Staying Motivated With Healthy Habits

 This month's Not Just a Mom link up is all about staying motivated with our healthy habits and this link up could not have come at a better time for me!  I am looking for all the tips I can get to stay healthy. 

As many of you may know already I started Weight Watchers just under 2 years ago with my husband.  We dove into healthy living in a big way!  In just a year I managed to drop from a size 16 to a size 8 shedding nearly 40 lbs. in the process!  My husband lost 50 lbs. and also went down several clothing sizes. 

I put these before and after collages together in November of 2019; we had been on WW for nearly 8 months and I was struggling.. seeing these photos helped so much! 

Fast forward through a pandemic where our healthy food choices weren't always available, a major surgery for me that found me unable to exercise for 8+ weeks leading right into the holiday season and we are both struggling to get back on track. 

Our clothes are tight.  The numbers on the scale are much further away from goal weight than they used to be and it has been so cold that getting outside for walks and hikes (my preferred form of exercise) has been difficult.  

That same before photo taken in Oct 2018 and a photo I just took Feb. 3rd.

But I am not giving up!  When I feel myself losing momentum or feeling like it's a waste to keep on trying I do have a few things I do to keep myself motivated:

#1-- I blog about it!  Sharing it with others makes me feel more accountable and knowing I'm going to "report" back makes me try that much harder.

#2-- I re-read all my old weigh- in posts to remind myself of delicious low point meals I've found along the way, remind myself of workouts that I enjoyed and how I got through tough spots before. 

#3-- I head to Pinterest where I have boards labeled things like weight loss, workout motivation, Weight Watchers recipes, and more. 

#4-- Just do it.  Like Nike says sometimes you just have to do it.  When I really don't feel like working out I just make myself get up and do it.  I pop in a DVD or hit the treadmill and promise myself at least a 30 minute workout.  There are days where I am literally counting down the minutes but at least I've gotten some sort of workout in. 

#5-- Joining in with a friend helps so much.  There are days where I feel like ignoring my points and overindulging and funny enough they often coincide with days where my husband is going strong and seeing him eating healthy and exercising spurns me on and I certainly hope the same can be said in reverse.  I know I have stopped him from eating two pieces of pizza the other night when he was heating up his quiche just by asking him why he was doing that and recounting my day's walk and how well I was doing keeping under my points.  

#6-- Reminding myself of how good I feel! While my old posts are great for seeing progress it's not always as easy to remember how that progress feels.  In general I have so much more energy now and I'm not huffing and puffing when I walk up the stairs or hike up a (small) mountain.  My body can do so much more now and I don't want to go back to feeling that way! 

#7-- Think of only the one next thing.  Living healthy for life can sometimes feel like a marathon so I remind myself that I don't need to think that far ahead.  Just the one next thing I could/should do.  Maybe it's drink another glass of water, maybe it's go for a walk, maybe it's plan just my next meal.  Breaking down the lifelong choices into just one small choice each time helps me focus and not feel overwhelmed.  Feeling overwhelmed often just makes me want to give up altogether. 

#8-- Reward myself.  When I've really lost motivation I might buy myself a new workout DVD, exercise tool, workout clothes, or sneakers.  Sometimes something as simple as a new water bottle (I'm thinking of my Yeti here which has really motivated me to easily drink 60 ounces of water each day) helps spurn on my healthy habits and I am worth it! 

#9-- Show myself my progress!  Making photo comparisons like the ones above really help me too. Then I can visually see how much I've changed; something I don't really notice in the day to day living of life. 

What do you do to stay motivated?  We'd love for you to join us and link up below.  

Here are the topics for all our upcoming link ups which are always on the second Monday of the month!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness


  1. Great tips :) Your before and after pics are amazing - well done! :) #MMBC

  2. You look amazing! I love all of your tips. I know when I go too many days without exercise that I get crabby and irritable a lot quicker. A run outside always makes me feel better afterwards!

    1. Now that is one area of exercise that has never appealed to me; I only run when I'm being chased. LOL

  3. Wow!! This is great!! I love all these tips!!

  4. Great tips. I think I need more workout ideas, the treadmill isn't doing much for me at the moment!

    1. Yeah, I find that I need a much larger variety of exercise options in the winter.

  5. You know I am right there with you! I am glad you are doing this as well though. I agree that it’s easier to do it with someone. I keep trying to get my husband on the bandwagon with me, and he’s been talking about it a lot. He just hasn’t committed yet.

    1. It's harder when we're not both on board because then we end up buying junkier foods to snack on.

  6. Great tips friend. :) Remembering how good you felt/feel is a great motivator for sure. :)

  7. I love all your tips. Accountability has been a major point to keep me going. From blogging about it, checking in with friends/family and having others support.

    1. Yes, I find that blogging about it helps keep me more accountable.

  8. Yes, to all of this! Being out of our normal routine has been tough. I agree, Just do it!, and then it's done, even if it's not perfect.

    1. Exactly! Though often I am better at saying than actually doing.

  9. Wow! Your before and afters are amazing! You go, girl! (and your husband too!) You do a really great job of being outside and walking...I definitely don't get my steps in like I do when we are in school. I'm happy to do the workout, but I feel like I should do a better job going for walks. You are right though...just do it! It will be spring soon which will help with outside exercise.

    1. I look so forward to spring and getting outside when it's not quite so cold.

  10. Wow, definitely inspired by your weight loss journey! Keep it up!! I loved your #7 tip- the next one thing...that one stuck with me.

  11. Yes to all of these tips! Your before and afters are amazing! You are an inspiration!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  12. I'm so impressed by your Weight Watcher progress! One of my best friends lost 50 pounds with WW and swears it was the only diet that really felt sustainable long term. Your goals are all spot on-- I agree 100% with every single one!

    1. Thank you! I felt the same way when I found and started following WW; it seems quite sustainable over the long term.

  13. Joanne, you look fabulous and what wonderful progress you and your husband have made in the past few years. This last year has been difficult for so many of us as far as health and exercise. I had lost about 25 pounds going into this pandemic and had gained about 15 back by the summer. It annoyed me enough to take action and I am back to where I started but still about 15 pounds from my goal weight. I am starting a 21 day healthy challenge today actually. I am sure I will share about it on the blog at some point! Thanks for sharing your journey and linking with me. Keep up the great work!


    1. Thank you! I am really finding it hard to motivate myself to get back on track but I am determined not to give up!!

  14. As I was reading your post, the song "Just Do The Next Right Thing" from Frozen 2 was running through my head -- don't see it all big picture, just ask yourself, what is the next good step? I like that motivation from you. Also, I need to challenge myself that even a 30 minutes workout is better than NO workout.

    1. I haven't seen Frozen 2 yet! Heck I have even done 3 -10 minute workout throughout the day.

  15. Yall look great! Such motivation there. Your advice for staying motivated comes at a needed time for me. thanks!

    1. You're welcome! Now.... if only I could follow my own advice...


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