10 Leftover Ham Recipes

We often cook up spiral hams for a Sunday Family dinner but with only 5 of us in the house we end up having lots and lots of leftovers.  Through the years I have gotten really good at using up small batches of ham to cook some really delicious dinners. 

1.  Ham and cheese quiche with or without crust.  

2.  Ham and Pea Macaroni and Cheese or Ham and Broccoli Mac and Cheese

3.  Cordon Blue & Broccoli Casserole

4.  Ham crescent wraps-- I haven't made these in ages but I used to roll out the crescent rolls, top with a bit of ham and some shredded cheese then roll them up and bake them according to the crescent roll package.  

5.  Ham salad-- I like to shred the ham in the food processor and mix with a bit of relish, mayonnaise, and celery. 

6.  Ham, broccoli, and rice casserole-- Using our favorite chicken, broccoli, and rice casserole recipe I just substitute diced ham for the chicken. Delicious!

7.  Ham and corn Sheppard's pie-- I don't have a separate recipe post for this one since it's so easy! I diced up some leftover ham, added two small cans of creamed corn and a 1/2 bag of frozen corn then topped it all off with some leftover mashed potatoes.  I baked it at 350 until browned and piping hot.

8. Macaroni salad with Ham and Cheese

9. Potato and ham chowder--  I use this recipe and just substitute ham in place of the chicken. 

10. Ham and Alfredo lasagna

Linking up with: On the Edge,


  1. Wow! These look great- thanks for sharing. We are having ham as part of our Easter brunch so these recipes are timely :)

  2. I'm now starving after all the wonderful food ideas. #MMBC

  3. We go through so much ham here, it usually ends up in sandwiches but you have given me some great ideas. I love the sound of the Ham, broccoli and rice casserole and putting it in a Shepherd's pie is just genius. x

  4. I always read "meat" recipes &s ee if I can sub out any veggie meat or tofu :)

  5. Ham is my FAVORITE meat, and I am all about the leftovers!! All of these recipes look delicious. And don't forget, you can add it to a bed of healthy greens with some cucumber, tomato, cheese, and salad dressing, and have a chef salad! That's my favorite way to eat the leftovers.

    1. Absolutely! I love adding a bit of meat and either fresh or dried fruit to my salads.

  6. I love ham and leftovers. I love soups with ham and then omelets as leftovers.

  7. So many of these sound so good! I've been thinking about doing some other than ham for Easter this year, but I think this post just changed my mind. :-)

    1. Ha! I wanted to bake up a ham this weekend after pulling this together.

  8. Why did I save this post until bedtime?! It's making me hungry and want to go eat ham & broccoli Mac n cheese. :)

    1. I was looking at the spiral hams this weekend after having put this post together! I'm ready to cook some up too.

  9. I have a ham in the freezer I plan to bring it out when Daughter & her family visit this summer. These will be good recipes to make with the leftovers. Karen

    1. I love stocking up on hams and turkeys during the holidays when they go on sale and keeping them on hand for when we have bigger crowds to feed.

  10. Every time we have ham there are so many leftovers! The ham and potato chowder sounds delicious and so does the lasagna!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. The lasagna is probably my favorite of them all! Chuck full of veggies that my boys don't even realize.

  11. I love ham and love to have leftovers to play with! Your Ham Alfredo Lasagna sounds amazing, as does the ham Shepherd's Pie, great ideas!

  12. Joanne, I love that you have all these recipes for leftovers! I am a big fan of creating new dishes from the leftovers in the fridge! I do like ham, but I usually prefer it by itself instead of mixed into things. That being said, a ham quiche is still right up my alley! Thanks for sharing and linking with me.


    1. I think I could eat quiche nearly every day if it weren't so calorie laden with the delicious crust and thick creamy goodness; I do have a crustless WW quiche but it's just not the same as the original.

  13. Congratulations, your awesome post is featured on Full Plate Thursday,530. Thanks so much for sharing with us and you have a very special weekend!
    Miz Helen


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