Friday Favorites: The Last Week of February

 We ended up having a great week with a teasing of  spring.  It was warm and sunny most days and we really tried to take advantage of that whenever we could.

It was still snowing when we woke on Friday.  The storm system had started Thursday afternoon around 1:30 and was forecasted to last until late Friday night.  

Needless to say Alec's school was all virtual with teachers working from home.  I know so many teachers and students are disappointed to lose their snow days but we are loving this set up and knowing that school will still end in early June! Alec made an origami crow for extra credit in World History and finished up his unit in Spanish with a test. 

Alec's origami crow

Ian had a hair cut mid-day and it was rather weird for us all that he was leaving, heading out to lunch, and then running errands afterwards.  Alec went sledding after school and I snuggled up to finish reading my latest book. 

The sun was shining when we got up on Saturday.  I made a get well card and then Alec and I headed to karate.  He got to spar for the first time in over a year.  

Saturday afternoon I went with my husband to his aunt and uncles house where he worked on their heat pump and I got to visit with his aunt. We always have the best time together.  Then I got ready for date night.

My husband and I headed to Texas Roadhouse and then did a quick run to BJ's on the way home.  

I spent the day on Sunday hanging out at home.  I put a roast in the crock pot and worked on getting all the laundry done.  In the afternoon my husband started cutting the boards for our butcher block countertop he's making.  

Once we were done cutting boards we went to pick up a grocery order from Stop & Shop and then prepared dinner together.  

Monday was a pretty quiet day at home with more snow in the forecast.  Ian headed out to work in the afternoon and our snow showed up as rain.  I snuggled up with comfy clothes and did lots of reading.

Ian headed off to work Tuesday morning and Alec and Evan settled down to work on their schooling.  As soon as lunch was over, Evan and I left Alec to his work and we set off on a hike.  It was a bit slushy since it was 40 degrees out and the snow was melting but it felt wonderful to hike with just a sweatshirt on!!  

It was another beautiful day on Wednesday.  As soon as lunch was over Evan and I went hiking once again.  We hiked for just over an hour.  

Alec was in the building for school on Thursday so after I dropped him off the other two boys and I got to work on their schooling.  Evan and I headed out for one last hour long hike before picking Alec up from school. 

Alec and Ian had dentist appointments and they both had a great cleaning.  Then we went home, had a quick meal and my husband and I set out grocery shopping yet again!.. sometimes I feel like I live at the grocery store. 

Linking up with:


  1. That hike looks beautiful!! Glad you and your husband were able to have a date night!!

  2. Yay for date night, your hikes are always gorgeous!

  3. Date night, yay! And you looked so cute. Love the beautiful nature pics as always. Have a sweet weekend.

  4. It was such a snowy month!! Your wintry outfits are so chic and cozy.

    1. It really was quite snowy. We haven't had that much snow in one month in years.

  5. Love all of your hikes and amazing pics to show for them! Happy Friday!

  6. Your hiking pics are beautiful! Snow is so picturesque but I can't wait for Spring to arrive and to get back on the hiking trails! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you! I can't wait for spring either; it was downright treacherous at times trying to hike in the icy/snow today.

  7. I love all of those snow pictures! Y'all have had a ton lately!

  8. Looks like a nice hike! After it's been cold for so long I know how nice it is to be able to go out in just a sweatshirt! And how nice you were able to fit in a date night! Your outfit is cute!

  9. I love your hiking posts; they are so beautiful. You look great. :)

    1. Thanks! I am trying not to get discouraged that the numbers on the scale aren't changing but I am eating well and getting moving a lot and feel great.

  10. I love the snowy pictures. I hate when the snow melts and everything is muddy!

  11. Walking through the snowy woods is so pretty!

  12. JoAnne,
    Great scenery on your hikes!! Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  13. Beautiful hiking pictures, per usual!! Loved your date night outfit!

    Lisa’s Two Cents

  14. I have to say that I'm glad the snow has gone here. But it does look beautiful! Enjoy your weekend!

  15. Wow it's still cold there! I am in Florida and we just skipped spring and went straight to summer. UGH! I love your outfits! Wish I didn't have to pack my winter clothes away. Now I have to shop for summer clothes. Which should be fun right???

    Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Yep, we were thrilled it was in the 40's this week. It felt like such a heatwave.

  16. Your hikes are just so beautiful...keep the pictures coming. I definitely felt like I lived at the store this week. I think I went everyday, because I kept finding things I needed. I did a big shop Friday and hop that will be it for a week at least. Have a good weekend!

    1. Aw, thank you! Glad to know I'm not the only one that seems to be buying food constantly.

  17. How wonderful to have some warmer weather. The snow is so pretty though.
    The origami looks fab! Great work.
    That is great that Alec got to go to karate and spar.
    Good luck to your husband with the butchers block countertop. I hope you share more photos or the progress x

    1. Thank you. I sure will try; though he often works on them when I'm not around.

  18. So nice to get to visit with family. You looked so cute for date night. Love Texas Roadhouse. More gorgeous photos!

  19. Cozy time is just the best, especially in these cold and snowy times! :)

  20. You might feel like you live at the grocery store but from your blog it looks like you live in the woods! So many great hikes this week!

    1. I never thought of it that way! We do spend a lot of time in the woods too.

  21. I love these pictures. The one through the screen looks like a canvas. I love your date night outfit!


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