Photos of the Week: March 6th

For the 9th week of the I Spy photography challenge I STRUGGLED.  I don't know what it was but these prompts just threw me for a loop and I finally began snapping photos of just about anything and everything so I could come up with something to publish.  

– scrambled; Evan and I made scrambled eggs for breakfast. 

– sparkle; I make each of my cards with a little sparkle

– kitchen object; Freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, hot from the oven.  

– get low; While hiking I crouched down to get on level with this mini waterfall.  I just loved the ice formations on either side. 

– your choice; We're always to excited to see these birds show up in early spring because they are the first sign of spring! 

Linking up with:


  1. Those cookies look delicious. You have the best scenery on your hikes, too!

  2. I think you did great with the prompts, I especially love the waterfall one.

  3. Fabulous photos, the struggle was worth it to get these! CarolG

  4. You did really well with the prompts, can't tell that you struggled! Great compilation of photos!

  5. Fab photos!
    I love the cards that you make. They're so pretty. x

    1. Thanks! I am having lots of fun creating lately.

  6. You did great with the prompts and the photos, Joanne!! LOVE the waterfall picture and the ice on the side. Those cookies look delicious and make me want to bake some of my own today. Yay for the first signs of spring!!! I will be sharing my prompts tomorrow. :)

  7. I struggled this week too. I love that waterfall picture, especially the detail on the left hand side.

  8. Mmm, scrambled eggs. Nothing better with lots of salt and pepper. Glad for the birds' return. Spring can't be too far away.

  9. I like the eggs and cookies - I must be hungry!

  10. You must be overjoyed to see those signs of Spring...not too long now...

    Thanks so much for linking up for Life This Week. Next week, we are #11 and the optional prompt is Floral. Hope to see you there and in the meantime, may you be well, may you be safe and may you be content. Denyse.

    1. It has been so nice seeing signs of spring!

  11. Scrambled eggs, handmade cards, and homemade, fresh out of the oven chocolate chip cookies - these are definitely a few of my favorite things! Thanks for joining us at Create With Joy each week Joanne and always taking time to leave a nice comment. I SO appreciate you and I'm SO happy to feature you as our Friend of the Week at this week's Friendship Friday Party! :-) xoxo

    1. Thank you so much for hosting each week and for sharing me as a featured friend!!

  12. A delightful variety of images this week :)

    Your link is a welcome addition to My Corner of the World' this week!


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