March 2021 Monthly Musings

 Tomorrow is the last Thursday of the month and time for Monthly Musings with Patty and Holly.  This month we're looking at Spring traditions and activities.   

1.  Do you celebrate Easter or Passover? If so what are your traditions? Not really; when the boys were younger we used to participate in an egg hunt with their cousins and the boys each got an Easter Basket.  I even hosted Easter dinner a few times but as the boys got older we've done less and less.  Now I just make them each a card and give them a chocolate bunny.  

2. Favorite Spring tradition? Clearing off the patio and pulling out all the outdoor furniture.  

3. What spring activities are you and your family involved in? Spring shows a huge uptick in our hiking and we're even starting to hike with our hiking group once again.  This year Alec will be starting track & field so I'm sure that will keep us plenty busy. 

It's been a full year since we've seen or talked to most of our hiking group

4. What are you most looking forward to in spring? Warm weather, sunshine, and spending lots of time outside.  

5. Do you plant a garden/ flowers? I always put a few pots of flowers on our front steps and on our patio... but usually not until the end of May. 

6. Do you decorate your house for spring? A bit. I'll make a front door wreath with flowers and swap out our welcome mat to something colorful and spring like.  I do have floral décor scattered round most of the time so I don't add much in spring-- just a few cute signs or birds.   

7. Do you have a favorite spring meal? For some reason as the weather gets warmer I crave more fish/ seafood recipes... something that continues throughout the whole summer.  That and food cooked on the grill.  I love grilling.  

8. Does it feel like spring yet where you live? Sometimes.  We have some warm sunny days but we can have the occasional cold snap or even slow flurries still.

9. Will your spring look different this year due to Covid? Nope.  I don't think so.  Other than wearing a mask our state has relaxed most guidelines and we have plans to visit museums, zoos, aquariums, etc. like always. 

10. Have you dined outside yet this spring? We had a picnic one day while out hiking and we were hoping to have another this coming Friday but the weather is looking pretty rainy so we'll see.  

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  1. I love washing all the patio cushions and getting it all clean for the season!

  2. Love your patio set up and yeah for more hikes again- thanks for linking up!

    1. I have been loving our weather and hiking every day while it lasts.

  3. Looks like I can answer these - glad you linked up so that I remembered! Glad to hear your spring is looking good!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to find another matching one this year but it was just one of those things I stumbled upon at Michael's.

  5. I still make a small Easter nest with a few (teenage approved) goodies for the kids (teens) for Easter.
    Love your blue front door! Such a pretty color!

    1. Thank you! I have re-painted our door at least twice since we moved in but always seem to pick that same shade of blue since I just love it.

  6. We celebrate Easter and I can't believe it's right around the corner. We won't really do anything for spring break as we don't have any vacation time. But the weather has been so nice here this spring, so it feels like spring break every day. :)

    1. I didn't realize Easter was so early this year until I went to check out why Alec has next Friday off from school.

  7. I love picnics and can't wait to do more of those. We used to only do Easter dinner with family, but now with my girls being so young, we go all out!

  8. We had an outdoor mat very similar to yours. Love those colors. I didn't think about it, but most of the recipes I planned to make this month are seafood based. Didn't realize until you mentioned wanting to eat more seafood in the spring. I am hoping to make shrimp and cheese grits casserole. YUM.

    1. I have never had grits; it's just not a "thing" up north.

  9. We're entering autumn & this morning for the first time I could feel the cool in the air - it was 18 (celcius) at 5am & no humidity. Bliss. As for Easter? We exchange chocolate but no cards or anything else. I don't really eat chocolate so for me it's all about the hot cross bun.

    1. I'm the opposite; I love the chocolates and don't like the hot cross buns.

  10. You always have the most beautiful outdoor photos. Have a good weekend and thanks for linking up with us.



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