How I Did With My April Goals and Setting Goals for May

It's the start of a new month and time to set some new goals.  I had struggled to put together goals for April since we were sheltering at home all month and now it looks like May will be more of the same.

Hopefully our weather will be nicer though and if we can get outside more there is plenty of odd jobs to do around the house to get us prepped for spring and summer.  

Before heading into my May goals I wanted to take on last look at April's goals and see how I did:
  • Try to go for walks/hikes around our property or nearby whenever the weather allows-- check!

  • Drink lots of water-- Nope! I didn't do as great this past month as I would have liked.  Many days it was well past noon before I even realized I hadn't had anything to drink.
  • Focus on mindful breathing and trying to keep stress to a minimum-- Check! I think with all that went on in the month of April I did pretty well keeping my stress level down. 
  • Finish up our schoolwork for the year-- Check! We still have a few skills each boy is working on but only for 5-10 minutes a day to keep those skills fresh.
  • Plan next year's curriculum (for all 3 boys?-- not sure what's going on with Alec but I feel like I should have a plan just as a backup).-- Check!  I'll be sharing the plan for all three boys the first three Wednesdays this month. 
  • Get the patio/ deck ready for spring & summer-- Nope! But that's because it snowed and got real cold in Mid April.  I'm moving his to May's goals instead. 
  • Plant seeds-- Nope! I did, however, plant celery and pineapple so we'll see how that goes.  

  • Figure out what to do about our postponed trip to Disney (postpone it again? cancel it completely?)-- Check!   We got all the money back from our AirB&B and car rental, the airline gave us vouchers and with Disney extending the life of our tickets we hope to get there in the fall but I refused to plan this trip a third time in 3 months.  

I look at my May calendar and it makes me so sad to think we're missing our Disney trip, we'll be apart from our mothers on Mother's day, and the weekend away we had planned for our anniversary won't be happening either... but we will make the best of it and hopefully can make up for all this missed fun at a later date.  

For now I'm trying to focus on good thoughts and hoping we'll have some warmer spring weather so we can enjoy more time outside. 

May Goals:

  • Pull out patio/ decking furniture and get ready for spring & summer
  • Get the gardens cleared out and ready for spring-- A job I did start on already!
  • Continue hiking whenever the weather allows and try to extend hikes to an hour and half each time.
  • Figure out the best way to celebrate Mother's day with social distancing.
  • Have a fun Disney themed day complete with homemade dole whips and Disney movies.
  • Plan a special meal/ gift for our anniversary.
  • Hopefully I'll get to take Ian to get his learner's permit (if the DMV opens back up)
  • Meet with the doctor to decide if/when to schedule the hysterectomy (if the office opens back up)
  • Finally paint Alec's room or at the very least get it mostly cleared out and prep the walls.  
  • Track EVERY DAY on Weight Watchers and start drinking more water again.
  • Exercise for 30 minutes on those days I can't hike.
  • Get our kayaks in the water for our first trip of the year (if the weather warms up)
  • Watch the newest Little Women movie that I keep putting off/ forgetting about. 

I think that should do it.  Do you have any plans for the month?

Linking Up With: Spread the Kindness,


  1. Great job! The place where you walk is beautiful.

    1. Thank you! We are pretty lucky to have a few hiking places nearby.

  2. I've got a lot of the same goals as you do, including watching Little Women (I keep putting it off, too). We celebrated our anniversary in quarantine, and I pretended our dining room was a restaurant, including printed menus. It was really fun, but I'm looking forward to being "free" again. Stay well.

    1. I finally watched it last night and I did think it was a cute movie.

  3. Good luck with the celery and pineapple. That is very cool! I planted some lettuce stumps and, wonder of wonders, they are doing great! I have some green sprouts. Good luck with the May goals!

    1. We planted a few lettuce stumps too but then I read they'll only grow so much-- just enough to top a sandwich or make a small salad and then they won't grow much further. You'll have to let me know how it works out for you and perhaps we'll try again.

  4. I think many of us have similar goals. Like your walk photos. #MMBC

  5. Good luck with your goals. I'm sorry about the Disney trip!

    1. Thanks.. we're hoping we can reschedule (yet again) for the fall if things improve.

  6. You know, I am going to sit down and write some goals for May!

  7. I'm sorry about your Disney trip but glad they extended your tickets. One day it will happen, I'm sure! Unfortunately I DID plant seeds this past weekend, and now we're having an unprecedented cold spell for May. :( I was able to bring the pots inside, but not the ones in the ground already. Oh well. May need a replanting in a few weeks. Thanks for sharing your April goals. You did well!

    1. I'm pretty sure our trip will happen eventually too; we are open to going this year depending on how things go. We have snow in today's forecast so I am very glad we haven't planted anything outside yet.

  8. You did a great job on goals this month! And i'm right there with ya on Disney... ours was rescheduled for the first week of June and we're still waiting to see what Disney is going to do. Even if they DO open by then we're not going, but we're holding off on rescheduling until we see if they'll even be open. They may just decide to stay closed and I think that'll make it easier on us for rescheduling. At this point, I think we're just going to book for next Spring Break in March 2021. So heartbreaking.

    1. We're still hopeful for fall but really don't want to go if we're going to have to wear masks all day in the hot sun... and as I may be having my surgery (finally!!) in the late summer/early fall that might not work out either. We'll see. I'm trying really hard to not worry about it all.

  9. It's been unseasonably cold in these parts too- definitely does not feel like Spring has sprung just yet! My mom is coming over for a "socially distant" picnic in my backyard for Mother's Day. I hope you guys figure something out- we just decided last night! Good luck with your goals, and happy Anniversary!

    1. That sounds like fun! I was hoping to do something like too but it will definitely depend on the weather. We have a big enough back yard that we could all easily keep our distance and still visit with one another but we do have snow flurries in tomorrow's forecast.

  10. Good luck as you continue your monthly goals. Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 12, open May 1 to 26. All entries shared if social media buttons are installed.

  11. Thanks for sharing your goals and linking up with me! I did want to do more exercise and mindful activities as well during this lockdown, but I have failed miserably! There is no better time than the present, I suppose!


    1. I was hoping to add in a bit of exercise each morning with yoga or my stability or just something to start my day off right and I have't done that even once!


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