Friday Favorites: The Week My Husband and I Took a Little Trip to Maine

We had another fabulous week with good weather, good food and lots of family and fun.

We spent a rainy, gray Friday at home.  The boys and I cleaned the upstairs.  We played some card games did lots of reading. I tried to finish up my latest book- The Woman in Cabin 10.

For dinner I made Weight Watchers pizzas and a salad.

The boys had a birthday party to attend on Saturday.  It was supposed to rain but the weather ended up being quite beautiful.  I'm not sure who was more excited the boys or I!  I spent my morning finishing up my book and starting another one-- Big Summer.  Alec began putting together my birthday dessert for my party.  He settled on making some triple chocolate cheesecake cupcakes and it was hard not to swipe one!

In the afternoon/evening we spent a good 4 hours hanging out with our friends in their backyard.  They rent a huge blow up slide and have a small above ground pool and I think the kids spent the whole time between the two (when they weren't eating!).  I enjoyed the night off from cooking too and spent the whole time catching up with 4 of my favorite homeschooling mamas.

My husband had planned a party for me on Sunday.  My husband and Ian did head out fishing in the morning and I enjoyed a lazy morning on the deck, reading, blogging, and eating.  It was supposed to be a really hot muggy day but some cooler winds blew through in the night and we had a perfect day weather-wise.

My husband and the boys did most of the work so I could relax and visit with our parents (though I do have a hard time not pitching in!).  I finally got to open my gifts from my husband and the boys.  My mom also takes the clothes/items I buy each year and wraps them up so I opened those too.  My two mother-in-laws had given me my gifts last week (one got me a tank top, a book, and some money to go shopping while the other gave me a new pair of Clark's and a gift card to Amazon).

We had steak, squash casserole, baked potatoes, corn and salad.. and Alec's cheesecakes of course!

My husband and I left bright and early on Monday morning for a 2 day trip to Maine.  He was being sent to Maine for two different jobs.  The first job only took an hour or two and we stopped nearby to check out a utility/ crane truck his company is buying.  We headed out for the second job and arrived right around lunchtime.  This job took a bit longer and it was a bit hot sitting in the truck the whole time-- reading (finishing up Big Summer) and occasionally blogging... but it could have been so much worse as my poor husband was working out in the sun (other than the quick thunderstorm that blew through).

Even while on a job he often fields calls from his workers or other customers

On our drive through Portland

Once he was finished both jobs we headed to Freeport for the night.  Our hotel was beautiful (though I cannot find the photo I took of it)!  We took showers and then headed out to dinner at the Tuscan Brick Oven Bistro.  We each got chicken parm. and then spent the night walking around Freeport.  Most everything was closed but we did stop in at LL Bean and I bought a few things using my LL Bean bucks on my credit card.  We shared a small cone of ice cream from Ben & Jerry's on our walk back to the hotel.

Tuesday morning we "slept in" until 5... unfortunately nothing opened in Freeport until 10 so we enjoyed a lazy morning at our hotel.  Around 9 we did try to find some breakfast and after walking around town for a bit (and finding that most eateries were closed on Tuesday) we hopped in the truck and had a fabulous breakfast at this little diner.  Our waitress was so sweet (I think she was also the owner) and the food was so good! I got 2 pancakes; one chocolate chip and one cinnamon swirl while my husband got an omelette and had browns.

We headed back to Freeport and did a bit more shopping stopping at the North Face, LL Bean Outlet, Sea Bags (Thanks for the heads up on that one HOLLY!), and then we decided to head to Kittery.  It was supposed to be a washout of a day and while it did downpour on our way to Kittery we were so happy to see the sun come back out.

We stopped at the Kittery Trading post and ate lunch at Bob's Clam Hut after reading that it was shown on Diners, Drive-in's and Dives.

We shared a lobster roll, onion rings, and a cup of clam chowder

We stopped for an ice cream-- I HAD to have Maine Black Bear while in Maine.  It's my favorite flavor and not all that easy to find.  It's vanilla ice cream with raspberry swirls and little dark chocolate cups filled with raspberry.  Believe it or not I got a small!

We were already in York getting ice cream so we decided to take a drive to the Nubble Lighthouse.  I was so happy to set eyes on the ocean and hear the waves crashing against the rocks.

We made one or two stops on the way home (including a grocery run) but we were home by dinnertime and all unpacked and caught up with the boys in no time. Alec made spaghetti, sauce and garlic bread for himself and his brothers while I had some leftover salad from my party and my husband ate fruit salad.

I had an appointment for a perm on Wednesday!  It was a beautiful morning on the lake and a little on the cool side outside so I worked on weeding a few of the gardens for a good half hour or so before breakfast.

I spent my morning getting caught up on laundry and paying bills.  I worked on the blog for a bit and then after lunch headed out for my hair appointment.  It's a special kind of torture having a perm with a mask on as the smells were magnified under the mask and it got saturated with perming solution and water.  Thankfully I only get 1 perm per year.

I thawed out chicken and cooked up some veggies from our Misfits Market box for dinner-- I am loving our customized boxes.

After dinner I had to help my husband at the hydro taking measurements-- sometimes it is so nerve wracking to watch him work. I really enjoyed the sunset over the water though.

Taking measurements off the side of the bridge

Alec and I spent a good part of our day on Thursday going through the orientation website for the school he's looking at attending this fall; sadly we had more questions than answers by the time we were done.  Then I headed outside to relax and read.

How was your week?

Linking up with: Morning Cup of Joe, On the Edge


  1. I want to hit Nubble Light this summer! So good to see views of Portland and Freeport! Glad you had a good trip!

    1. While there I discovered my husband knows a family that owns a house nearby and apparently they've invited us up a time or two so I'm hoping to push him to accept and get up there one last time this summer. I just love that rugged Maine coast.

  2. That trip looks like so much fun! Do you have a link to that triple chocolate cheesecake that Alec made? I won't see the response to this comment, so if you think about it, could you share it to a comment on my blog? Otherwise, I will seek this comment out. :)

  3. Woohoo, so happy you and hubs got away. Looked gorgeous. The blow up slide looked fun too.

    1. They had a blast on that blow up slide; funny enough that family rents the same one each year. It's so funny to see how much they've all grown in comparison to the slide. They used to be able to slide down 4 at a time and now 2 barely fit.

  4. Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a great one with lots of celebrations! We visited Maine years ago pre-kids and visited the L.L. Bean store. Did you enjoy Big Summer?! It was different than her usual stuff but I really liked it! Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you! I really did enjoy Big Summer a lot.

  5. I really liked Maine when I went there, even though I was so nauseous at the time because I was pregnant with Gabbie!

    1. I was like that in Disney one year-- not fun!

  6. We love York beach & Kittery. I'm in NH. We'll be going to Maine in August, Bar Harbor.

    1. I have always wanted to visit Bar Harbor; and we were supposed to have spent a long weekend there in May (but that didn't happen, obviously!). Have a great time on your trip!

  7. Lovely read! And I want a Maine chocolate bear here on the Netherlands too! Hope to see you on my Fancy Friday link up party.

    1. Heading there right now, Nancy. Thank you.

  8. What a gorgeous week. I love Maine. It is so lovely.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I love Maine. We were just talking this week about how if it weren't for the long cold winters I'd want to live there!

  9. Looks like a great trip :) Aww, I would love a pool on my garden.

    1. I have always wanted a pool!! But I've come to the realization that I probably never will have one.

  10. How fun to be able to have a short get away with your husband! It looked like you had a fun time and the food sounded just perfect. Have a nice weekend. :)

    1. It was wonderful to get away just the two of us.

  11. So glad you got away. Your pictures are amazing. It is a bit crazy traveling right now, but so worth it!

  12. How nice to be able to have a change of scenery for a couple of days! I haven't been to Maine since I was a teenager!

    1. It was so nice to get a little change of scenery! We head to Maine quite often as I do love it there.

  13. It looks like you had a lovely birthday and are making the best of easy summer living! I love the blow up slide for the kids and the giant LL Bean boot is so fab! Wishing you a happy bleated birthday! Thanks for linking up with me.


    1. They had a huge bootmobile outside the store too but I didn't realize until I got home that my photo wasn't any good. I wish I had taken another photo of it because it was so unique.

  14. Love that photo of Nubble Lighthouse. Looks like you've been having a lot of fun. I'll have to try Bob's Clam Hut on my next trip to Me.

  15. So glad y'all had a brief getaway! We are in desperate need of some alone time. That ice cream though...yum!!

  16. Sounds like such a fun trip! And happy belated birthday!


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