October's Prime Purchases

 When I went to check Amazon to see what I had ordered this month I nearly passed out to see "26 orders placed in the last 30 days"!  I'd love to say that's because I've been Christmas shopping but in all honesty I only ordered 3 Christmas gifts.  Two items were birthday gifts for my sister but ALL the rest were for us.  

In my defense I have only made it to the grocery store three times this month and no other store at all plus many orders were just single items here and there as I thought of them.... OK, enough defending myself and onto our purchases. 

I have been using Amazon to buy lots of household goods like flour & self- rising flour, deodorant, cleaning products, vitamins, and paper goods.  I placed a pantry order this month too buying all the supplies to make Chex mix, granola, and snack-y things like that. 

Much of those items mentioned above I started buying on Amazon when items were scarce and hard to find but I fell in love with both the convivence and quality of some of the products that I've never switched back to buying them in person:

Method dishwasher tabs

Bounty napkins

Paper Towels (though I didn't realize they were tear a square until just now... I hope I like them!)

All free and clear pods

Deodorant; the only kind we've tried that doesn't aggravate my son's sensitive skin. 

This self- rising flour rises so much better than the one I was buying through my grocery store-- the only thing I could think of was that perhaps the baking powder they use in it is fresher?? I don't know but whatever the reason my 2- ingredient bagels rise to nearly double the size! 

I also love this flour and since we use so much of it the two giant bags go quickly in our house and I don't have to buy flour nearly as often. 

Evan and Alec had both outgrown their pants.  Evan likes these wide leg Champion athletic pants that I used to buy at Target and when I couldn't find them there Amazon came to my rescue.

Luckily, Alec only needs two pairs of pants for hanging out at home since he wears a uniform to school most days.  He prefers athletic or sweat pants but they are so hard to find in a long length. I debated for a few days and we finally splurged on trying these pair where I can pick the waist and length size.  (shown above) They are more money than I would usually spend on clothes for the boys but they do fit him so well and we bought them in a slightly longer length than he needs so hopefully they'll fit for more than a month like the last pair we bought him!

With Prime Day deals I did buy myself a new Kindle as my old one would not charge anymore and found this cute Kindle case to go with it. 

My phone charger was getting so hot when trying to charge my phone that it was even heating up my phone.  We decided to buy a new one and I purchased another one of these since my husband likes his so well.  

I finally broke down and bought myself a tabletop light box for taking (mainly) food photos in the winter when it's so dark much of the day). I've only used it a couple of times but so far I really like it! 

Alec needed a case for his Chromebook that the school gave him and since he prefers using a mouse to the touch screen we also got him this adorable mouse pad

Ian and I were just hating the Geometry series we were using so we decided to try two other books instead:  The 100+ Series Geometry & McGraw Hill Geometry Review and Workbook so far we're liking them. 

Ian bought himself some wireless earbuds and he just loves them. 

What have you been buying?

Linking up with:


  1. Please don't buy so much through Prime that actual grocery stores go out of business! That has happened to me with some clothing and shoe stores. I've never bought groceries online and dread the day that might have to be my go-to.

    1. I had to supplement with not being on my feet after surgery... don't worry we spent plenty and I do mean plenty of money each week at the grocery store keeping this family of 5 fed. We typically leave with 2 carriages of food and stop in mid week to stock up on more fresh fruits and veggies.

  2. It's always interesting seeing what other people buy. I've only ever bought food in emergency though, they seem to charge a lot more than the regular shops. It's been handy when I've had difficulty with my regular grocery shop.

    1. In this case it was real handy post- op when I couldn't lift much or handle a jaunt through the store.

  3. Those are some great purchases this month! I actually bought a few baking items on Amazon this year - and the yeast was far superior! It was really surprising!

    1. I was too! We bought some yeast in a huge package that we broke down into smaller jars and froze. I was so afraid the supplies wouldn't be as fresh and therefor not as good but I thought they were better too.

  4. We had free shipping for a while here at the beginning of the year. It was life changing being able to buy things I wanted at a reasonable price. Sadly it stopped when Covid started. I hope they bring it back. #MMBC

    1. My mother in law buys a prime membership each year for Christmas since she know how much we use it. Best gift!!

  5. Great finds- I love those ear buds- so comfy and work so well!

    1. He sure thinks so! I fully admit to talking to him and not noticing he has them in.

  6. "I nearly passed out" LOL! I have been dreading going and looking to see what I ordered to prepare my post for this link-up. I have been ordering way TOO much from Amazon this entire year!! We love that flour too... our Costco carries it and I always pick it up for our pantry.

    1. I am really wishing we had a Costco near us; I have heard/seen so many items they carry that I'd love to try or have access to.

  7. I've had a light box in my wish list forever and haven't ever gotten one. I'm glad you like the one you got!

    1. I really do! I have been eyeing them for years but with the mixed reviews it was hard to bite the bullet and buy one but it's awesome and I just love all the adjustable settings for the light.

  8. I like the tear a square paper towels! I feel like I am always wasting paper towels, so these always work better for me.
    I saw another blogger I follow use the White Lily flour too so it must be good. I never used to think there was a difference in flour until I got older. Now I realize more than ever, you get what you pay for!

    1. I always assumed flour was flour too; I mean I knew the fresher the ingredients the better but never gave much thought to brands of flour.

  9. I need some more laundry pods. I think I could use that light box! My boys have one week of uniforms and one week of home now, so I need more clothes for them! Or I could just do laundry more...

    1. When Alec's at home he's mostly in pajama/lounge pants; he'll only change into real pants when we're leaving the house!

  10. Some practical choices! Visiting from the good random fun link up. laurensparks.net

    1. I do tend to use Amazon a lot for practical things.

  11. I love reading about your Prime Purchases and it sounds like you made plenty in October.
    It does make sense buying everyday items when you can't find them locally.
    I am really thinking about buying a light box. It is so hard to take photos at this time of year x

    1. It really is so hard to take pictures when it get dark so early and we have lots of cloudy days.

  12. A lot of great purchases this month! Lots of household things. I never thought about getting my detergent and things like that there.

    1. I didn't used to either but now that I've started I find it so convenient.

  13. Fun things! We do a ridiculous amount of Amazon shopping too. This is all slightly different than what I buy though. Good ideas.

  14. I had to replace my Kindle tablet this year with the 8 and I love it. We've started using the Prime discount at the brick and mortar Whole Foods. The discounts can be quite good as we buy things at Whole Foods we can't get at the local grocery stores.

    1. I have heard of Whole Foods discounts but we don't have a Whole Foods near us to use it.

  15. The tabletop light looks like a win!

    1. I've only used it once so far but I really love it.

  16. You bought some great buys from Amazon. The light box looks great.

  17. That light box looks super fun. It has been hard to find flour in stores a lot over the last few months, thank goodness Amazon has some decent options.

    1. Our store finally seems well stocked... but I really did like these options better than ones our store always carried.

  18. I have never purchased groceries on Amazon but may have to start. We are getting a distribution center here....FINALLY...so hoping our Amazon orders arrive even quickly. My sister, daughter and mom all in different areas of the U.S. can often get things the same day they order them.

    Sure can understand why you keep flour on perpetual order. All those delicious desserts you guys make.

    I made a light box out of a cardboard box and it worked well. But it was kind of a chore to cut out the windows in the box and line them with parchment paper. And then the kitties jumped on the parchment paper and tore it to shreds. So I need a new one. Pinned your great find.

    1. We don't ever get anything the same day we order it but we can get some things the next day. I had thought about making my own light box but ultimately decided that buying one was worth the money to save me the work (especially since I would still have needed to buy a light source of some sort).

  19. White Lily flour is cherished by southern bakers for light biscuits that rise well - so I am not surprised the bagels turn out good.
    I ended up ordering flour from King Arthur directly - which I have never done. I have always purchased at the store but I liked the option of different sizes and packaging.
    I don't blame you for leaning on Amazon, I think a lot of people have. I just ordered Tide Studio detergent for darks and the one for delicates too. Nothing but basic detergents or ones with lots of fragrance available around here.
    Also, I think you could get the basic Costco membership and order online for delivery. Of course you can't get the fresh items but they carry a lot online and are expanding that arena as well.
    Fun to see what you purchased!
    Melissa | Little Frugal Homestead

    1. I never thought to check and see if we had the option of a Costco delivery. I'll have to look into that.


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