Wellness Weekend: Wrapping Up 2020

 I know I only linked up with a little over 1/2 of the Wellness Weekend link-ups this year but I am loving having something that keeps me somewhat accountable each month to keep working on my wellness goals. 

I almost have to laugh though as I think I am ending the year just like I started each and every single one of these wellness posts! I still have that stubborn 5 lbs. (or so)  holding on and while I could so easily let myself be discouraged by that I'm actually rather relieved that my weight has maintained the entire year!  

Sure those numbers on the scale go up (sometimes up by12 lbs!) and down (to just kiss that goal weight) but overall I have lived through a pandemic, food shortages that changed our meals/eating plans for weeks on end, a major surgery, 8 weeks of recovery where I spent most of my time in bed --eating, and just the ups and downs of life in general; YET I have managed to maintain my weight!

I haven't hit my Weight Watchers goal for longer than a day or two here and there but I figure I am still a very long way off from where I started.

The photo that prompted me to do SOMETHING; taken Oct. 2018

The way my weight tends to fluctuate I am actually rather proud of how well I have done dropping pounds and keeping the weight off.  I feel like an entirely different person.  And each time I feel discouraged I just remind myself of how far I have come and I reinforce that determination not to slip back into my old bad habits. 

Taken this December 

I am just happy to feel a bit more like my old pre- surgery self.  We're hiking longer distances and tougher trails and while I am exhausted by the time we finish it's that good kind of muscle tired but not the "I pushed my body way too far and need to stop" kind of tired. 

When December first rolled around I tried to make a deal with myself to exercise at least 3 times a week; hiking, yoga, stability ball exercises, etc.  And to track my points each day on the Weight Watchers App-- something I hadn't been doing in months!! 

Though I was far more concerned with actually tracking than I was at actually keeping within my point range once I began tracking more regularly I did try to keep myself to just one cheat day a week and I think I did pretty good for these first 3 weeks. 

Here's how I've done so far:

December 1-5: Hiked 3 times for a total of 4 hours. Tracked everyday and earned a blue dot 4 of the 5 days (which means I ate within my healthy eating range!) 

December 6-12: I ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes, went for a couple of walks, squeezed in a 30 minute stability ball workout, a one hour hike, and even did a 1/2 hour of Pilates!  I ate within my point range most days but we did have take twice and I find that eating out (particularly when it's unplanned) never goes well with my points!  I also realized that most days I was drinking more than 60 ounces of water which I thought was just great. 

December 13-19: Went went hiking for an hour before the snow came. I called shoveling snow and stacking wood my second workout of the week.  Evan, Alec, and I went for a walk in the knee deep snow and what usually takes just 20 minutes took us nearly an hour!  What a great workout though.  The next day we strapped on snow shoes and spent another hour in the woods.  

15/19 days were blue dots-- that's only 80% and I wish I had done even better but at least I'm getting back into the habit of tracking my food each day.  

You can look back at February, April, May, June, August, October, & November Weekend Wellness posts if you missed any.  

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness


  1. I think you look beautiful, but it's how we view ourselves, isn't it? It's always a picture. I remember seeing a picture of myself at an event, and that did it for me as well.

    I am enjoying our mild December for walks. Thank goodness for that. I just told my husband this morning that we need to do something because quarantine has been good to our bellies. :)

    1. Yeah, I think most of my weight loss motivating throughout my whole life has been a prompted by a photo!

  2. Keep up your good work, Joanne. I think you've done very well considering we've lived through a pandemic and you had your surgery. Thank you for linking with Wellness Weekend 2020.

  3. Yay for keeping in shape! Especially during the pandemic!! Have a great day!!

  4. I need to lose like 10-15 pounds. It's so frustrating!

    1. I feel like it is a never ending battle (for lack of a better term!) between my body size and food.

  5. Congratulations! It is hard work and you look great! Go enjoy some good holiday food now :)

    1. Oh I have been enjoying; don't you worry! LOL.

  6. So glad you joined us for a number of the wellness posts!! I am hoping to continue the series into the new year. And hoping that 2021 sees the return of something closer to normal life. My weight journey this year has been similar to yours. I dip down to my goal weight and then pop back up again. My clothes right now are tighter than I like them but more than that, I feel out of shape. With the holidays, I just hope to enjoy without going to crazy. And then come 01.02.2021, get back to tracking and exercising.

    1. I was hoping this link up would keep going into the New Year; I need the accountability! That is exactly how I feel and what I hope for too.

  7. Weight management is tough but you are doing a great job considering we are in a pandemic and you have gone through surgery. I also have five pounds that won’t go away but better than saying I am adding the five pounds! It’s so easy to with all this staying at home stuff! I hope you are having a great week so far and happy Tuesday!

    Maureen | www.littlemisscasual.com

    1. Thank you! It really is so hard-- I'm so bored that I want to bake and create in the kitchen but when I do we (obviously) eat it and it's this vicious cycle I'm trying to break. I just need to get out and go do something but there isn't anything to do!

  8. I hear you on comfort eating post surgery and then trying to move more. I lost a lot of much needed weight thanks to anxiety and then oral cancer and whilst I remain overweight, I will no longer diet but do my best to eat well and move more. My apple watch is a good motivator. It's been great getting to know you in 2020!
    Thank you so much for your blogging friendship, linking up as you have in 2020 and looking forward to more in 2021 when Life This Week begins...the link up I mean on 4 Jan 2021 with "Word of the Year" as an optional prompt. Stay safe and well, and see you soon...Denyse.

    1. I am seriously thinking of picking a word of the year this year; though I never have in the past. I just hope a good word "comes" to me as I have no idea what to pick!

  9. Great work, my friend! It is no small feat to lose weight and keep it off. I struggle with the same. I try not to be too hard on myself when I gain a few pounds back every now and then as long as I stay far, far away from my max weight. I am proud of myself for keeping it off during this past year of sitting around in leggings, stuffing my face with junk food as I feed my feelings. Keeping it in check and staying accountable is absolutely the best way to maintain our progress. You look fabulous, by the way!


  10. I am so impressed with how well you did and your commitment. And yes, every time I've shoveled snow since Christmas Day I definitely consider it a workout. I am just sore from all the snow shoveling we've had to do lately. Ugh.

    1. Thank you! Yes, snow removal can be quite a workout. Thankfully we haven't gotten all that much this year-- just 2 storms.


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