Snowy Scenes

 We've already had a few storms this year and while I am not a huge fan of the cold or, even worse, feeling wet and cold, I do have to admit that I just love the LOOK of snow and a good storm.  Everything is so pretty covered in snow and when the sun comes out it's like everything is covered in sparkles. 

Linking Up With: Mid- Week link up,


  1. These are beautiful snowy pictures. I love the sun shining on freshly fallen snow and turning it all to diamonds.

  2. These pictures are so beautiful!! Where I live we rarely get snow, so I enjoy seeing the snow that others get!

  3. How gorgeous!!! Here in Alabama, our winters are cold and dry, so I loved seeing all this pretty snow!!

    1. Our winters are rarely dry; though lately we've had more rain than snow.

  4. I'm so sad we haven't had much snow. I mean I know we still have plenty of time (we've had snow in April before), but if it's going to be cold, we may as well have snow.

    1. I am starting to feel the same way! I mean I'd prefer warm and sunny but if it's going to be cold anyway I wouldn't mind the snow. It's better than the cold rain we've been having.

  5. Wasn’t it amazing? That’s exactly how things looked at our house last weekend and it took my breath away! I want more now!

    1. We haven't had any snow since before Christmas and it was all gone just as suddenly as it arrived. It's been such a weird winter with snow storms so far and few between.

  6. Oh my goodness, these pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing so those of us in the south who may not see much snow this season.

  7. What a beautiful place you live in! These photographs are stunning, straight out of a non-fiction winter book.

  8. Gah! I love these. I find the photos never look as good as real life, but you've done a great job to capture. We haven't had snow for a few weeks, but apparently we are headed for a "Polar Vortex" soon.

    1. Oh I agree! It always looks even better in person.

  9. I love how branches look when they're covered with snow!

  10. Oh my goodness, what I wouldn't give to have some snow right now! Our kiddos want it in the worst way, but it's just so rare here. We tend to get it every 4-5 years, but we're almost due. All of these pictures are just beautiful!

    1. We don't seem to get nearly as much snow as we used to but I know we're most likely in for at least few more storms before our season is up.

  11. so gorgeous. I am the same as you. I dont want to be outside getting cold but I love the look of fresh snow.

    1. LOL. It's just so pretty but frustrating to have to actually deal with.

  12. It looks so cold but so pretty


  13. Wow! Those snowy scenes are so beautiful! I am not a fan of winter either. I love when it snows but as soon as it stops, I want all the snow to melt immediately. :)

    1. That's pretty much what's been happening this year and I can't say I mind it.

  14. WOW! Love the enchanting winter wonderland! These captures are such a treat for us living in the tropics!

    Happy Thursday!

  15. Oh how great, the snow can enchant a whole world and when there is also a blue sky and sunshine it is incredibly beautiful!

  16. Joanne,
    Absolutely stunning pictures!! Gorgeous!!
    Thanks so much for visiting!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

  17. These photos are absolutely fabulous!! What a lovely place for winter images.

    A lovely addition to 'My Corner of the World' this week! Thanks for linking!

  18. Fabulous snow photos. Slightly envious as we've had a sprinkling that didn't settle. #mmbc

    1. We've had many storms that have turned to rain that washes all the snow away before we can ever get outside but just a few that have actually stuck to the ground.

  19. So many gorgeous shots. It's hard to choose a favorite. I love the contrast of the snow on the trees.


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