What's Up Wednesday-- December 2020

I know it's not the last Wednesday of the month but with Christmas this week & New Year's next week  I'll be taking a couple mini blogging breaks so I'm trying to squeeze in some last minute posts to wrap up our year.   
What We're Eating This Week: 
Sunday: We ate Christmas brunch at my in laws so we planned a light "sandwiches" dinner and everyone made their own sandwiches. 

Monday: Italian herb marinated chicken with rice and roasted fresh vegetables from our Misfits box. 

Tuesday: Tacos and taco salad.

Wednesday: Fish casserole (with homemade chicken fingers and baked potatoes for the boys)

Thursday: X-mas eve we go to my mom's house and eat take out pizza with assorted nibbles and desserts. 

Friday: We're hosting Christmas brunch and cooking up scrambled eggs, bacon, and homemade croissants before heading to my in law's house for dinner. 

What I'm Reminiscing About:  Past Christmases!  We've been telling all sorts of family stories-- like the year Santa came back when we were at brunch because he found a few missing presents on his sleigh. 

What I'm Loving: My new Color Street nail wraps; I 've tried them on a few nails and both times the nail wraps lasted a full week! (even then they still looked great but I was ready for a change on all the other nails that looked chipped.  This week I am doing a full hand of wraps in a beautiful blue glitter to go with my holiday outfit(s). 

What We've Been Up To: We did a lot of hiking this month!  We started our month with a quarantine but none of us showed any signs of symptoms.  We watched lots of Christmas movies, worked on some craft projects, did some holiday baking, put together a new puzzle, and tackled lots of school work (both in homeschooling and through virtual schooling for Alec). 

What I'm Dreading: Having a brand new driver out on the winter roads.  Gosh how I wished Ian had been able to get his license in the fall instead of the middle of December. 

What I'm Working On: Not so much "I" as "We" (meaning my husband)... we're still working on fixing the plumbing.  We have one of the 4 toilets fixed-- thankfully none of the others have begun leaking so we can take these upgrades one at a time at our own pace. 

What I'm Excited About: Christmas!  I think I even managed to keep a few surprises for each of my boys.  (Which gets much harder to do the older they get).   

What I'm Watching/Reading: I've been watching all sorts of wonderful Christmas movies, some "new" to me shows, and re-watching some old favorites.  You can see a full list of what I've been watching here

So far I've read 9 book already this month and while my full review won't be posted until sometime between Christmas and New Year's I do recommend this wonderful book gifted to me by Sarah of Sunshine & Books since I won a giveaway on her blog.  It is such a cute and heartwarming Christmas story!

What I'm Listening to: Christmas music!  It's the only time of year I listen to them and I love belting out the lyrics. 

What I'm Wearing:  Lots of cardigans, sweaters, and layers.  

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Most likely I'll be taking down all our holiday decorations and packing everything away.  I always say I'll leave our decorations up to enjoy but in the midst of finding homes for all our new gifts I always end up getting this overwhelming feeling to get the whole house cleaned up and organized. 

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Celebrating Alec's birthday, perhaps getting in a few more snowshoe hikes, and getting the whole house cleaned and organized.  I always have so much energy after Christmas to put the whole house in order.  

What Else is New: Nothing much at all. It's been a very quiet month and it's looking like next month will be pretty quiet too. 

Linking Up With: Mid-week link up,


  1. Merry Christmas Joanne! Hope it is amazing day for you and your family- love all of your festive baking and crafting as always!

    1. Thanks, Holly! Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

  2. I need to come eat at your house: the food always looks delicious! Merry Christmas!

  3. Yum, your taco salad looks so nice and fresh!! I love your fuzzy socks, I have a similar pair and now I practically live in them! Just wondering, do you have Goodreads? If so I would love to follow you on there! Wishing you and your family a wonderful day!

    1. I am on Goodreads but unless I'm reading a book through my Kindle (where it automatically marks it as being read or finished on Goodreads) I never think to do much with it.

  4. Your gingerbread houses are AMAZING!! They look professionally decorated! Jacob asked me the other day how the pictures of the gingerbread houses on the boxes looked so perfect and I told him there are some people who are just super talented with food decorating... you are one of them!!

  5. Loved seeing what you've been up to, Joanne. Did you craft all the Christmas cards you sent out? That's amazing!! Even if you just did a few, I am impressed. Love the two you shared.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! Merry Christmas to you too, Nancy!

  7. The taco salad. Yum. I need to make that. Your clothes are just the cutest. I love your style. I love looking at Christmas past too. Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your blogging break!!!

    1. Aw, thanks! I never feel my outfits quite live up to style posts but I do try to look nice while still being comfortable. Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

  8. A busy month for you! I am remember Chirstmases past as well. When we were watching Elf and Buddy went to the mall Annabelle asked why nobody had any masks on.....I hope you have a very Merry Christmas friend!

    1. It is funny to watch shows and movies where no one is wearing masks! I've been looking over old posts for the whole year and it's so odd to see the progression.

  9. Looks like you've had a good month overall! Merry Christmas to your family.

  10. I'm just catching up on some blog reading and then we're going to be taking down Christmas (and what's left of Channukah) today too! I love cleaning up after the holidays. It makes the house feel so fresh and clean.

    1. It sure does! I always find myself rearranging furniture and organizing new spaces too.


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