How I Did on My June Goals and My July Goals

While there were days when time seemed to drag on and on I am still pretty amazed at how fast the whole month just flew right by. I thought today would be a good day to look back at my June goals and see how I did while also planning my new July goals. My June Goals: Try to get together with a few friends for hiking once we can increases group sizes to 10-- Check?! While I did try and get some friends to hike with us our friends were not up for it just yet. Plan something fun for Father's day and work with the boys to get gifts ordered/made-- Check! I think my husband had an awesome father's day fishing in lower pond. We spoiled him with gifts (new recliners for our bedroom) and made him some of his favorite foods. Track every day on Weight Watchers and try to stay within the blue dot range 6 days a week - 1/2 a check! I did manage this a few weeks but not as consistently as I'd like. I am down 1-2 pounds since June started though so I'm ...