Friday Favorites: The First Kayak Ride of the Year

We're getting out and about so much more now that our state is slowly opening up.  I guess I missed shopping in stores as I went to Target 3 times in 3 days! With memorial day weekend behind us and summer like temperatures this week we have turned our thoughts to summer fun and are spending more time outside. 

Friday we cleaned out our kayaks for our first trip of the year!  My mom came over and we spent close to an hour kayaking around.  It was pretty windy and not that easy to paddle but we made it to the cove we planned to visit and enjoyed sightseeing along the way.

After our ride we went for a walk and stopped in to visit my mother- in- law.  I helped Ian get the jet ski in the water so I guess summer is officially here.  Now we just need to get our dock in.  We grilled up burgers and hot dogs and had them with pasta salad and salad.

Ian and my husband headed off Saturday morning to go and pick up a new jet ski (well, used but new to us).  I ran to Michael's, Target, and Lowe's picking up art supplies, dropping off clothes that didn't fit, and picking out plants & pots for my gardens (we filled the trunk with 5 hanging baskets and 4 pots overflowing with flowers).  Sadly, Michael's wasn't open-- despite their website telling me they were!   I really want to wander those aisles and replenish my crafting stock.

But Evan did talk me into buying two pairs of cute sandals at Target when I told him they were B1G1 so it wasn't all bad!

We whipped up some tacos and nachos for dinner.

We headed out for a 6 mile hike Sunday afternoon.  We ended up hiking just under 2 1/2 hours.  The weather was perfect for hiking!  We finished up at dinnertime and picked up pizza and grinders on our way home.

Monday didn't feel like a holiday and it was pretty cold and rainy so the younger boys and I spent most of our day inside.  Ian went fishing in the morning with his grandfather and then spent the afternoon kayaking down the river with my husband.  I worked on my blog, my puzzle and read some of my book.  We did help the family put the docks in at the cottage; thank goodness I just have to watch as that water looked chilly!

We cooked up some chicken tenderloins and some shrimp with vegetables over rice for a quick and easy stir-fry.

We had a busy day on Tuesday!  We finished Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire then I asked the boys to work together to clean the whole upstairs.  While they did that I ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner.  Alec was making a key lime pie and we needed just a couple of ingredients but I decided to pick up all our fruits and veggies for the week while I was there.  Once home I helped Alec make the pie-- it was amazing!!

I finished up my puzzle and book and then since it was sunny and 80+ degrees out I kicked everyone outside after lunch.  Ian went jet skiing while Alec sat to read his book.  Evan and I headed out on a little walk.

We cooked up a real simple dinner of spaghetti and sauce with salad and fresh bread for dinner.

Wednesday we met up with my mom and one of her friends to walk the river trail; it took us a good hour and half to walk the whole thing and back and it was such a beautiful sunny day!

Alec asked to stop for ice cream on the way home but ended up being the only one who wanted any so I just gave him some money and waited in the car.

After we were home for a bit and I got most of our dinner prepped we headed over to the cottage to visit with some family and friends and distributed the 1/2 of key lime pie we had left.  It was a HUGE hit!

For dinner we put together some grilled chicken wraps with butternut squash fries, corn on the cob, and salad.

It was rainy and miserable on Thursday so we stayed home.  The boys and I cleaned the whole downstairs and they spent their afternoon playing cards, ping pong, and video games.  I worked on the blog and read my latest book.  My husband was supposed to cook steaks on the grill but was running pretty late with work so we picked up Pub 99 takeout instead.

Linking Up With: A morning cup of joe,  On the Edge, Fabulous Fridays,


  1. Our boys had their first kayak ride that Sunday. The puzzle is so cool and key lime pie sounds delicious!

    1. It really was delicious; I don't think I've ever had key lime pie before.

  2. So glad you are starting to get out- your three trips to Target cracked me up! Enjoy :)

    1. So.. I shouldn't admit I'm heading there today!?! LOL.

  3. Kayaking is so much fun! Your flowers are so pretty. This reminds me that I haven't worked on a puzzle in ages! Have a great weekend!

  4. We are thinking of getting some kayak when my littles are not so little: until then our rafts will work for the river. We plan to go on a small hike this pm, after last week's super long hike, I need to ease the kids back in. We will be grilling some this weekend and hopefully bike on a new to us trail.

    1. We're hoping to grill up some steaks tonight an we might go on a hike this afternoon now that the sun is trying to make an appearance.

  5. Kayaking looks like so much fun! And I love you’re new hanging baskets. They’re so pretty!

    1. It is a lot of fun; it's one thing that we all seem to enjoy doing too.

  6. What fun! Those flowers are beautiful!

  7. That pie looks amazing. I totally want pie now! You hiked 6 miles? Way to go. I need to get back into hiking. Yay for new Target sandals. I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. We did! I tought the boys were going to mutiny. LOL. We all decided 5 miles is our limit for now though.

  8. Your food always sounds amazing and makes me hungry! I had missed shopping, too, and enjoyed myself a bit too much when I went last week!

    1. Aw, thank you! Since none of the store up here allow us to try on clothes I'm buying a bit and bringing them home to try on and then returning. It's a real pain and is kind of curbing my shopping habit. LOL.

  9. That pie looks so good. I love key lime pie. You all are really getting around. My mom is still keeping her distance because she has lots of health issues. We see her from a far on the porch. I miss just hanging out.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. We are getting around a lot and seeing quite a bit of family too; though we've been seeing most of them right along. With my husband working with family all day it seemed silly to try and disctance ourselves from them in the "off" hours.

  10. What a fun week! I cannot wait to get my kayak in the water! Your hanging baskets and flowers look so pretty!

    Jill - Doused in Pink

  11. Puzzle, pie and kayak? Sign me up! What a fun week!

  12. I love seeing your puzzles! Kayaking has never been a favorite of mine but you make it look fun!

    1. I think it is a lot of fun; we don't go for more than hour usually as my legs/back can give me problems after that and we like to pick easy spots to kayak where we can usually just meander along.

  13. I have not been kayaking in over 20 years and now I really want to go! I am going to have to look into that this summer. I love reading about all your fun family activities! Thanks for sharing and linking up.


    1. We live right on the lake and finally got aroud to making sure everyone had a kayak last year. It's a lot of fun but I often have to cajole my boys into going with me.


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