Summer Bucket List

With summer officially starting this past weekend, I wanted to write up a quick little bucket list.  This summer I'm sure our list will look a bit different from years past but as more and more regulations lift we look more and more forward to life returning to a semblance of normal.

Here are just a few things we want to try!

1.  Try making our own Dole Whips-- Disney recently released their recipe and they are my husband's favorite Disney treat.

2.  Enjoy the 4th of July with Family-- We might have to keep it smaller than usual this year but we are looking forward to seeing our family.

3. Host a BBQ-- We never got around to this last season as our social distancing rules didn't change until just a week or two ago.

4. Have friends over to swim-- Even if we can only see them one or two families at a time my boys and I are chomping at the bit to have some friends over now that our weather is warming up and he dock is in.

5.  Get together with others for hiking-- This will all depend on how others in our hiking group feel as I have already made it known that we are happy to meet up and hike with others.

6. Celebrate my birthday-- I'm crossing my fingers dressing rooms will be open by then as I so look forward to birthday shopping with my mom each year. I know we may have to eat outside too but that's OK we just enjoy spending time together.  I know my husband is already talking about ordering gifts early so they'll be in on time so I'm sure my guys will spoil me rotten too.

7.  Attend a birthday party for one of the boys' friends-- We were so excited to be invited back and while it too will be a much smaller party this year it should be so much fun for the boys (and me!).

8.  Eat out at a few times-- We have a few IOU birthday dinners out for family that had birthdays while we were in quarantine and we're looing forward to catching up with them hopefully this season.

9. Make some frozen treats using our popscicle molds and ice cream maker-- We got a head start on this last week but we have a pretty big list of other recipes we'd like to try making too!

10.  Take a trip to the shore!-- My boys don't really like going to the beach but I really enjoy hearing the waves so maybe my mom and I will take a trip for my birthday or else I'll rope Ben into another day trip. 

11. Watch some fireworks somewhere-- Luckily there are usually a few people around the lake that set off fireworks in the summer so we don't usually have to go very far to see some.

12.  Make waffle brownie sundaes or ice cream treats-- I have been wanting to make brownies in the waffle maker and top it with ice cream for quite some time and I am determined that this will be summer we give it a try!

Linking up with: A Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. This is a great list!! I can't wait for fireworks! :)

  2. It sounds like you have some great plans. I have no idea what a Dole Whip is but it looks so good. x

    1. I've only ever had a bite or two but it reminded me of soft served ice cream that had a pineapple flavor to it.

  3. I bookmarked the Disney Dole Whip recipe, too! I was so excited to see they had finally released it. We are going to try them this summer, too.

    1. I was pretty excited to see them releasing a lot of their recipes.

  4. Such a fun list- can't wait to see fireworks too!

  5. Sounds like some fabulous plans. We haven't planned anything yet, we just seem to be cancelling everything. Maybe writing out a bucket list will make summer look more exciting. I definitely have to try some chocolate brownie waffles. #mmbc

    1. I think it did help to write up things we can look forward to that we know have a very low chance of being canceled or don't rely on things outside the home much. We write up a bucket list every year and while this year it looks quite different we are just as excited to tackle these few things.

  6. Such a great list! The dole whips sound interesting. I have no idea what it is exactly, but how funny I noticed a sign up at our local ice cream shop yesterday that they are now offering those. Might have to give it a try next time we visit the shop. Thanks for sharing and hopefully you can do everything on your list!
    Ellibelle's Corner

    1. Oh I definitley recommend trying them if you like pineapple. They are so yummy!

  7. Love your Summer Bucket List!! I too plan to have a little July 4th gathering...People are shooting off fireworks here left and right because almost all firework displays have been cancelled so the News reported that firework sales are up big time..I am sure Hospital ER visits with that will be too!! I have been having a great time in our garden and just sitting back and enjoying myself!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Stay safe, healthy and happy!!

    1. I was wondering that too (about the ER visits). We always have huge displays families set off around the lake and a time or two we have seen the fireworks fall over and shoot the wrong way or shoot out real low along the water (where someone is usually in a boat watching). Thankfully in all the years we have lived here we haven't heard of any accidents but I know a portion of a cottage burned down from fireworks many, many years ago (I think before my husband and I were even born).

  8. Your summer bucket list sounds perfect! I hope you do get spoiled rotten on your birthday!

  9. This is a wonderful list for what will be a return to simple summer pleasures!

    1. We tend to always aim for a pretty simple summer.

  10. Too funny, my sister and I were just talking yesterday about how much we missed Dole Whips!! I'll have to tell her about the recipe!


    1. Yeah, I was so excited when I saw it on another blogger's website! Disney released quite a few of their most popular recipes on their blog when the parks were shut down.

  11. What a fun bucket list! I still need to work on mine. I have a couple ideas, but we'll see. I love the idea of making your own Dole Whip though. Yum.


  12. What a fun list! I hope you all are able to do most if not all of them. Things seem to be going much better up north than down here in the south.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I'm not sure if we're doing better of if it's just that no one seems to care...

  13. I love all of these. And Disney released their dole whip recipe? I need to try that. I LOVE Dole Whip.

  14. Oooh...lots of good summer foods on your list. I love it! I can't believe your boys don't like the beach. We don't live anywhere near the ocean, so when we travel to a beach location, it's such a treat. I also love listening to the waves. Enjoy your summer!

    1. They have determined they like the beach-- in the south! They loved the beaches in South Carolina and Florida but up here the water is so cold all year long that they'd prefer not to go at all. I just love walking near the water and listening to the waves.

  15. Now this is my kind of list. Frozen treats, lake and beach time! Yes! And a hopeful clothes shopping trip for your birthday. It is hard to shop now without being able to try things on. I have been known to slip off to a secluded corner and try something on over my clothes. Probably against all the correct Covid protocol but some stores won't let you return if you do get the wrong size. So a girl has to do what she has to do.

    PC is not as keen about the beach as I am. When we bought our pool, he said we had to exchange beach trips for swimming in our pool. But it just isn't the same. Noting compares with being on the ocean. Even Galveston beach which is pretty low key compared to Destin or Key West...a beach is a beach!!

    Thanks for joining me for this bucket list series. I am always so impressed with all you do!

    1. It's definitely the not trying things on that makes shopping so hard right now! I thought perhaps this year we'd pick a few stores that sell mainly accessories and focus on fun things like jewelry, shoes, and other little trinkets.

      I love a pool for swimming; it's my favorite for when I want to cool off and be in the water but nothing beats the sound of the waves crashing on the shore and the smell of the sea air. I'm happiest walking on the beach just around sunrise and right before dinner when it's more quiet and empty.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. A lot of our list has already been cancelled but I guess we are all just doing what we can. That bounce house looks awesome btw #happynow

    1. Yeah, much of what we'd normally do isn't really possible this year either but I'm just trying to focus on what we can do. This family rents that same bounce house/waterslide every year for their son's birthday and all the kids just love it!


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