What I've Been Watching This Month

 I have been spending so much more time in bed watching TV as I've recovered from my surgery that I thought you all might like if I put together a post about what I've been watching.  

I've re-watched a few favorite series and a few tried and true movies too; mostly when I'm tired and know I'm going to fall asleep but I've also started (and mostly finished!) watching lots of new to me shows and movies too.  

In no particular order here's my list:

1.  Emily in Paris (Netflix)- I loved this first season about a girl; Emily who moves to Paris to take over for her boss on giving an American perspective to a marketing firm in Paris.  

2.  Lion King (Disney+- live action version)-- I have always loved The Lion King story but hadn't yet gotten around to watching this version. I thought it was really cute and well done. 

3. Cougar Town (Hulu)-- I re-watched this show because it makes me laugh.  Courtney Cox is a single mom living in Florida working as a real estate agent.  She is surrounded by friends, her ex-husband, and her son.  

4.  Mom (Hulu)-- A cute sit com that might be a bit racy but I just love it. Christy and her mom are in recovery for alcohol and drug use.  They may not always get along and their lives are far from together but they do try so hard.  

5.  The Big Flower Fight (Netflix)-- Alec convinced me to watch this show and it really was a lot of fun.  In this competition, amateur gardeners are tasked with building huge sculptures made from plants and flowers. Each week one pair wins best of show and one set of gardeners go home.  

6. The Good Witch (Netflix)--  It took me a few episodes to get into this show but I am really liking it.  Cassie runs an apothecary and an inn with a slightly magical touch while raising her daughter Grace.  When Dr. Sam and his son move in next door the two families become friendly. 

7. The Wedding Planner (Netflix & Hulu)-- I love this old classic rom-com when the wedding planner accidentally falls in love with one of her grooms.

8.  Sleepless in Seattle (Netflix)-- Doesn't matter how many times I've seen this classic; I always tear up hearing Sam talk about his wife on the radio.  

9. My Best Friend's Wedding (Netflix)-- Another cute rom-com where Julia Robert's character attends her best friend's wedding with the intent of breaking up the bride and groom. 

10. Great British Baking Show (Netflix)-- I have watched this show off and on in the past and began watching the latest season while laid up.  I love the new tent they're working out of and so far the challenges have been quite challenging! Another fun baking challenge where someone goes home on each episode. 

11. Blacklist (Netflix)-- My husband and I began watching this show together.  When Reddington turns himself into the FBI he offers to help them catch his entire blacklist of spies & terrorists.  His only stipulation is that he work with Lizzy, a new and seemingly unrelated FBI agent.  

12. How Do You Know (Netflix)-- When Lisa is cut from her softball team her life is drifting. She meets Matty, a charming and witty pro-baller but is also set up on a blind date with George, a man who's life is falling down around him as well.  Caught between the two, Lisa finds herself wondering what love is and how do you know when you find it?  I thought this movie was a bit of a disappointment despite it's all star cast. 

13. The Lost Husband (Netflix)-- Libby and her children move in with Aunt Jean after Libby's husband dies. Aunt Jean wants Libby to take over running the farm and asks James O'Connor, the farm manager, to teach Libby what to do.  

14-16. Back to the Future Trilogy (Netflix)-- A classic series of movies that the whole family watched.  When Marty and Doc begin time travelling they interrupt the space/time continuum more than once. 

17.  Man With a Plan (Netflix)-- I watched this family sit-com when it aired on CBS and was thrilled to see it on Netflix.  Mat Leblanc's character runs a construction company and offers to take over watching the kids after school so his wife can return to work.  He's got a plan... but when it comes to kids and family things rarely work according to plan. 

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness, 


  1. Great list. We haven't seen the Lion King live version yet. I need to add that to our list.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I was really impressed with the animation work.

  2. I recently watched Emily in Paris and it was exactly what I needed! Very cute and funny with some unexpected twists and turns. I am now watching Chef's Table and I can't believe I haven't watched this sooner. I absolutely love Somebody Feed Phil and this is very similar - chefs are such amazing artists.

    1. I'll have to check that one out; I love watching cooking & baking shows.

  3. This is a great list! Now I want to re-watch the Back To The Future movies. My daughter and I have been loving Hallmark movies lately and we're also still watching a lot of baseball as a family.

  4. I just watched Sleepless the other night! Never gets old.
    I love the show Mom too and you're right, it's a bit racy which is why I can only do a few episodes at a time (yes, even I get a bit overwhelmed).
    I definitely want to try that flower show! I was just scrolling last night on Netflix and hadn't seen it. I think I have to log into Ella's account to get different things to watch. I notice even on Mike or Anna's account, they offer selections that aren't even on mine.

    1. Yeah, I've noticed that all 5 of our accounts have different suggestions. If I see something I like on one of theirs I just search for it on mine.

  5. These all sound great. I think I have seen every episode of Mom. The wedding planner is a cute movie. The Lost Husbands sounds like one I would like to see. May have to check that one out.

  6. Great selection! I love The Great British Bake Off, we've been watching that the past few weeks. The new Lion King was fab too.
    There's also quite a few on your list that I haven't seen, so will be checking those out. Thanks :) x

  7. I am loving Emily in Paris. One episode per night so I don't finish too fast! I need to watch The Lost Husband. You know that's a Katherine Center book, right?

    1. I didn't know it was based on a book! I'll have to add that to my ever growing list.

  8. Great shows! I have Emily in Paris on my list to watch....once I finish a few others :).

  9. I'm glad to read these ideas. I'm always looking for something interesting to watch when I have a few minutes to relax at night!
    Thanks for sharing at the Sundays on Silverado Link Party!

    -Niky @ The House on Silverado

  10. I've watched a lot of these. My mother in law has been recording a good witch and really likes it, I should try an episode or 2 this week.

  11. You're the 2nd person to have Emily in Paris on her list. I've got to go watch that. I love cheesy movies like "The Lost Husband." Actually I love anything with Josh Duhamel in it though.

    1. I think that was one of the favorite "new" ones I watched but I do love anything having to do with Paris.

  12. We've been watching a lot of the same movies! I also have Emily in Paris on my list to watch. We'll probably start that soon.

  13. You watched some good stuff! I want to check out Emily in Paris. And I was also disappointed with How Do You Know. I have that on my list of movies to share in my next What I'm Watching post. Thanks for linking with me!


  14. Love the Back to the Future Trilogy! It's a real favourite of mine. I've also been really enjoying Emily in Paris, as well as The Good Witch. As you say, the latter takes a little while to get into, but it's lovely. Thank you for being a part of the Hearth and Soul Link Party Community, Joanne!


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