Friday Favorites: Tropical Storm Isaias Hits

What a week!  Between an ER visit and going on day 3 of no power I think I'm OK with this week ending.  That isn't to say we didn't have fun moments because we sure did-- here is how our week went. 

Friday just flew right by!  I spent my morning working on our weekly dinner menu and writing up a grocery list then I went to my mom's trailer and we sat around talking until lunchtime.  After lunch I convinced the boys to go swimming. We had fun playing in the lake and swam over to visit my mother in law at the cottage.

For dinner we had grilled pork tenderloin, tossed salad, and tried out a "new" to us cucumber/ tomato salad recipe.  

After dinner my husband and I headed out grocery shopping.  

It was nice and cool Saturday morning so I ate breakfast on the deck and enjoyed a leisurely morning reading and taking in the view. 

I eventually went inside to cook up some more 2-ingredient bagels and work on a few blog posts and crafts.  

I headed back outside just before lunch and sat on the patio reading my book while the kids played in the water.  I ended up staying outside all afternoon reading before caving in and heading swimming myself.  My husband joined me and we floated over to the next point to listen to a live band that someone had playing in their backyard.  They were so good!  

For dinner we cooked up burgers and and hot dogs on the grill and finished off the cucumber/ tomato salad, and salad.  Then we invited my mom and step father over to enjoy our camp fire and some s'mores.  

It was supposed to be a tiny bit cooler on Sunday so my husband and I decided to head out hiking. We hiked up Mount Wachusett, it took us just over two hours to hike up and back down.  We did rest at the top for a bit and cool off with the breezes.  We stopped for ice cream on the way home and the new place we found had my favorite flavor-- Maine Black Bear!!  

On the way home it started to rain and I was so relieved that we finally got a good down pour.  A few more like that and our drought will truly be behind us. 

We had pot roast, butternut squash, mashed potatoes, and salad for dinner.   

The older two boys had an early morning dentist appointment on Monday but I had just enough time for a quiet breakfast on the deck.

 I waited in the car while they went in and with two great checkups under our belt we headed back home. Ian and I worked on pulling together all the paperwork he'll need to go to the DMV next week while Alec and I sat down to read about the possible protocols and procedures his new school is putting into place this year and we also learned that school won't start until Sept. this year.  

We spent our afternoon outside.  I read and worked on the blog while Alec worked on his summer reading assignment and Ian went riding on the jet ski.  

For dinner I made my grilled pineapple chicken (recipe will be shared this coming week) again & served it with salad and zoodles/ egg noodles. 


Ian went fishing with friends after dinner and the younger boys, my husband and I sat down to play Qwirkle!  I was winning when we got a call from Ian that he was on his way home with a fish hook in his head.... I spent my evening in the ER with him having it removed.  I got a few good pictures of it too but I'm only allowed to share this one. Not a favorite but definitely a memorable moment from our week. (always handy to have a book in your purse!)

Ian stayed home from work on Tuesday since he got to bed pretty late.  We were expecting a tropical storm to hit our area sometime in the day and it was pretty cloudy out so we stayed inside.  I made up a batch of Oreo/hazelnut muddy buddies.  

We had the tail end of the tropical storm rip through in the late afternoon and we lost power by dinner so it was a fend for yourself night of sandwiches, salads, and cereal.  We had an odd mix of bright blue skies with pouring rain, dark cloudy skies that made it feel like night with just wind, tornado warnings-- it was nutty to have all this so early in the season.

We learned on Wednesday morning that this storm caused the 3rd largest power outage ever in our area and it could possibly take up to two weeks to get power restored.  Thank goodness for generators and Wifi hotspots through the phone!  We did walk around to see what damage was in our area-- like this snapped pole.  

The boys and I spent the day playing games, working on puzzles, reading, swimming (not our pool but we sure do enjoy it!), and hanging by the water- they swam to the cottage, jet skied over to the "other side" of the lake and hung out with family. 

Dinner was burger and hot dogs again with just a tossed salad this time as there wasn't much in our freezer that could be grilled.  I finished up my puzzle after dinner.

We were up bright and early to get the generator going again on Thursday and spent another day at home.  I alternated between working on my new puzzle, reading a book, and doing a few small household chores (like making up a new menu of non-oven meals and grocery list to go with it).  I even managed to squeeze in a nap (well, technically I feel asleep on the swing chair while reading)!  

For dinner I grilled up chicken tenders that I had marinading in a yogurt marinade all day, some sliced potatoes, and broccoli.  I made up a tiny salad with what fresh veggies we had left in the house.

After dinner my husband and I headed out grocery shopping.   We've been ending our nights watching old DVD's-- so far this week we've watched Notting Hill (he was working late the night of the actual storm hooking up generators), Fool's Gold, and Charlie's Angels Full Throttle. 

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  1. Minus the storms it looked like such a fun week! Our family LOVES pork tenderloin! Have you tried it on broccoli slaw? It is so good! I really want some of those Oreo/Hazelnut Muddy Buddies!

    1. No I haven't but that does sound good! Thanks for the suggestion.

  2. That picture you took of the lake is so pretty!! Also, those muddy buddies need to be in my belly. They look so good! Sorry to hear about your ER trip, a fish hook to the head doesn't sound very fun.

    1. Every now and then the lake just looks magical. A fish hook to any part of the body is never fun; this is not our first ER/hook removal visit (just the first one this year!).

  3. Oh friend, what a week you have had! I’m so sorry about the storm and about the hook in Ian’s head! I hope he is feeling much better! That pineapple chicken looks divine and I cannot wait for the recipe!

    1. He is feeling much better and went back to work already. The incision is so small I have to hunt to even find it.

  4. Wow WHAT A WEEK! So glad he is okay and you had a fun and relaxing week as well.

    1. Yep, definitely an unforgettable one! Seems like 2020 is filled with those...

  5. Fish hook in his head? Ouch! Looks like a ton of lake fun.

    1. Amazingly enough he said it didn't hurt that bad.

  6. What a week! But it sounds like you made the best of it. I hope everyone stays safe. :)

    1. We sure did make the best of it... what else can you do? I did warn I'm not cooking tonight though.

  7. So much excitement! A fish hook in the head does not sound pleasant. What a beautiful spot you have there on the lake. Hope the rest of hurricane season takes it easy on you.

    1. LOL. Excitement for sure! It's so rare to get hit by hurricanes here... I sure hope the rest of the season passes us by.

  8. So sorry for your power outages- it was wild here too but we lucked out. Love all of your outdoor time as always- have a great weekend!

    1. I'm not at all surprised; we lose power ALL THE TIME! I was more surprised that so many others lost it to. I guess they're saying the weight of the leaves being on the trees where in the fall they're usually ready to come off the trees?

  9. Can't believe there are more outages than there were with sandy! Glad Ian is ok.

    1. I know; crazy right!? They're blaming the full tree canopies as opposed to the mostly empty ones in the fall.

  10. I'm so glad y'all are okay, but that does stink about losing power. We need to invest in a good generator because every time our power goes out we are at the mercy of the power company and that is never fun!

    1. We lose power all the time... ALL THE TIME! It can be a bright sunny day and we'll lose power for an hour or two randomly. We have a HUGE generator.

  11. Sorry to hear about having to visit the ER and the storm! But looks like despite those things you had lots of enjoyable moments! Beautiful puzzle. I took the kids to visit it on our last trip to Germany. It's only a couple of hours away from my sister's house.

    1. We sure did have plenty of enjoyable moments to make up for those other not so enjoyable ones. I was thinking it would be so fun to visit that castle as I was putting that puzzle together.

  12. He got a fish hook in his head? That is insane. So many yummy food photos here. I need to get back into puzzles. They are so relaxing and this one is really pretty! Have a great weekend!

    1. Yep, it's actually a pretty common fishing injury-- head, eyebrow, hand, etc. In this instance there were just too many people on the boat casting and one cast went awry.

  13. Oh my goodness that sounds like an eventful week! I think the whole fish hook thing would have freaked me out! But it sounds like you had some other moments of the week that were much better. I hope you have a quiet weekend!

    1. I tend to take injuries and ER visits in stride; being a mom of three boys this was not our first trip and I knew this a pretty minor one. Just so glad I didn't have to figure out how to take it out myself! That would have freaked me out. I sat on the opposite side of his head so I didn't have to see anything. LOL.

  14. Sorry about the ER visit. Have a good weekend and looking forward to that chicken recipe. Sounds delicous!

  15. Whew, what a week! Hope things get better soon!

  16. A fishing hook in the head. BOYS! I am glad he is okay. Hope you all get power back soon.
    Blessings, Dawn

  17. You guys sure know how to have fun and eat good, but wow, that long of a power outage? We never experience anything like that here. If the power goes out at all, it's never more than a few hours.

    1. We did get our power back yesterday mid- morning. We have had outages as long as 7 days though (some in our area with one of our last big storms had power outages for 11 days!).


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