Friday Favorites: The Week We Made 3 or 4 Desserts

We had such a delicious week of food that I'm almost starting to feel like I don't even want to see any desserts for a long time.. but we're having a party for Evan this weekend and he requested cheesecake which I'm pretty sure I will not be able to pass up! 

Friday was our 3rd full day without power and we didn't have much planned.  First thing I checked the outage map... sadly there isn't much notable difference from Tuesday.  They're working on it but there are just thousands upon thousands without power. 
Each little dot represents anywhere from 1- thousands of outages

It's hard to go anywhere with so many roads closed. We often have to turn around and find a new route.  That said I really had to get to the library and drop off/pick up books (I went a little crazy picking up new ones) and while I knew we were supposed to get some rain I really wanted to squeeze in a hike.
We had a small break in our heat wave for this one day and I knew I wanted to take advantage; plus the sounds of the numerous generators running in our neighborhood day and night were really starting to get to me.  It was so nice to escape into the woods for an hour and we were pleasantly surprised to find that there were NO trees down on the trails (twigs, leaves, and needles sure but no giant limbs anywhere). 
I spent all afternoon reading my latest book and started putting together another puzzle.
We had take out for dinner; grinders and pizza.  Then my husband discovered the generator was leaking antifreeze and he had to go get us another one.  Luckily in his line of work he has them lying around as spares (and really lucky he had some left after loaning out a couple!!). 

I woke to no power on Saturday and saw my husband had taken the "new" generator apart.  It was leaking fuel!  Thankfully he's that handy sort of guy that can fix things like that & even had the parts he needed in his service truck.  By 6:30 he had power flowing once again then headed off to work.  I was assured that Alec and I would be fine to make up the Tiramisu.  We had never attempted to make Tiramisu and thankfully had decided to forgo making our own ladyfingers for this go round as we can not use the oven on generator power. 
I finished putting my puzzle together, worked on the blog a bit using my hotspot on my phone, and put together a large salad for the next few days.  My father in law showed up to let us know WE HAD POWER BACK! and he switched us over from the generator.  I immediately began doing laundry knowing that we could get shut back off a time or two while the power company worked to restore other areas.  I'm actually pretty surprised that it only took 4 1/2 days this go round to get us back up and running.

My husband called and asked if we wanted to come to town and get some ice cream with him as he needed a bit of a break.  We agreed to head down in an hour after Ian was done jet skiing and the other two boys were ready to go.  We had a whole crew of us getting ice cream and soft serve tornadoes (much like a Dairy Queen Blizzard).

Once home from our ice cream break Ian headed back out on the jet ski giving one of his little cousins a slow ride around the cove.  I hung out with his parents at the lake until Ben came home and picked me up.  Dinner was tacos but I didn't eat any as I was still full from my one scoop of ice cream. 

We were having my mother in law over on Sunday to celebrate her birthday and I wanted to clean the rest of the house so we all pitched in and cleaned those final 4 rooms.  I sat outside on the patio reading my book until after lunch when my husband convinced Ian and I to head out with him on the trails.  It was dusty and hot but we had fun finding a few new trails to check out.

Consulting the maps to find out where to go next

Once home my husband and I jumped in the lake to cool off and clean off and then we began cooking dinner.  We had burgers/hot dogs and tater tots (at my mother in law's request) with corn on the cob and salad.  Everyone agreed that Alec's dessert was amazing!!  I took a few photos so I'll write up a blog post on what we used and how we made it.  It was surprisingly easy to put together.

Monday I needed to put together a fruit salad and help Alec make another dessert, this time a brownie poke cake for us to bring to our friend's house.  We were also making up a few batches of fresh ice cream since Ian had a friend coming over after work and we thought his hot sunny day would be a perfect time to make waffle brownie sundaes with homemade ice cream.  We were busy in the kitchen!

Brownie poke cake is finished

Raspberry/ vanilla swirl ice cream

We had corn fritters and salad for dinner and ended our night with the brownie sundaes.

The boys and I headed out early on Tuesday.  Alec had karate in the park again and from there we were heading down to see our friends at the other end of the state.  We spent a wonderful day hanging out at their house and in their pool.  Alec's brownie poke cake was a huge hit!  We only get to see this family once or twice a year and it was so nice to catch up with one another.

I had put a pork butt in the crock pot for pulled pork sandwiches for dinner; my first time trying it but I was told it was the best pulled pork my husband ever had (I didn't eat dinner since I was till full from lunch and snack)!  I served the sandwiches with salad.  Quick and easy. 

My only plans on Wednesday were to get Alec's bus situation squared away and go peach picking-- both of which did not happen!  It was hot and muggy and I realized that with my Misfits Market box arriving I'd have no place to put the peaches so I pushed that activity off; maybe we'll attempt to go next week when it's only supposed to be in the mid-80's.  I did call about the whole bus situation and found I have to register Alec with our local school which means paperwork, forms, getting a copy of his birth certificate, etc.  I did get started on the whole process at least even though 1/2 the questions on the form don't apply at all to us and I have  no idea what to put there!  It's weird that I have to register him with this school when he'll be attending a totally different school but since they pay for the bus he has to be in their system.  I get it but feel there should be a set form just for that. 
My mom stopped by for a bit to figure out where we need to place the buttons on the sweater she's making me.  It's been a work in progress for a few years and she's getting close to finishing it up.  I did spend much of my afternoon outside reading, blogging, and enjoying the views. 

For dinner we grilled up steak and cooked up some zucchini and potatoes from our market box to go with the salad I already made yesterday.

It was another hot and muggy day on Thursday; this heat is making me so lazy!  I did run our in the morning to drop off/pick up stuff from our library and dropped Alec's paperwork off at the school.  Though they asked me to leave it outside on the doorstep and I'm just hoping and praying someone got the packet before it blew away.  The whole thing was just plain weird.  I plan on driving Alec the first few days to and from school so I figure we have time to get this whole bus thing figured out.
Once home I sat down to work on the scratch key chain my library had available for the adults; I love quick little crafty things. I also finished up the laundry, worked on my grocery list and finished reading my latest book. 

Dinner was this baked chicken Parmesan casserole with pasta, sauce, and salad.  After dinner my husband and I went grocery shopping.

How was your week?

Linking Up With: On the Edge, 


  1. You should write a cookbook- seriously! Looks like another wonderful week :)

    1. Aw, thank you! I've always thought that would be kind of fun to do. I just love a good cookbook.

  2. So sorry to hear about the power outage. That is no fun at all. That tiramisu looks amazing, It's a favorite of ours! And all of your desserts look fabulous. I hope you have an amazing weekend.

  3. OMG what a week! I can't believe the power situation but you still managed to have good meals. I wish I could get better organized at meal planning.
    We had a bad storm this week and lost power but only for half a day but some areas here still don't have power five days and counting and it has been 90 degrees.

    Those desserts look amazing. I can't hear how public school goes for Alec. :)

    1. I feel like I've been slacking off on meal planning lately but hopefully once fall comes around I'l have renewed ambition to plan more; i'm going to need to between driver's ed. classes and after school activities (maybe?).

  4. Oh my goodness, all of those desserts! I can't believe y'all were without power for that long. I would have gone crazy. Thank goodness you have a generator. I keep telling my husband we really need to invest in one.

    1. We've lost power for as much as 7 days before and many in our state still don't have power 10 days later-- sadly, it's becoming more and more common. Our energy supplier is just not on top of things.

  5. How fun to make all of those desserts that look and sound so good. It looks like you had a good week and nice to take the hikes, relax, and read a good book. I hope you got your power back on. Have a nice weekend and thanks for the blog visit!

    1. It was so much fun to eat all those yummy tasting desserts but I'm kind of ready to get back to salads and fruits now. LOL. Our power did come on over the weekend; thankfully!

  6. Ummm, 3 or 4 desserts this week?!?! Sounds PERFECT!!!! And they all look like they turned out super delicious! Look at that stack of books too! Summer fun!!!

    1. Yep.. and I just made cheesecake cupcakes today! LOL. I've made a great dent in the pile of books too.

  7. Yikes! 3 full days without power is a lot! We went 30 hours and that was long enough! I was sure glad to get it back! And all of those desserts sure sound delicious!

    1. We've lost it for a full 7 days a few times with storms like this so I was actually pleasantly surprised to get back so "soon."

  8. Oh my goodness, Gerben is very late from work, I'm starving, and reading your blog. Not a good idea! I want all your food!

    1. LOl. Nope, I've learned to never read blogs when you're hungry!

  9. Wonderful looking desserts... I like that puzzle too! Puzzling is so much fun.

  10. All of that food sounds so good! Especially the desserts! The lake looks so refreshing. I'm sorry you lost power for so long. That is no fun!

    1. Yeah, it is no fun to be without power. It always makes me appreciate it so much more when it comes back on!

  11. Wow, you had so many tasty looking desserts! Yum! We fortunately didn't lose power, but my office did and so many people around us did. That's a cute puzzle and you got some good books from the library! Have a great weekend!

  12. Love the Scratch Art Key chain! And a week full of desserts and new books sounds like my kind of week. Have a good weekend!

    1. You can't be a new stack of books in my book.

  13. That's a bummer that you lost power for so long. Is that from the tropical storm? We didn't lost power here in NH, but we were in MA driving home from a doctor's appointment & the rain was just starting & my windshield wiper broke off & flew off. I drove all the way home with no windshield wiper with the heavy rain. We made it home safely. All of those desserts look so good.

    1. Yep, that was from the tropical storm. We had hardly at rain at all though; just wind. Sounds like a scary ride home!!

  14. I think I gained weight just looking at all of those marvelous desserts. Glad you got power back.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. LOL! I was so surprised that I didn't gain weight this week.

  15. All of those desserts look delicious! Glad your power is back on. It can be terrible to be without power in the summer!

    1. Thankfully the generator did run our A/C during the day and with windows open at night it was cool.

  16. Those desserts look amazing!! We have a horrible sweet tooth as a whole family so we love our desserts!

    1. Ugh! We do too and I'm trying so hard to break that habit for all of us (very unsuccessfully).

  17. Your keychain came out so cool! Glad you got power back. Just reading about your bus issues makes me nervous for getting Gabbie set up at her school! I don't even know if they're having busing!

    1. I'm not sure we'll get to use the bus regardless but I wanted that option just in case.

  18. I never thought there could be such a thing as too much dessert or too many sweets! Until quarantine, that is. I have eaten so many sweets the past few months that I sometimes think maybe you can have too much dessert! All of your sweet treats look so amazing and cheesecake sounds so good right now! I hope your power has been restored by now! Thanks for linking up.


    1. I never thought there could be too many desserts or sweet either but I definitely feel that way now. LOL. Yes, thankfully our power came back on-- we were without power for 4 or so days.

  19. Ugh, that outage map just gave me flashbacks, lol. I have the same picture on my phone. What a crazy storm that was! I love seeing all of your desserts. I have been indulging a bit too much in this later months of the pandemic. I am trying to get back into the 130's after breaking into the 140's. I reached my goal weight and then let it slide. I told myself it was ok as long as I stayed below 140. I weighed myself this morning and I'm 144! I've been walking every morning and today I finally got back to tracking. Hopefully it won't take too long to get back in my comfort range.

    1. I know what you mean! I've gained 8 that I'd like to drop again but it has been so hard with so many sweets and now I need to break that sweet tooth habit all over again. I am such a stress eater and am trying like crazy to convince myself that fruits and veggies are just as comforting as cookies, ice cream, pasta, and bread...


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