Winter Bucket List & How We Did on our Christmas Bucket List

Leslie from One Upon a Time & Happily Ever After is hosting a link up today for winter bucket lists.  It feels like I just shared my Christmas bucket list but Christmas is this week and the time sure had flown right by.  I always like to look back at my old bucket list and see how I did before sharing my new one. 

Let's see how our Christmas Bucket List is shaping up before we dive into our new Winter Bucket List!

1.  Watch Elf, The Holiday, Love Actually, & Christmas Vacation plus as many other holiday favorite movies I can squeeze in-- Check! I think we watched ALL the Christmas movies. 

2.  Bake up two new dessert recipes-- Check! We made Rolo Turtle & M&M pretzel bites as well as our mini cranberry cheesecakes. 

3. Put together a holiday puzzle-- Check! 

4. Listen to some Christmas music-- Check! 

5.  Go and see some lights!-- While we did sees some lights it was just while we were driving at night and not with any real intention so I'm giving us 1/2 a check! 

6. Read a Christmas book by the fire with some hot cocoa- Check! 

7. Try something fun and new for Christmas breakfast/brunch-- Nope! We settled on making homemade croissants, scrambled eggs, bacon, and fruit salad.  A new menu but no new recipes and we're all really excited about it. 

8. Help Alec make our very first sugar cookie "gingerbread" house from scratch-- Check! 

Not too shabby at all!!  

Winter Bucket List:

1. Make hot cocoa bombs!  

2. Find some sort of photo challenge for either the winter season or one for each month of winter. 

3.  Invite a few friends over for a winter camp/bonfire.

4. Go snowshoeing!  We still have not used our snowshoes we got last Christmas but I'm hopeful we can use them this winter for at least one hike.  

5. Enjoy a mini winter getaway

6. Go hiking.

7.  Go sledding

8. Have a family game night

9. Get a new bird feeder and take note of the birds we get to visit. 

10. Keep our family movie nights going! 

11. Put together a new puzzle

12. Read a book by the fire

13. Try a few new recipes-- a Winter Recipe Bucket List will be on the blog next month! 

14. Try making our own sourdough bread with "wild" yeast (see how here)

15. Celebrate Alec's birthday with a little party.  

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness, Centerpiece Wednesday

JENerally Informed


  1. Lovely list! All sounds pretty perfect to me. Those Rolo Turtle & M&M pretzel bites look fiddly to make but sound delicious #MMBC

    1. Other than unwrapping the Rolo candies they were quite simple to make and so quick too. I put my kids to work unwrapping and laying out the Rolos on top of the pretzels.

  2. What a great bucket list. The sugar cookie gingerbread house looks amazing. I think I may try that with my kids as they are really not keen on gingerbread but love making the houses. I do have a chocolate one to make with them though. You can't beat hot chocolate and good book by the fire.

    1. I was trying to talk him into making a chocolate house next year!

  3. You have the perfect list! Love the gingerbread house!

  4. I am still so impressed with the sugar cookie gingerbread house! It looks amazing! Yum, the Rollo pretzel bites looks super easy, and so good!! Have a wonderful day!

    1. I was pretty amazed myself; I wasn't all that confident the sugar cookie house would work.

  5. You did a great job on your list! I want to make hot cocoa bombs, but am still waiting for my molds. Ordered on the 7th, they are supposed to arrive today by 8pm, but since they are coming via USPS I don't have high hopes. Now you've made me want to start a sour dough starter.

    1. Yeah, we haven't been having great luck with USPS either; we did just get our bomb molds in though so hopefully we'll get around to making some soon.

  6. The sugar cookie house came out awesome! You are both so talented- always love reading your bucket lists

    1. It really did! I was so afraid it was going to fall apart; especially when I saw how thin the cookies turned out but it help up great to all that candy.

  7. Nice winter bucket list - wishing you happy holidays! #MMBC

  8. These are some great traditions! My husband and I used to watch Love Actually every weekend before Christmas together and then stopped a few years ago. We watched it this past weekend, and it was so much fun!

    1. I love that movie! But I watch it alone.. usually while wrapping gifts.

  9. We're still working on our Christmas bucket list. We've watched plenty of films and done a bit of baking. I love the look of your M&M pretzel bites and the gingerbread house looks fab! x

    1. I'm sure we'll be keeping up the Christmas fun but I am so happy we got everything ticked off our list this early!

  10. You definitely did great on the Christmas bucket list! I still want to read a Christmas book but with it being only four days to Christmas, I think that's unrealistic. I did a fall bucket list in early October and didn't cross of most of my items. I guess I'll do a winter bucket list anyway. #MMBC

    1. LOL, maybe you'll be more intentional about the bucket list this time around. I'll fully admit that when we started making bucket lists we were awful about remembering what we put on them and actually getting things done but I've gotten much better about checking in on our list every week or so and seeing what we could/should tackle next.

  11. Lots of cozy things for the winter to look forward to! We have lots of cardinals in our yard usually, but we can't put up a birdfeeder, there are too many squirrels!

    1. We lost our last feeder to the squirrels! It was suction- cupped to our window and a few intrepid squirrels made the JUMP from our railing to the top of the birdfeeder knocking it right off the house.

  12. I want to try those hot chocolate bombs, seems there is a special mold needed for making them. I guess my Christmas & Winter bucket list is together. I like your snow bonfire idea. We like to do that & roast marshmallow on those not so cold snow days.

    1. I found a few different bloggers used different molds for their hot cocoa bombs but I have heard they need to be fairly good sized so they hold enough hot cocoa to make a good mug of chocolate.

  13. Thank you so much for joining me. Great job on your Christmas bucket list. I missed making one this year. Wound up adding some of those activities to my winter bucket list instead. The Gingerbread/ sugar cookie house turned out great. There's something to be said about preparing familiar recipes, especially in a year that's been so unfamiliar. Will look forward to your hot cocoa bombs, and your recipe bucket list. Good job on movie night, game night and completing a puzzle. We are gingerly beginning to explore game nights ourselves. Kind of fun.

    1. I used to do a Christmas/winter bucket list in one but found I completely dropped the ball on it once Christmas passed. I'm hopeful that by dividing them up I'll be more intentional about my winter list.

  14. You guys did great. I want to make cocoa bombs too. My girls love hot cocoa and these would be fun. Have a great week!

  15. We need to get started on our Christmas puzzle! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. We just started a winter puzzle this weekend but I think this one is going to be quite difficult.

  16. Great Christmas bucket list! I love that puzzle. It looks like it would be tough to put together! Your sugar cookie house looks beautiful! I have never heard of using sugar cookies but I like that idea. Merry Christmas!

    1. I actually found that puzzle to be quite easy to put together. I was surprised! We had never heard of using sugar cookies for a house either but thought we'd like it better.

  17. I mean, just keep checking it all off - that's awesome!!!

    1. Thank you; I was pretty impressed to realize we had accomplished all of it already!

  18. What a wonderful list of fun family things to do! The cranberry cheesecakes look delicious, and the sugar cookie house turned out great! Thanks for linking up with me too.

  19. You've had a great month, Joanne!! I want to make those pretzel rolo cashew bites. I think they look delicious. And I love the winter puzzle! We just can't seem to finish one over here before the 3 year old comes by and bumps a bunch of pieces around, LOL.

    1. Oh I bet; puzzles are tricky with young kids... or cats. Our cat used to like to jump up on the table and take off with random pieces!

  20. I love your list. I started making sourdough bread and I LOVE it. I'm also looking at joining in on some photo challenges. A puzzle is on my list as well. I joined in on the bucket list too.

    1. I love sourdough bread but have never tried making it myself before. We've had lots of luck with other types of breads and that's next on my list!

  21. Awesome winter bucket list. Love the fireplace scene - perfect for sipping hot chocolate.

    1. Thanks! It is one of my favorite places in winter-- by the fire with some hot cocoa and either a good book or a good movie.

  22. I love it, Joanne! I have really been enjoying reading in front of the fireplace lately. No outdoor winter activities for me though, I'm too cold! Thanks for linking!


    1. I've been getting better about buying real/actual winter gear and that helps me stay warmer outside.

  23. I love your lists Joanne. Reading them makes me feel cozy. Okay, so snowshoeing may not be described as cozy, but sipping a warm drink by the fire afterwards sure does. Happy winter to you and good luck with your bucket list!

    1. I don't know, snowshoeing does make me quite warm pretty quickly! It is quite a workout.

  24. Hello, this is one of my favorites for Encouraging Hearts and Home, this week! I hope you stop by and say hello, this post has been pinned! Thank you for being a part of Encouraging Hearts and Home, we appreciate all that you share. Have a great week ahead!

  25. I'm belatedly catching up on some blog reading! I didn't actually read any Christmas books this year. Boo! And we had hot chocolate bombs but I can't imagine actually making them. I am curious to hear how they work out.

    1. I was hoping we'd get around to making some this week but that hasn't happened. I have heard they're not all that difficult to make.


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