My Love Language

 So I must confess that when I saw this as the topic for this month's post I had no idea what to say about it!  I mean I've heard people talking of Love Languages before on their blogs but I haven't read anything about them.  I did take a few quick love language quizzes a few years ago when another blog questionnaire asked about love languages but even then I never bothered to look deeper into it.

I honestly can't remember what results I had gotten (or even when I took those quizzes or for what link up it was!) so I took another quick one this year.  

While Physical Touch came up as my Love Language I had to laugh at the percentages since they were nearly evenly matched across the board.

I wasn't all that surprised though as I am a touchy feely kind of person; as least where my husband and children are concerned.  

I love giving and getting random little gifts here and there. Something as simple as a mixed bouquet of flowers always brings a smile to my face as does a special treat like chocolate or a cookie.  Just anything that shows me someone was thinking of me.  

Full disclosure-- I bought this particular bouquet myself! 

I have made it a point through the years with my boys and my husband to make sure we all spend quality time together.  For Alec and I that typically means cooking up something delicious in the kitchen.  Evan and I often go hiking together.  My husband and I take date nights, go hiking together, take off on Ranger rides and spend lots of one on one time together now that our boys are older.  We try to getaway for a weekend every single year either for our anniversary or our birthdays-- even last year we managed an overnight trip to Maine when restrictions had lifted slightly through the summer.  I struggle the most with spending quality time with Ian particularly now that he has his license but I still make sure he knows he's loved. 

We all perform little acts of service for one another as well.  I will often jump in and do one of my boy's chores for them when they're busy or when I see that they are having fun with friends or an activity and I have the time to do so.  I am always helping my husband on the weekends with "his" chores or jobs; though sometimes I fully admit that I am not so much a helper as just company because I don't always have the skills to just jump in.  My husband is pretty goo about jumping in with a helping hand without being asked.  

We give lots of words of affirmation to one another as well.  Though I am the first to admit that I rarely take them to heart.  That is why this particular love language was probably my lowest scoring one.  I mean I like the words and I would miss them if all those affirmations suddenly went away but I've always thought that actions speak louder than words.  

What is your love language?

Linking up with: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. I can relate to everything you wrote here- we are alot alike- I LOVE how you share your love with your boys too- always inspirational and heart warming!

  2. Mine is acts of service for sure! Love that yours is a mix.

    1. Thank you! I made sure very early on in our marriage to tell my husband that I thought there was nothing sexier than a man that washes dishes or cleans house so he's often willing to pitch in!

  3. My husband is more of a physical person, he wants random hugs, kisses, and cuddles to make him feel special. I hate to admit it, but my love language is work around the house, and fun with the kids. Eric is very hands on with the kids, but it hits me hard when he's holding my daughters hand when they're walking, or when he's encouraging my son. Also, there is nothing better than when he cleans a whole room top to bottom, or when he just randomly cleans something and makes it spotless. Like, nothing better. I wonder if that makes me shallow...

  4. I always come up between words of affirmation or gifts... so that saying "buy me coffee & tell me I'm pretty" sums me up totally - HAHA

  5. I love how you can relate to all the love languages. I think mine is definitely acts of service followed maybe by quality time.

    1. Thanks! I think acts of service become so important to most of us women once we have kids and families to take care of.

  6. I love all the comments here. I have never stopped to think of what my love language is! I loved reading your post because I could have told you what yours was before you even told us. Just getting to know you over the years, it is clear. You can tell how much you love your husband and children from the pictures you share. It is so very clear on this blog how much love you exude in the home you make for your family.

    My love language would be acts of service too because my husband has been away from most of the kids' childhood with his long hours. So when he is home and can help me, it is so loving in how he wants to contribute.

    1. Aw, this is just the sweetest compliment ever, Kari!! Thank you.

  7. Mine is a bit of a mix too I am pretty sure. But I do remember that physical touch is pretty low on the list. I don't know if that will change once I don't have kids on top of me all the time...

    1. Oh yes, I never would have had touch on my list when my kids were little. In fact I can distinctly remember telling my husband at one point that the last thing I wanted at the end of the day for someone else to touch me after having a human being attached to me for most of the day! Breastfeeding took all that desire for any touch right out of me.

  8. My womens group was talking about this a couple of months ago and up to then I hadn't really given it much thought. I like to do little things for hubby and food is always the way I show love. Physical touch is also high on my list. He likes to be of use so will show affection by making tea or cooking dinner or running errands. Words aren't high on my list either - which is weird given that I write love stories.

    1. That is funny! I love words and I do enjoy hearing them.. they just don't seem to make as much of an impact on me.

  9. What a fun post! My love language is quality time and it's right on. Acts of service or gifts aren't high on my list but it is with my son. Lol

    Maureen |

  10. Thanks for the great peek into your life. You all look and sound like a lovely family!

  11. Thank you for sharing these photos and the little glimpse into your life, Joanne. I find love languages fascinating. I think mine are acts of service and words of affirmation. Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours. Thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Community.

  12. Joanne, this was so fun to read about your love language. It did prompt me to go take a few different love language quizzes and I got different answers on each! Acts of service and words of encouragement are apparently my thing. I think I agree as I am not much for receiving gifts but I do like to surprise others with small token gifts to show I was thinking of them.


    1. I forgot to say how much I adore that first photo of you and your husband! So beautiful!


    2. Aw, thank you! My son snapped that photo of us as were heading out to a funeral. I like to give gifts too.

  13. Mine is apparently words of affirmation. Interesting! I hadn't taken the quiz until I read this, so thanks for the prompt!


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