What's Up Wednesday for Sept. 2020

Since it's the last Wednesday of the month it's time for what's Up Wednesday where I join up with Sheaffer and Shay to answer a few questions.  I just can not believe that it's already the end of the month.  I had my surgery on Monday & got home yesterday afternoon --I had written this post in advance not knowing how I'd be feeling just 2 days post-op.  
What We're Eating This Week: 

Whatever my husband and/or children plan on making!  I do have a few meals in the freezer (Sheppard's pie, roast beef pot pie, squash casserole, a quiche, etc) but I am perfectly content with whatever anyone feels like making or picking up this week. 

What I'm Reminiscing About: My youngest, my "baby", just turned 13 last week-- 13!  I now am officially a mom of all teens and I can't help but think back... man the time really flew by. 

Ian holding Evan when we were still in the hospital

What I'm Loving: So many delicious fall foods!  I have found all sort of yummy fall themed treats to enjoy lately... maybe a bit too much.

What We've Been Up To: All the fall fun- apple picking, hiking, back to school, celebrating Evan's actual birthday.  Evan and I attended a cob oven cooking class with some friends of ours too.  

What I'm Dreading: The darkness... I really hate watching the days get shorter and shorter.  

What I'm Working On: A few fun fall/thanksgiving crafts. 

What I'm Excited About:  All my new fall clothes... I may have bought just a bit too many sweaters; though is that really even a thing?!  

What I'm Watching/Reading:

Watching: I watched a few new shows as well as few new movies this month.

Oliver's Story (did everyone else know there was a part 2 to Love Story?)-- rented through our library

Love, Guaranteed (Netflix)

Away- (Netflix) we watched the whole season in just a couple of days! It was so good!

United We Fall (8 episode season available on Hulu). I love a good sit-com. 

You (I kind of hated the first half of season 1 but my husband kept watching and eventually I got sucked in!).  Netflix has 2 seasons out. 

Reading: Lots of great books; one of my favorites was The Apple Orchard by Susan Wiggs.  Perfect for this season! You can read my full review here

What I'm Listening to: I've been enjoying listening in on a few of Alec's distance learning classes.  He's got some really great teachers this year. 

What I'm Wearing: Lots of pants, sweaters, and layers.  Fall has hit New England! You can check out my other fall looks here. 

What I'm Doing This Weekend: Celebrating my husband's birthday!  (and a LOT of resting)

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month: Hoping I'll get cleared for hiking and we can squeeze in a few more fall hikes before the snow starts to fly.  

What Else is New: I got some new plants in the mail I had ordered earlier in the summer.  I had great plans to completely re-do a few of our gardens but quickly ditched that plan in favor of getting them into the ground before my surgery.  Ian spent the day on Friday helping me dig some holes and we got that whole garden redone! I'll have pictures up soon but I forgot my camera cord in my husband's truck. 

Linking up with: On the Edge, 


  1. Yes, the time goes by so fast! Glad you are home and hope you rest and feel better each day.

  2. Glad you are home and resting- have been thinking about you! We are celebrating my husband's birthday this weekend too- too funny! Enjoy :)

    1. My husband was joking that he was going to have to cook his own birthday dinner this year.

  3. I hope your recovery goes well. i forgot about the impending darkness -- if I'd remembered, I'd be dreading that too. Ugh.

  4. Oh my goodness, those pictures of your sweet babies when they were little!! How precious! It really does go by way too fast doesn't it?

  5. Oh my, look at those sweet babies of yours! It makes me wanna cry because it does go SO quickly! You have all teens!!!! Before I know it, I will too.

  6. Aw, your babies are growing up! You take your time getting well. Enjoy the rest.

    1. Thank you! I am trying real hard to rest as much as possible.

  7. I hope the surgery went well and the recovery is going ok too!

    1. Thank you! It went well and my recovery is going well so far too.

  8. You cannot have to many sweaters especially if you live up north. I hope you are resting and recuperating well. I am looking forward to outdoors fires and enjoying my morning coffee and breakfast all cozy on the porch too.

    1. We never think of outdoor fires in the fall but that would be fabulous!

  9. I want to check out United We Fall. I love a good sitcom too. Sending you all the prayers and thoughts of healing. I love the throw back photos. So cute. Have a great week!

  10. The darkness is starting to get to me too.
    I want to watch Away also, it's on my list to watch next. :)

    1. It was so good! We binged it in just a few days.

  11. That picture of your two boys in the hospital is too cute! I love that white, green, and navy sweater! And I’m with you, the darkness is no good!! Have a great week!

  12. I hate the shorter days and the darkness too. It's a bit depressing. And that caramel corn looks so delicious. I could eat a hole pack.... But I don't.... It's addictive lol.

    1. Yeah, I refused to buy more once this was gone... even though I really did want some more.

  13. I'm glad that you are home and recovering. I hope it all went well. I bought some of that caramel corn last time I was at Target. So very tasty.

    1. My surgery went very well! And so far recovery seems to be going great too.

  14. So much to mention here. You're the second person I've seen post The Apple Orchard so it must mean something. I have Raymond Blanc's The Last Orchard on my bedside table. Here's to continued recovery and enjoy the cooler days. We're heading into our spring- although here in south-east Queensland we mostly skip spring and go straight into summer. Thanks for linking up #teamlovinlife

  15. You look at you in all of those great sweaters. I still want a color block sweater. Might have overdone the sweater shopping over here, too!!
    PC inhaled the maple Oreos I bought. Guess they were good!! That popcorn is more up my alley. I love kettle corn and imagine this is even better.

    1. We also found some pumpkin cheesecake cookies from Target that were so good too! Way too many sweets this time of year.

  16. I need to find those Oreo's asap! Yum! We are watching Away right now and are enjoying it! I started watching You but then stopped after the first episode, maybe I need to give it another chance? Love your colorblock sweater!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. I have been looking for a second batch of those Oreo's. They were that good.

  17. Fun post, Joanne! We loved You on Netflix but by the end of season 2, we thought it was getting a little too over the top. I don't know if we will even enjoy season 3 (if they have one). And yes, these kids of ours grow way too fast. I still have 3.5 years until I have a teenager, but it does seem like they were just born like last month! And sometimes I feel like I still have newborns when they keep waking me up in the middle of the night. Haha. Thanks for linking!


    1. Yeah, I'm not so sure about a season 3 either.

  18. It's incredible how quickly our kids seem to grow. My baby is 16 and driving. How did that happen?


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