My June Goals and How I Did With My May Goals

While there were days when time seemed to drag on and on I am still pretty amazed at how fast the whole month just flew right by.  I thought today would be a good day to look back at my May goals and see how I did while also planning my new June goals. 

May Goals:

Pull out patio/ decking furniture and get ready for spring & summer-- Check!  

Get the gardens cleared out and ready for spring-- Check!

Continue hiking whenever the weather allows and try to extend hikes to an hour and half each time.-- 1/2 a check?!  We did get out hiking a lot but still tended to stick to just about an hour each trip.

Figure out the best way to celebrate Mother's day with social distancing-- Check!  

Have a fun Disney themed day complete with homemade dole whips and Disney movies-- Nope; I forgot all about it.

Plan a special meal/ gift for our anniversary-- Check! We decided to do away with gifts this year but I did plan a special meal complete with dessert that Alec baked up for us.

Hopefully I'll get to take Ian to get his learner's permit (if the DMV opens back up)--Nope; they didn't open back up and said in their email that this on hold indefinitely.  

Meet with the doctor to decide if/when to schedule the hysterectomy -- Check!  We don't have a date as we're waiting on the hospital to allow non-emergency surgeries but I'm on the doctor's schedule and we're hoping for early fall.  

Finally paint Alec's room or at the very least get it mostly cleared out and prep the walls-- Check!  We painted and tackled the flooring.

Track EVERY DAY on Weight Watchers and start drinking more water again-- 1/2 a check!  I did track most days but not every day.  I started drinking more water but I still don't think I'm where I used to be ounces wise.

Exercise for 30 minutes on those days I can't hike-- Nope!  I think I exercised twice this month aside from hiking.

Get our kayaks in the water for our first trip of the year (if the weather warms up)-- Check! The boys and I headed out for an hour long round trip to "our" secret cove with my mother.

My June Goals:

Try to get together with a few friends for hiking once we can increases group sizes to 10

Plan something fun for Father's day and work with the boys to get gifts ordered/made

Track every day on Weight Watchers and try to stay within the blue dot range 6 days a week. 

Get Ian's working papers all squared away so he can start his new job.

Go on a few kayak rides

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness,


  1. It sounds like you did well with your goals! Happy belated anniversary to you both too, I hope you enjoyed your special day. x

  2. That is frustrating about the DMV! You did great with your goals though.

    1. I was just able to make an appointment for him for OCTOBER! Then he has to wait 6 months befor ehe can take the driving test after that. So ultimately there is just no way he can get his liscence until he's 17 now and no friends or anthing in the car with him until 18. It is really frustrating. He was so disappointed (and I was too as it would be great for him to have his own vehicle for getting to work each day).

  3. That stinks about not being able to get his license until he is 17! My son should be taking driver's ed this fall and getting his license next summer when he turns 16. When my daughter got her license it was a game-changer! Good job on your goals! I wish I lived close to you and I'd go hiking with you!

    1. They implemented all sorts of new rules for driver's lisences this year that we were already dealing with but to have all this "extra" stuff pushing everything back even further has definitely been a bummer for him. I can't wait until he can drive; I just know I'll be sending him out on errands when he's not at work. Too bad you don't live closer; we're always looking for new hiking friens.

  4. It sounds like you had a lovely May. It looks like you have some gorgeous places to hike. What a pretty view!
    Good luck. I hope your hysterectomy goes well.
    Have a great June x

    1. We have lots of pretty places to hike and just found a new one yesterday. I hope the hysterectomy goes well too; I am quite nervous and would love to just get it over with.

  5. I have so much sympathy for our teens whose goals and milestones are being thwarted and canceled because of the quarantine.
    Sorry you need surgery, but hope it gets scheduled soon so you can put it behind you and enjoy the summer.

  6. I am so envious of where you live. Also the kayaking. Love all of that.
    It sounds like you got a lot of things done this month!
    Are you rescheduling your trip that got canceled in February?

    1. We definitley plan to reschedule our trip but we've talked about it as a family and we don't want to visit Disney until we don't have to wear masks and until they really OPEN Disney as so many of their things will remain shut down (like parades, fireworks, etc-- things that just really add to the magic!). I think for this summer we'll plan a trip closer to home that we can drive to and save Disney/ Universal for maybe next February??

  7. I need to write down my goals so I achieve them. I have so much I want to do in the garden. Love your pretty flowers :)

    1. I am definitely finding that writing down my goals is helping me remember to work on them.

  8. I think I might sit down later this morning and come up with some goals for the month. I like looking back and seeing what I have accomplished.

  9. My younger son got his DL just in the nick of time. I think they closed that next week. So many of his friends were finally able to get theirs since our DMVs finally opened up here.

    1. Good for him! Our DMV is awful at the best of times with lines out the door and through the parking lots... I can't imagine what it's going to look like once they open up after being shut down for so many months.

  10. Love seeing all your Check!s from May :) I applaud you for setting goals and tackling your to-do list! I find it difficult to get motivated when so much of life is still at a standstill.
    I do enjoy this slower pace of life, though, and like you, happy to get some home projects taken care of --
    our daughter is also waiting on the DMV. She had an appointment to take her driver's test the week they shut down, so we understand the disappointment you son must be feeling!

    1. I am so sorry to hear that! I hope she gets to take her test soon.

  11. Well, I think you had a lot of success with your May goals! I need to start thinking about Father’s Day ideas. In May, we celebrated my son’s birthday, Mother’s Day, my husband’s birthday, my neighbor’s birthday, and my birthday. I am kind of burnt out from celebrating! Haha. Thanks for linking up with me.


    1. Thank you! We haven't really celebrated much but we sure are ready to.


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