  Behind the salad I often tuck supplies for making more salad (and possibly some excess fruit too).

Our bottom drawer holds cartons of eggs; usually a minimum of two.  Then either meat I am thawing for dinner, perhaps leftovers, or more than likely excess vegetables.

Our vegetable drawer is always overflowing as I try to keep spinach, romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, mushrooms and broccoli on hand at all times.

Our fruit drawer holds pears, apples, clementine's-- things that we refer to as hand fruits.  I also usually have a few lemons or limes on hand for flavoring water. 

Our door holds all the little bottles and containers and we have a lot of them!  We keep butter, hummus, and cream cheese in the top.  An assortment of salad dressings, yogurt, sour cream, condiments, and more are tossed in wherever they can fit!

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  1. Those baskets in the pantry are genius- they must help you to stay so organized!

  2. I was hoping to have my pantry all completed by the time the girls had this link up but I’m still waiting on a few baskets, LOL! Looks great my friend!

  3. You are so organized! My pantry is tiny, so it's harder to keep baskets in there.
    You're inspiring me to do something with it though. :)

    1. Our pantry was supposed to be less than 1/2 the size it is but when we were building our builder convinced us to give up the wall ovens and expand the pantry-- I am SO glad he did too!

  4. Love your large pantry and how you keep everything organized in the baskets! I have the same large Tupperware bowl (mine has a blue lid). That thing it's soooo helpful for so many things!! Probably my favorite Tupperware purchase ever!!
    Great idea to keep some salad ready to eat inside of it!

    1. Thank you! I inherited that bowl from my mother in law who just could not seem to get the lid on but I LOVE it and we use it all the time.

  5. Such a healthy refrigerator and good organization system for your pantry! Yes, healthy foods ready to go is always a good idea. Have a good day!

    1. I can't believe I hadn't thought of preparing the food and keeping it ready to eat before. It really only takes a few moments and we've all increased our intake of these healthy foods.

  6. You have such a spacious pantry! I'd love to have a bit more room in ours! And I love how organized it is. :o)

    1. We sure do! It is probably the only room in the house where I don't complain about storage.

  7. You are organized! And healthy! Love so much fruit.

  8. I love nosy posts like this where we get to see inside people's lives

  9. Joanne, You are so lucky to have a huge pantry and it looks so organized and same with the refrig.

    1. Aw, thank you! I do try to keep things as organized as possible since it cuts down on the endless questions of "where's the..." or "Do we have any.."

  10. JOANNE!!! YOU are SO ORGANIZED!!!!! {Do you like my all caps.?!?! LOL!} I just love it so much!!!! So beautiful!!!!!

  11. Joanne - I MUST ask ... why do you keep your bread in the fridge?? But I love how organized you are. Also, do you guys go through a ton of milk with all of your boys? I personally don't drink milk but my parents both go through milk like its water! lol! Haha!

    1. We don't use bread much and we were constantly throwing away loaves with mold on them; refrigerating seems to slow the growth of the mold. We used to go through a lot of milk (like 3 gallons a week) when my boys were little but once they became tweens/teens we rarely use more than a 1/2 gallon a week as we all drink water and only use milk in cereal or recipes.

  12. Oh wow! You are so organised Joanne! I really need to have a sort through our food cupboards. It is well overdue. :)

  13. Our family goes through a lot more fruit when it's pre-cut too! I just need to get in the habit of cutting it up -- we won't talk about the pineapple that's been sitting whole on our island for a week :)

    1. A pineapple would never last a week in our house... I think I bought 4 of them this week!

    2. Do you have a handy dandy pineapple corer/slicer? I found a new one on Amazon that has made preparing pineapple a breeze! (I ended up buying three more for family and friends).


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