Our Fall Bucket List

With today being the first day of Autumn, I couldn't imagine a better time to share our fall bucket list.  This year our list is going to look quite different as our fall is shaping up to be quite different as well!  With Alec in school, Ian working part time, and my surgery scheduled for next week I'm really not sure how much time we'll have to accomplish much this fall so I'm trying to keep our list a bit shorter & simpler this year. 

Go apple picking/ to the orchard
Make caramel/candy apples again

Enjoy a few fires in the fireplace
Put together a few fall puzzles

Make apple pies
Make up at least two new recipes for fall-- soups, breads, desserts, I have so many ideas! 

Have a family movie/candy night on Halloween
Drive around/ hike to see the fall foliage

Drink hot cocoa and curl up with a book
Host a small Thanksgiving dinner & Watch Elf (always on Thanksgiving night!)
Use our park passes to the Adventure Park

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness


  1. Sending you all of the strength and prayers as you prepare for your surgery!

  2. I hope your surgery goes well!
    Your bucket list sounds awesome!!! I love driving around and seeing pretty fall foliage!! Happy first day of fall!

    1. Thank you! Happy first day of fall to you too!

  3. Wishes for a quick healing from your surgery!

    Your list is perfect!

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog and helping me find you, you have a gorgeous space here with gorgeous photos. Best wishes for the coming season and for your surgery.

  5. Nice list! We have already made caramel apples - yum!

    1. I can't wait; but the last batch of apples we picked were so small!

  6. Great list! Fall foliage needs to make my list. We just went apple picking and that was lots of fun.

  7. That is quite a fun list - for someone with surgery scheduled. I hope there is not a long recovery process in your future...but praying all goes well! Those apples look delish!! Are those ones you have made?? I tried caramel apples once (was even teaching a group of girls as I did) and they were a total flop (the test batch I did at home were great...of course they were!) But the caramel was yummy nevertheless!!:)

    1. I am hoping for a quick recovery but honestly won't know until after the surgery but I like to think big! LOL. The photo above is not of actual caramel apples we made but we did make some last year and they turned out great.. this year I want to make sure we have more supplies on hand to really do them up right.

  8. I Joined in as well this season. I love your list. I love caramel apples (with nuts) and I LOVE doing puzzles.I think a lot of us want to try new recipes. I want to read more books too.

    1. Yes, I did notice a lot of baking and cooking mentions; it is the perfect time of year for it after the hotter days of summer.

  9. These look great! The soup and apples are going to be delicious :)

  10. Praying your surgery goes well! This looks like the best kind of bucket list - fun and completely attainable. I'd love to try making candy apples this year with my boys!

    1. Thanks! My boys and I have tried a few different varieties of candy/caramel apples through the years and it's always a lot of fun. No matter how they end up looking they are always tasty.

  11. Good luck with your surgery next week Joanne. I like your list and so many fun things on it. I hope you can accomplish some of them.

  12. We always watch the Christmas Story on Thanksgiving. Elf is a good one too. My sister & I were visiting NYC when the filming of Elf was going on at the Empire State Building. At that time I had no idea who Will Ferrell was.

    1. I am so awful at knowing any actors and actresses!

  13. Baking apple pies ..... Mmm Gerben makes the best..... Need to ask him ha ha. I love the first in fall and we are going a lot to the national park here, me with the wheelchair.

    1. My mom makes really good apple pies and passed the recipe onto me; we typically spent a night ALL working on pies together each getting a different job and we make 4 of them (1 to eat right away, the rest we freeze for Thanksgiving & Christmas).

  14. I love your list! I think a movie/candy night on Halloween sounds wonderful. It IS on a Saturday after all. I'm definitely excited for Fall and I hope that we can all cross off many items on our lists. I don't know that I'll be making an apple pie - but I sure hope to eat some. ;)


    1. Oh we always make a few apple pies (all in one night!). It is a lot of work but we each pick a task and work assembly line style.

  15. I hope your surgery goes smoothly! I know you're probably ready to get it done!

    1. Yes! I just wish I could wake up and have it all behind me already.

  16. Happy fall Joanne! Your pictures are beautiful. I really want a caramel apple right now. Wishing you well with your surgery and sending healing energy your way. Take care of yourself!

  17. Yes, yes, yes to all the fall things!

  18. More beautiful photographs. We are doing a fall photo challenge. Hope you will join us!! Many of these photos will satisfy some of the prompts. And taking photos is something you will be able to do as you recover from your surgery. Hope you will keep us posted about how everything goes.

    Lots of terrific activities on this list. Interested in your fall recipes. I love pumpkin or squash soup but PC isn't a fan. Wish I could find a recipe that he would like, too.

    Those are some pretty spectacular looking candy apples. I think Lauren had that on her list. I am adding an addendum to my list to include eating candy apples, too!!

    1. Where do I find the fall photo prompts? That sounds fun!

  19. I love it all, Joanne! I am so ready to start making all the fall soups and pies but this weekend is still a bit too hot for all that. Next weekend, however, will be 30 degrees colder so give me all the foods for the soul! Sending you lots of positive energy for your surgery. May it be a quick and easy recovery! Thanks for linking with me.


    1. We have been having cool weather lately and all the fall recipes have really been hitting the spot!


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