10 Things to Love About Spring

 Oh I just love spring!  When I saw that this month's 10 on the 10th was all about our favorite things about spring I had such a hard time narrowing down my choices to just 10.

Now spring here in New England can be rather finicky.  Some years spring comes early and heats up fast and other years spring seems more like an extension of winter.  I wrote this list hoping for one of those early springs! 

1.  The longer (hopefully warmer!) days -- seeing the sun more and being able to get out of the house after dinner and still have it light out is just wonderful. 

2.  Flowers start blooming, trees bud, grass grows-- I just love the explosion of green and seeing the flowers start to poke through, budding and blooming.  It makes me so happy to see so much color around after the dull winter. 

3.  Wearing flip flops-- I pretty much wear flip flops from the first warm spring day until the first frost/ snow in the fall.  I'd love to live somewhere that I could wear flip flops year round. 

4. Hiking even more often-- We hike year round whenever the weather allows but I just love spring hiking.  Seeing the leaves blooming and the forest slowly turning green is just fabulous.  Plus we tend to hike for longer stretches at a time. 

5. Winding down the school year-- Ever since we began homeschooling we seem to finish up our schoolwork much faster than the local public schools and I just love our easy winding down of the year. 

6.  Kayaking-- as soon as the water warms up we like to spend spring mornings kayaking around the lake. 

7.  Taking my breakfast outside to eat on the porch or patio-- As soon as it's warm enough in the morning I like to take my breakfast out on the patio and eat breakfast (or even lunch) listening to the birds and watching the water. 

8. Watching the birds-- I love watching the birds visiting or feeders; especially the hummingbirds! The sound birds are lots of fun to listen to and watch too. 

9. No more winter coats, hats, gloves, and boots!-- I really hate winter gear; I only just started dressing appropriately for our weather in the last few years but there is nothing I enjoy more than packing it all away for another year.  

10. Fresh foods!  With the return of spring we slowly start to see farmer's markets emerge and I just love eating fresh fruits and veggies. 

Linking up with: Lovin' life, 


  1. Yes to ALL OF THIS! So excited with the weather this week and can't wait to put on my first pair of flip flops :)

    1. I almost debated about putting on my flip flops today but it was still just a bit chilly.

  2. So much yes!! We had a hint of spring yesterday and it was glorious!

  3. I am SO ready for the school year to wind down!

  4. I love all of this! Your picture of the day lily with water drops is spectacular! I might wear shoes without socks today. Maybe :)

    1. I'd love to take credit but these aren't my photos. :)

  5. Yes to the warming days! And love being able to put away the winter stuff. It just get's piled up everywhere and it feels so much cleaner with it gone! ;) I'm hoping that we don't have an extended winter here too.

  6. I bet that is a good feeling to pack away all the winter gear! And yes, farmer's markets are a great sign of spring. Looking forward to that too. Great list!

  7. I’m so excited because I heard the hummingbirds are going to migrate back to Indiana the first week of April, my sugar water will be ready. It’s crazy though as much as I love walking outside and planting flowers and all that, spring is not my favorite season, LOL! But the hope is abundant!

    1. I can't wait to put out our sugar water again! I love spring; other than when my allergies flare up.

  8. When we were in TX in the summer we'd eat our breakfast outside and it was so nice. I should to that here sometimes too!

    1. I love it! It's such a relaxing way to start the day.

  9. When I saw the title of this, I smiled!! I love Spring so much. Eating outside is the best!

    1. It is! I can't wait to be able to do that again.

  10. Love so much of what you love about spring!! When will you guys finish your school year for this year? It's so nice to have that flexibility, isn't it?!

    1. I'm thinking we should be finished up by mid- May the latest.

  11. We've already started eating dinner on the back porch each evening and it's been so lovely! Bring on the warm weather and longer daylight!

    1. I am so jealous! We have at least another month or two before it will be warm enough to eat outside.

  12. Your photography is beautiful! Strawberry season is upon us here in South Louisiana and we are enjoying it. I'm definitely with you on flip flop season, too! Happy Spring!

    1. I just love fresh strawberries but they won't be ripe here until July!

  13. I can’t wait to kayak again!! I love hearing the birds chirping in the morning :) Thank you for sharing!!

  14. I love all of these.....I would love to kayaking...we do it sometimes when we're on vacation. I love wearing sandals as soon as I can as well.

    1. It is a lot of fun and a great way to enjoy the quiet on the lake; we've seen lots of birds and turtles that way by sneaking up on them.

  15. I love all of your reasons to like spring. I like the sunshine and not wearing heavy coats and scarves!

    1. I can not wait to soak in some sunny warmth.

  16. We had signs of spring a couple of weeks ago but the rain and grey weather has came back. The days are getting longer though which makes it feel like spring will be here soon.
    Gorgeous photos. The views are just amazing with you and the lake is beautiful x

    1. We have had a day or two here where it has warmed up enough for the ice and snow to melt but I keep bracing myself for another storm.

  17. Yes to al the fresh foods. I love picking veggies and fruits from my backyard. I can't wait for longer days either. Give me all the sunshine.

  18. I live in Florida... we pretty much skip spring and go straight to summer LOL... but strawberries are amazing when they are in season. So sweet!! I hate a sour strawberry.

    1. I think your winter is probably like our spring up here in Ct!

  19. Spring is my favorite season. When everything starts to turn green and you hear the birds singing. I love it!

    1. I love that too; everything looks so pretty as it starts to bloom.

  20. I am that person who wears thongs (flip flops) all year round. Yes, I know. I've never seen a humming bird (and would love to) and love going somewhere cold in the winter - even if its just for a long weekend - so I can wear my winter clothes. We're heading into autumn & I'm looking forward to cooler nights, no humidity and no cane toads lol. Great top 10 and thanks for linking up.

    1. I would LOVE to wear my flip flops year round... I typically have to pack them in once the frost/ ice/ snow show up but you better believe I can easily walk around all day at Disney or even go for a short hike in them!

  21. Wow - such beautiful photos! Great list...but I was just loving your photos!! Happy spring:)

  22. Ahhh, look at you going into spring as I throw on a sweater today for the first time in a long time for the onset of our Aussie autumn. While many parts of Australia stay warm year round, Canberra does not and I'm not looking forward to the winter ahead.
    Lovely photos.

    1. We were just talking about how your seasons down there are opposite of ours today!

  23. Yes to flip flops and watching birds! I love spring too.

    1. I've put on my flip flops a few times already this year and that made me so happy.


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