Friday Favorites: The Week We Celebrated Alec Turning 15

 We had another great week.  By Thursday morning I was feeling so good with all that we had accomplished.  I love that kind of week!

Alec came home from school Friday with a whole stack of baked goods-- 2 donuts, a few pieces of puff pastry, a slice of carrot cake... I just had to sample each one!  While he had been at school Evan, Ian and I got a huge stack of schoolwork done and then cleaned the downstairs.  Ian headed off to work on his four wheeler for the afternoon; every now and then I'm just struck by how weird it feels to have a nearly adult son that can just drive where he wants and works with all sorts of tools by himself!  We ended our night with some unexpected take out.  The Black Dog is one of our favorite restaurants and we had a delicious meal in front of the TV watching The Goldbergs and the latest Last Man Standing. 

Ian headed off to work on Saturday and the younger two boys went out with my mother in law for breakfast.  I worked on making a card for Alec's birthday and wrapping all his gifts.  

Alec headed back to karate for the first time since the beginning of December.  Watching him learn new skills is always a favorite of mine. 

In the afternoon Alec and I worked together to make some bread, a sourdough starter, and some delicious raspberry/white chocolate brownies.  

We were having a small party for Alec on Sunday so we spent the morning cleaning house.  I also had time to work on some scrapbook pages before everyone arrived.

We just had the grandparents over and got take out pizza.  Alec's blondies were a big hit!  

We had friends coming to visit on Monday so we took the day off from school. Alec had decided he wanted to try making croissants from scratch again and spent most of the day on Sunday getting the dough ready so he just had to roll them out, cut them into triangles, roll them into shape, and let them proof one last time before baking. 

We had a great day with our friends and we all got to visit for nearly 6 hours! 

Ian headed to work on Tuesday and both Alec and Evan settled in for a day of schooling.  Our day flew by and while we had planned on hiking in the afternoon I forgot that I was going to be cooking up a whole turkey in the afternoon and needed to stick close to home.  

We walked up the road to get the mailbox and within minutes of arriving home it began to snow!  We only got a light dusting but I was glad we were nice and warm in the house. 

Alec has 1/2 days on Wednesdays and since I had an early morning doctor's appointment the other two boys had a shortened day of school as well.  Alec completed his entire  Freshman Honors Algebra course while I was gone-- it's not even quite 1/2 way through their school year! 

Once I got home from my check up and we all ate lunch and then Ian headed out to work on his jet ski.  he's working on redoing the fiberglass bottom on our old jet ski this winter.  The other boys and I set out on a hike.  We ended up hiking for nearly 2 hours.  It was snowing and the temperature had dropped quite a bit by the time we got back to the car. 

After our hike Alec and I worked on his marijuana report for health class while the other two boys got ready to leave with my husband to go get haircuts.  They brought home D'angelo sandwiches and subs for dinner.  

We woke to another beautiful sunrise on Thursday. Ian headed off to work and Alec settled at his computer while Evan and I worked at the table.  We were all finished by lunchtime. Alec started Sophomore Geometry and with the pre-assessment landed about 50% of the way through the program!! And yet he's worried about having to take some practical assessment tests in Algebra when he gets back to the building.   I think he'll be just fine (though why they wait until the end of the whole course to give what are essentially mini tests of each unit he's covered this year is beyond me).  

We had more snow flurries in the afternoon so we didn't squeeze in a walk but enjoyed a quiet afternoon at home.  I helped Alec finish up an essay for Health class and then read my book while folding laundry-- lots and lots of laundry.  

How was your week?

Linking up with: A Morning Cup of Joe,  On the Edge, 


  1. Looks like another great week! Love your view for the sunrise-what a beautiful view! Have a great day!

  2. Happy birthday to Alec!! That sunrise is gorgeous!!

  3. Happy birthday, Alec! Those blondies look so yummy!!

  4. Happy Birthday Alec! The brownies look amazing! Thank you also for sharing more of your beautiful sunsets- just stunning!

  5. Those white chocolate brownies look INCREDIBLE! Happy birthday to your son! I always love seeing your nature pictures - stunning!

    1. They were incredible; and he served them with ice cream which was a huge hit with everyone.

  6. Happy Birthday Alec. Yay for having some quality time with friends! I love the scrapbook pages. You know not only did I used a scrapbook but I used to judge for 4H scrapbooking, I would definitely give those blue ribbons! Have a great weekend!

  7. Those cheesecake brownies look amazing! All of the baked goods, too! Happy birthday! What a good week with all kinds of good stuff!

    1. Sometimes I joke we have too many goodies here.

  8. Those croissants look so good! I need to get a sourdough starter... started. Hehe. My husband and I love Last Man Standing! I absolutely love they had "Tim" on an episode. Matt and always love the Home Improvement jokes (as well as the Santa Clause and Toy Story ones) they have put on the show in the past. Have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, we do too! We re-watched the WHOLE Home Improvement series with our boys and they just loved it so they get all the jokes too.

  9. Croissants from scratch: that is impressive: Today, I am sharing my two favorite bread recipes on the blog. Beautiful sunrises!

  10. I love your creative cards and scrapbook pages. I used to do both, and still have most of my supplies, but haven't created anything in years. Something I hope to pick back up again soon (along with embroidery)! And those croissants, they look amazing!

    1. Aw, thank you! I took a break for a few years myself when my boys were younger but once I fell back into it I remembered how much I always enjoyed it.

  11. I have that wood/metal utensil that Alec got! We love it for pancakes, muffins, and other baked things we don't need the stand mixer for.

  12. What a busy, fun week with a beautiful snow and sky! The homemade bread and croissants look amazing. Happy birthday to your boy and have a good weekend!

  13. That sounds like a great week. I want the croissant recipe and the raspberry brownies recipe. They both sound delicious!!!

    1. I shared a link to the croissant recipe we used in this post: and I'll have to consult with him to see what he used for the raspberry brownies. I know it was a recipe he found through Pinterest so it should be easy to track back down (he's better at keeping his boards organized than I am).

  14. Happy birthday Alec! The food pictures make me hungry!

  15. Looks like a great week celebrating Alec! Happy 15th to him!!

  16. Sounds like a wonderful week! Those raspberry white chocolate brownies sound delicious! And happy birthday to Alec!

  17. Happy birthday Alec! Those brownies look delish!!!

  18. Happy Birthday Alec. I love that you guys bake together. Sounds like a great week!!!

  19. That does look like a great week! Those raspberry blondes look delicious and you know I love those sunrises! Thanks for sharing them! Have a great weekend!

  20. Just gorgeous! Happy Birthday to Alec. The food all looks so good.
    Blessings, Dawn

  21. Happy Birthday to Alec! Looks like he had a great day and some tasty treats! I'm hoping for some more snow soon! Hope you had a great weekend!

  22. Looks like a great week! Pokemon cereal? Wow! You just never know what they'll come up with these days. Those Blondies look really good.

    1. Right?! I couldn't believe my mother in law found that Pokemon cereal at Walmart!

  23. So much goodness here, Joanne! Happy Birthday to Alec!



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