A Sentence Or 2 a Day in August 2020

What a month it's been!  We've had a lot of ups and downs-- ER visit, a tropical storm and 4+ days without power, birthday parties, & time spent with friends and family.  It's always a bit sad to see the end of our lazy summer days but I just love the fall and look forward to all that fall brings.

1.  After an afternoon of cooling off in the lake we had dinner outside and invited my mother and step father over for a campfire and s'mores.

2.  Ben and I spent more than 2 hours hiking up, down, and all around Mount Wachusett.

3. We started our day with dentist appointments and ended our night in the ER for a minor fishing accident incident. 

4.  We spent our day gearing up for the tropical storm heading our way and ended the night without power.. no surprise there as the skies were black by dinnertime!

5.  We spent our day cleaning up debris, putting our patio furniture back outside, and checking the latest estimate on when power would be restored-- we were told it could take up to two weeks as it was the 3rd largest storm ever seen in our region as far as power outages go. Thank goodness for our generator!!

6. Spent the day hanging around the house reading, working on puzzles, and doing a bit of light cleaning. 

7.  Another day without power but did get out to the library to get some more books and squeezed in a quick hour long hike to get away from the sound of all the generators in our neighborhood. 

8.  Alec and I made tiramisu in the morning and then in the afternoon the whole family went out for ice cream.  

9.  My husband, Ian, and I went on a Ranger ride in the woods in the afternoon before having my mother in law over a birthday dinner celebration.  

10.  Alec and I spent the day in the kitchen making up our own ice cream, brownie waffles, a yummy dessert to bring to our friend's house with a fruit salad, and so much more.  

11.  The boys and I went to spend a day with our friends at their house; enjoying time in their pool and catching up.

12.  My mom came over for a visit in the morning so we could work on button placement for my new sweater she's making. 

13. I took a trip to the library and picked up a fun little craft project to do at home.

14.  Ian and I headed to the DMV for him to take his learner's permit test-- he passed so I headed home to sign him up for driver's ed. classes.

15.  We had a small (and early) birthday party for Evan in the afternoon where the birthday boy had 5 of his friends over for swimming, burgers/hot dogs, and cheesecake cupcakes. It was so much fun even if our weather was cloudy and cool. 

16.  We went on a two hour hike through Mashamoquet park.  

17. Ian drove me to Target for an early morning errand and then we worked on cleaning part of the house.

18. A quiet day at home reading and taking care of Ian who was sick with a summer cold/allergies.

19.  Another quiet day at home reading and working on puzzles.

20.  The other two boys woke with runny noses and scratchy throats so I spent my day making homemade chicken noodle soup and fresh bread.

21. I watched 3 movies in one day-- The One and Only Ivan, Same Time Next Year, and A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.

22.  I went to a party at my sister's in the afternoon and we had barely settled down when it started to rain. Within minutes it was POURING out!

23. We spent our whole afternoon at the cottage hanging out with family.

24.  I made a delicious cinnamon swirled bread-- for lunch since I did not have it ready in time for breakfast.

25.  Alec made it back to karate class and even got to teach during warm-ups.

26.  The younger boys and I took advantage of today's cooler weather to go on an hour and a half hike.

27.  The boys and I went to scope out a job working for my husband doing some painting; they are so excited to start and make some money.

28.  The boys and I tackled the painting job with gusto hoping to get it finished in just one day & we did!!

29.  Alec had his girlfriend over on Saturday squeezing in one last visit before school starts (we live nowhere near one another for impromptu get-togethers).

30.  We spent a beautiful day outside cleaning vehicles inside & out, surveying the land at the hydro, and even getting lunch at a roadside stand.

Evan helped wash and wipe down the outside

Alec vacuumed the inside 

31. I began working on some paper/vellum craft and crafting a garden flag for fall.

Linking Up With:  Sentence a day, Spread the Kindness,  Lovin Life, On the Edge,


  1. What a full month- love all of the outdoor time- the homemade treats and projects- so inspiring as always :)

  2. Lots of fun time in nature - what's better!! xo, Biana

  3. Great activities! I love Tiramisu! Need to buy some ladyfingers, it's been too long since we had tiramisu!

    1. It was so good! We had the hardest time finding lady fingers at our store and now I've seen them on every single trip; I guess I just didn't know where to look for them before.

  4. Lots of fun activities and delicious food! I saw another US blogger recently talking about "smores" and I had to Google it - it's not a thing in the UK, maybe because we don't have much of a campfire culture. But they sound yummy.

    1. My boys (and most kids) love them. I don't like marshmallows so I tend to just eat the graham crackers with chocolate.

  5. This has motivated me to start another puzzle, and now I'm totally craving s'mores <3

    Green Fashionista

    1. LOL. Sorry! You can make them in the microwave...

  6. Thank you! I can't believe it either. The summer just flew right by.

  7. Yay for library visits and yummy food!!!

  8. I want your homemade chicken soup now! I am so ready for all the homemade soup now that the weather is cooling down. Welcome September! Thanks for sharing all of your August fun and not so fun moments with us!


    1. I can't wait for soup season; there is nothing better than hot soup with warm fresh bread on a cold evening.

  9. Your weather alone was up and down and all over the place last month!! Crazy. Glad you had a generator to keep you in power.

    What a great month's worth of desserts. I would be big as a house but I know that is some good eating!!

    Congrats to Ian for passing his driver's test. Or getting his permit. Kind of nice to have a chauffeur. I remember those days.

    Saw The Engineer's Wife at the book store and took a picture of it so I could remember to add it to my Goodread's list. Sounds good. I am thinking it's WWII. My favorite genre.

    1. My husband is really enjoying having a chauffeur! Ian has only been with me once to be able to drive but I think we might both be better off that way anyway. The Engineer's Wife was not a WWII book as the building of the bridge spanned the late 1800's but it was really net to read about how they built it and all the challenges they faced.

  10. Plenty to love here - campfires, hikes, family time - and a few ughs. Mostly though, I want to talk about that cinnamon swirl bread. Is there a recipe?

    1. I followed this recipe and just omitted the raisins: https://txtanya.blogspot.com/2020/08/magnolia-tables-cinnamon-bread.html

  11. A sentence a day is a great way to tell your story. Love it! We too are painting right now. Not making as quick a progress as we'd liked. Ho hum ... like you, we'll get there in the end

    1. I always think painting will go quicker and be an easier job that it turns out to be.

  12. I love these sentence a day posts! I need to start jotting down daily things in my planner and try to put one of these posts together at some point! Thanks for always letting inside your beautiful world!



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