Friday Favorites: Ian's 17th Birthday Party

I can't believe we're wrapping up the month of April already and heading into May this weekend. The campground officially opens near us this weekend and that's usually a sign that things are going to get busy again. We'll start seeing more and more people around the neighborhood and more and more boats out on the lake. Alec had school in the building on Friday followed by practice. The other boys and I finished schoolwork in record time. Both Ian and Evan only have 2-3 subjects left before we're finished our schoolwork for the year. As soon as Ian was done he headed out to work on the neighbor's lawn. It was another very windy day so Evan and I spent our afternoon inside- we both miss hiking so much but it's been either really cold or really windy. Just before cooking dinner we did head out on a short walk to the mailbox and back as it was finally warming up and the wind was dying down. Saturday morning I was busy getti...