The Jobs I've Had

Our theme this week for the 26 lists is the jobs we've had and I'm warning you now that this is going to be a very short list!  Other than a few baby sitting jobs in upper middle school and school I've only held a few jobs in my life.

1. In high school I worked at Brooks Pharmacy. My best friend's mother at the time was my boss and while I was a good worker she could see that I didn't like working the cash register (mostly the time just dragged).  She finally put me in charge of the make-up wall; I was in charge of keeping it stocked and she told me for years that NO ONE has ever done as good of a job.  I am a detailed oriented person with a nearly photographic memory so I knew immediately when something was out of place.  Right down to the shades of lipstick.

2.  During college my sister convinced me to apply for a job working at the daycare center where she worked.  I didn't think I liked being around kids much but I really loved that job!  It played a large roll in picking out my major in college-- Early Childhood Education with a double major in Child Psychology.  In the end I ended up working at two different day cares.

3. During my final year of college (I was in college for a long time earning my associates, my bachelor's, and my Masters- right in a row) my husband and I got married where I became a wife.

4.  From private daycare I moved into the public schools as a substitute teacher.  By my third day of work I had secured a full time sub. position.  The school I was working at (in our town) hired me to show up everyday and work as a floating substitute.   I love it!

5.  I took a few years off to raise my boys-- where I earned the title Mom & homemaker.

6. When the boys were all just about school aged I was hired once again as a substitute for part of the year at the private school my older two boys were attending.  I had signed a contract to be a librarian the following year.  I was so excited!! I love books and I loved teaching at this small private school but sadly it closed down before the school year started.  I did get paid for the full year of "librarian" even though I didn't technically work as one.

7.  From there I spent one more year being a floating full time substitute again and decided that public school just was not the best fit for us and I pulled my boys out to homeschool.  Where I became a homeschooling mom and that's really a million job titles in one!  But I have loved every minute of it and have never once regretting leaving the workforce.

Lunch on the lawn with our audiobooks and books. 
Linking Up With: The Mid- Week link up,


  1. This was fun! Loved learning about your jobs :)

  2. I'm so nosey. I love hearing about other people's jobs.#mmbc

  3. Very fun! I would have a pretty short list too.

  4. What a great post...and good for you being a librarian for awhile. I have had a lot of jobs since high school ( waitress, candy shop, sales girl, page in library, desk clerk in my dorm, gift wrap , Easter Bunny...) but have been lucky in my career to work in libraries. Public, Elementary, Jr. High, and the majority of my career in Middle School. It was the best! Now retired, I am the volunteer librarian in our apartment building!

    1. I've thought of applying as a volunteer at our librarian quite often; I just LOVE books and reading and being in our library.

  5. I substitute taught a lot! This was so much fun to read!

    1. I really liked being in a different classroom and getting to meet ALL the students and teachers.

  6. I taught daycare, preschool, 2nd grade and 3rd grade. Since having kids I have not returned full time but tutored Spanish for several years in my old neighborhood.

    1. I've worked with all ages from infant to 4th grade. My favorite was always Preschool.

  7. I love hearing where people worked before college for some reason. High school jobs too. Those always make me laugh. I feel like your high school jobs give you character. ;)

    1. I was pretty lucky with my high school job. It was so easy and fun!

  8. What a FUN post! I love seeing the wedding picture too. And YES to the homeschool mom title being a bazillion jobs in one, LOL!

  9. I think I wrote a similar post awhile back. I had so many different jobs before I became a SAHM!

  10. Homeschooling mom is probably your toughest gig ever! You are a rock star for that!

    1. I think it's right up there with mom for sure but I do love it. It's just as rewarding.

  11. What a fun post. I haven't worked in too many places either, but when I was a teenager, I did. I have been at my current job for 14 years now.

  12. We definitely have a ton in common. I have a degree in Elementary Education and worked as predominately a 4th grade teacher while at the elementary level. When my son moved up to middle school, I ended up getting my certification to teach middle school math. Shortly after, I was moved to be the digital media specialist where I transitioned our entire school to digital learning while simultaneously being the school librarian. It was exhausting and that's when I ultimately took the leap to create my blog full-time. Education is heard but equally rewarding. Thanks for sharing this with us!

    1. Oh wow; that sounds like it was a lot of work to transition the whole school to digital learning while being the librarian. They were so lucky to have you!

  13. LOL, there are jobs and titles. Like friend, sister, mom, wife, etc. And they can pay well, although not necessarily in cash.

  14. I loved reading your post. I was interested in becoming a librarian so cool I know someone now who has done it! I am currently a remote learning mom! Lol

    Maureen |

    1. A librarian or a travel agent were always on my radar as job possibilities.

  15. The most basic and constant job is to be a Mom & homemaker!

  16. Very fun!! I would also have loved to be a librarian! When I was a kid I made my own library cards for all my books and invented my own catalog system. I forgot all about that till I read your post! LOL Yes, homeschooling mom sure encompasses a huge number of other job descriptions, because we do it all! Thanks for sharing your list!

    1. That is so funny that you made up your own card catalog! I love that.

  17. Gosh, you have tried a lot of different jobs. I am sure you would have been a sensational librarian. You seem very organized and that comes in handy with that job. Just as it does with MOM and homeschool teacher. I worked as a waitress a lot. It was the job I fell back on over and over again. Hated it because I was so shy but it helped pay the bills.

    1. I definitely shied away from anything in the food service industry. I tend to be klutzy by nature and I am pretty shy too.


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