What's In My Closet

 This month for the What's In My... link up we're talking all bout what is in our clothes closets.  I just went through and reorganized everything in there at the end of Spring.  In the past few years I've dropped from a size 14/16 to an 8/10 and while I cleaned out a lot of clothes I did keep some of my favorites from each size and each season.  Everything that fits me is right at my fingertips; regardless of the season.

We have a large master closet and this is my 1/2.  Along the top in totes are the clothes I've outgrown.  I labeled each bin with size and season. In the middle of my close is a set of wire drawers where I store bathing suits and coverups, pajamas, bras, underwear, etc. On the right hand side of the drawers I hang up all my dresses/jumpsuits, blouses, and jackets.

To the left of my drawers I have lots of shelves to hold all my shorts, pants, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and sweater.

Though the top shelf does hold my Vera Bradley and other assorted tote bags.  I have been collecting them for years and really only buy them when I find a phenomenal after season sale.  The second shelf is t-shirts, tank tops, cardigans, and poncho sweaters.

My third shelf down holds shorts, capri pants, light/ summer sweaters, and then heavy sweaters.  The bottom shelf holds hiking/yoga pants, jeans, chino pants, and hooded sweatshirts.

I try to keep my dresses, jumpsuits, and skirts all together then the jackets, then my tops when I hang them.  I used to organize by rainbow color order too but have gotten out of the habit as I've begun adding more and more patterns into the mix. 

Under all my hanging clothes I store my shoes (and snowshoes).  I don't bother swapping these out seasonally as I have enough room for them all. 

A close up of my totes/labels. 


  1. Replies
    1. I often think I wouldn't miss the cold at all if we moved.

  2. Very nicely organized! I wish I had a bigger closet!

  3. We don't usually get cold enough and I'm so hot-natured that my winter and summer clothes aren't that different. Really I don't have the many real winter clothes, so I don't have to box mine up.

    1. Oh I wish! I just ordered a few turtleneck sweaters and I just know I'll probably be wearing them with turtleneck underneath and a scarf around my neck besides by winter.

  4. What a great space and organization system! And congratulations on dropping several sizes! That is quite the accomplishment.

    1. It has been quite the accomplishment; now to focus on keeping it off! That's always what I struggle with the most.

  5. It's always fun to get a peek into someone else's closet. It looks like you're very organized. Congrats on the weight loss!

  6. #closetgoals! I'd have to clean mine for a week before posting pictures of it. When we first moved in, the closet was disgusting. There were these old fixtures attached to the walls and carpet that was clearly pet stained. We tore everything out and started from scratch. The new closet came out amazing! And now, it is FULL of our stuff. Ugh, where there is space, there goes stuff.

    1. I am a cleaning and organizing fiend. My husband actually jokes that if anyone leaves anything hanging around for more than two days I've either moved it or gotten rid of it. LOL

    2. LOL, you'll have to write me a guide!

    3. LOL! Be careful what you wish for.

  7. Your closet is pretty organized. I love those basket/bins. I want some of those for my closet.

    1. Thanks! I ordered a 4 or 6 pack on Amazon. I like that the lids keep those more seasonal (or outgrown items) from getting dusty now.

  8. I love your organized closet. I really need to sort mine out but I don't have the energy or motivation. We brought a brand new wardrobe earlier this year and I still haven't made much effort. It's not my fault though, I am chronically ill and I can't do much. I'll get there eventually and posts like this give me some inspiration. #mmbc

    1. Oh I can see how being chronically ill would definitely get in the way of productivity.

  9. You are so organized! I love how your closet is set up and that you can see everything you have!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  10. I love seeing how others organize their closet. It is fun to see! I am pretty lucky with my closet at this house, a nice walk in all to myself!

  11. That is very organized! And you have a lot of Vera Bradly bags! ;)

    1. I do have quite the collection; I've been collecting them since before I had kids!

  12. Your closet is amazing and you are so organized!!!

  13. I'm glad you explained what the Vera Bradley bags were. I was immediately drawn to that shelf because of all the colour!!!

    1. That's how I feel anytime I walk into one of their stores. I am just drawn to all those colors and patterns.

  14. That was a fun closet tour, Joanne! You are way more organized than I. But then again I just have too much stuff for the space I have. I am working on it though. I am like you that I keep various sizes of things because I have learned over the years that my weight can fluctuate between sizes 10-18. I like to have what I need right at my fingertips as well. Thanks for sharing and linking up!


    1. Yeah, I used to get rid of anything that didn't fit but I always regretted it when I went up and down in sizes and remembered old favorites that I had wished I still kept.


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