Prime Purchases in March

I placed a whole bunch of orders through Amazon in March.  Towards the beginning of the month I placed a HUGE Prime Pantry order trying to keep our cabinets stocked (which if I'm honest we have 1 of the 22 items left!) but I didn't bother linking up any of those below because none of it is currently available.

I also spent the early part of March trying to get all three boys squared away for spring and ended up order some clothes for the boys and myself (mostly through Prime Wardrobe).

I am LOVING these yoga pants! I bought them in black and within a week ordered another pair in gray.

I also love how soft and flattering these flowered wide leg lounge pants; again so much so I ordered a second pair in another color.

I bought myself this skort and it is so comfy I can't wait for the weather to warm up enough to wear it.
These Bermuda shorts; I had a similar pair last year but they're too big now. 

I also needed some new t-shirts so I bought this two-pack of tees to try out.  I like the material and fit so I'm sure I'll be ordering a few more.

I tried on these capri jeans and really like how they fit.  I can't wait to wear them with my teal tank top and floral sandals I purchased last month!

I also tried a plain tank top since ALL of my casual tanks are swimming on me and really like the fit of it so again I'm sure I'll be ordering a few more in other colors.

By mid- March when we were pretty much feeling locked down in the house I turned to ordering most household supplies through Amazon.

I was starting to feel like I was on Amazon daily buying little things here and there... it's crazy how much of a workout my Prime account got this month! And yet, I am trying to cut back on that too as stories of employees coming down with the virus are beginning to circulate.

I bought this natural deodorant a month or so back at the store and really liked it so when I ran out I purchased this three pack.  Ian also needed deodorant and found he really likes this one.

I was running low on my body wash; I tried this natural one last time and just loved it so I re-ordered.
I ran out of conditioner and decided to try this naturals set of shampoo and conditioner since my shampoo was also running low.  I am loving it.

We needed another phone charger and since my phone has something wrong with the charging port we picked up this wireless one and it is working great so far.  (However it does not come with the wall socket attachment but we had plenty of those hanging around).

I purchased some all purpose cleaner and while I had a few weeks for it to arrive it was worth it since I am having a real hard time finding cleaning products around here.

I use white vinegar for cleaning and cooking and I was happy to replace my normal jug with this one.

Bathroom cleaner that I found; this is not my normal cleaner but at least I found some!

We needed laundry detergent and hand soap too (we now have plenty to last a good long time and while I didn't plan on ordering quite so much I wasn't going to not buy it just because the quantities were bigger than I'd normally get).

With all this extra handwashing we ALL needed more lotion.  Me and the younger boys like the Dionis brand and my husband likes the Working Hands so I ordered a few bottles of each.

At the beginning of the month Alec attempted to make us some flan and melted his spatula so while we were buying that we also bought a pie shield and pie weights we needed for a pie crust recipe he wanted to try out next.

Ian and I decided (IN March!) to swap out his Chemistry book once again.  I am happy to report that we are almost finished with the book already and really like this one the best.  We bought the book, the student lab book, and the teacher's manual.

We also picked out books for next school year already-- I'll share them in a later post going through all the subjects for each boy individually.

I invested in some essential oils and began using them to try and treat all the cramping/ pain I'm having since I'm pretty sure there is no way I'll be having a hysterectomy or even seeing my doctor at all in the near future.  I began using them to try and help me relax too and even read up on using them to treat things like coughs, allergies, and treating illnesses.

I had checked this book out of the library at the beginning of March and liked it so much I decided to buy my own copy.

I picked this box of starter oils to give me a good variety and this jojoba oil to mix them into.

I bought a pretty diffuser and some glass rollerball bottles.

I used Amazon to order some crafting supplies I needed for a few Mother's day projects:

To make some keychains I purchased these rings and some faux leather.

I bought a 3-d frame for a paper crafting project I'll share soon.

And I needed more tape runner re-fills so I could finish up my scrapbooking and make some Easter cards.

Speaking of Easter I purchased the boys each one little something to go with a bit of chocolate/candy.  I got Ian a new model car kit.

I bought this book off Alec's wishlist and another sticker by number book.

I also tried out these new (to us) graphic novels for Evan.  He's been reading a few others by this author and seemed to enjoy them. (Find Hilo here) (Tommysaurus Rex here)

Phew! I think that covers the bulk of it.

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  1. What great buys!
    I love those lounge pants. They're so pretty and look so comfy too.x

  2. I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well! Great finds this all the clothes you found. We have that phone charger and love it! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

    1. Aw, thank you. It's pretty sad that it's gotten so normal I hardly notice it anymore... But I will be thankful when I can see my Doctor again and schedule my surgery. I never thought I'd be wishing for surgery.. but there it is!

  3. I need yoga pants now more than ever so I might get them.
    I LOVE that diffuser!
    I haven't been using my diffuser a lot because it's not good for our bird's lungs but I might use it in our bedroom with the door closed.

    I haven't been using Amazon as much because we are in the Chicago area where the virus is all over now. It is a process for us to take in the package, wipe it down, let it sit for 24 hours etc... It isn't fun to get a package any more, sadly.

    1. I haven't used Prime at all in the last 2 weeks other than to order toilet paper yesterday.. that I hope actually comes in as we can not find any and I'm starting to run out! LOL. But I too don't want any packages (or even groceries) that we don't NEED coming into the house at all anymore.

  4. My daughter loves that body wash! I'll have to check out that chemistry book. Also, my daughter would love that paint by sticker book with cats!

    1. Those paint by sticker books are so fun and they have lots of different options.

  5. You did find a lot of items! I've been thinking of getting us some of the paint by stickers books. The capri jeans are so cute and that diffuser is so pretty!

    1. Those books are lots of fun! Alec had a bird one he got around Christmastime and we just loved it.

  6. You got some great things in March! I really like that the pie shield is adjustable. I have one that is not and it drives me crazy. I don't bake many pies but it sure would be helpful to have that for when I do! Can't wait to see your Mother's Day crafts!

    1. We don't bake many pies either but I figured it had to be easier than trying to keep tin foil pieces. I'm not even sure I noticed it was adjustable at first but thought that was a fabulous idea.

  7. I love Amazon Prime, too. I've been ordering many staples there, although it's been difficult to get toilet paper.

    1. I was so happy to have snagged just one order of toilet paper yesterday! I decided I was going to just stalk Amazon and try every day to see if I could get just one shipment in since it's been impossible to find around here.

  8. I don't know why but i only ever seem to order Christmas/Birthday presents or printer ink. Oh, and a bulk amount of catfood.
    I love the flowered lounge pants. #MMBC

    1. I order so much from there it's nuts. Even before Prime was a thing I used to order everything I could since it was so much easier to let a shipment arrive at the door than take 3 kids to the store with me. Now it's just a habit.

  9. I get Amazon subscribe and save for a few of my regular items and the ones I needed the most were out of stock due to the virus shortages. I also never knew that Prime Wardrobe was a thing! I'm going to have to check it out when this whole thing is over. Are you going to be sticking with the essential oils? I know it was a monthly goal that got you started on them.

    1. I'd like to stick with them at least for a little while but I have only used them 2 maybe 3 times.. it's just not something I think to use often enough.

  10. Looks like a lot of great stuff! I would love to see how you make the keychains!

  11. Wow you got a lot of great items. I love all the clothes that you got and the cleaning products. everyone that I check for is always sold out or will arrive at the end of April.

    1. I still have a few that haven't arrived but I knew it might take awhile when I ordered them.

  12. Anxious to see your projects. I use those tape dispensers for scrapbooking. Would like to have some new red spatulas so will check out your link. And thinking that essential oil book would be fun to have and play with. Hadn't thought of getting jojoba oil to add the essential oils to. Thanks for the tip. I like all of your clothing purchases. I have to get back on WW and get these 5 extra pounds back off. Feeling like Humpty Dumpty.

    1. Those tape dispensers are great for scrapbooking (and card making).

  13. Great haul! I love that skort and love those tape dispensers for scrapbooking and cards. I have also been having a hard time finding cleaning products around here.

    1. Yeah cleaning products and paper goods appear to have vanished!

  14. Whoa- looks like you're all set! I have that charging pad also and use it daily- it has come in so handy! I've realized during this sheltering in place that I need more lounge pants! Really like the two you shared. And thank you for the reminder that I'm out of white vinegar! I've been having trouble finding dish detergent... of all things! Looking forward to seeing your paper craft project, especially since I have one of those 3-D frames!

    1. I think we are all set… but then I always think that and inevitably someone comes up to me needing something.

  15. Wow, you were busy! I have those t-shirts in black and white and they have held up well. Very soft. I've been wanting the pink and grey but they have been sold out for almost a year.

    1. It's really quite amazing when I think that almost all of this was ordered in those first two weeks of March!

  16. Some great amazon finds! I am always happy when I order something and it works out!

  17. Isn't Amazon the greatest? Those yoga pants look right up my alley. We bought that charger too and love it. Have a great weekend!!


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