Homemade Raspberry Swirl Ice Cream

 We have been wanting to make homemade ice cream all summer long and it seemed like we either didn't have all the ingredients or we forgot to freeze the bowl to make the ice cream.  We finally got it together to make some and boy was it ever delicious!  Alec offered to make up some raspberry sauce for us to swirl into the vanilla ice cream and that gave it such a flavor punch!  

Have you ever tried making homemade ice cream?  We bought the ice cream attachment for our stand mixer and it honestly couldn't be easier.  Plus nothing tastes better than homemade ice cream in the summer.  


2 cups 1/2 & 1/2

1 cup heavy cream

3/4 cup sugar

1 tsp. raspberry extract (or vanilla)

1 cup raspberry sauce

To make Raspberry sauce:

2 cups raspberries (fresh or frozen; we used frozen)

2 Tablespoons lemon juice

2 Tablespoons cornstarch

1/4 cup sugar

We started with the raspberry sauce so it could cool completely before we made our ice cream.  In a small sauce pan Alec heated all 4 ingredients together over medium heat.  Once the mixture was brought to a boil he continued stirring until it thickened up enough to coat the back of a spoon.  We then set the whole pan aside to cool completely; even tucking it away into the fridge for a bit. 

To make the ice cream I mixed together the 1/2 & 1/2, cream, sugar and extract together in a small bowl until sugar was dissolved.  

I put the ice cream maker onto our stand mixer and poured in the cream.  Setting our mixer on low for 20 minutes we had creamy soft-serve looking ice cream when we were done.

I poured the ice cream into a loaf pan and added in the raspberry sauce swirling the sauce into the ice cream with a spoon.  I covered the mixture with cling wrap and put it back in the freezer until after dinner.  

We served our ice cream over some brownie waffles (we just mixed up a batch of boxed waffles using an extra egg and poured it into our very well greased waffle maker).  It was so delicious.  Raspberry, chocolate, and vanilla ice cream are one of my favorite flavor combinations and I was just thankful that we had no leftover brownie waffles-- one was plenty but I would have had a hard time stopping with just one!

Topped off with a small dollop of Cool Whip I think it was a new favorite summer dessert! 

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  1. I've never made homemade ice cream before and love that you can make it with your stand mixer! This sounds delicious!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. Yes, I love my ice cream stand mixer attachment. It works well too.

  2. oh my goodness this looks so delicious right like I like it sweet and creamy thanks for sharing
    come see us at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  3. Wow sounds so good!! And the brownie waffle, double wow!!

    1. It was definitely a double wow paired with that brownie waffle!

  4. This looks so yummy , Ice cream is my absolute favorite treat.

  5. Oh my goodness what a delicious treat and on a brownie waffle, YUM! Hope you are having a great week and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday,501!
    Miz Helen


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