The 11 Books I Read This Month

I had another great month of reading (with plenty of extra time to read). I found so many fun and interesting books; many that were recommended to me by bloggers, friends, and family alike-- so thank you!

1.  Golden in Death by JD Robb-- In this latest installment Eve Dallas is on the hunt to find a killer that is mailing golden eggs full of toxic chemicals to their recipients.

2.  The Dressmaker's Gift by Fiona Valpy-- Harriet arrives in Paris hoping to find some sort of connection to her grandmother and family.  Following a photograph she found in her mother's belongings Harriet takes a job working in the same building where her grandmother lived during the war.  Told in alternating storylines we learn the fate of Harriet's grandmother and two best friends while also learning how Harriet is dealing with all the tragedy in her own life.

3.  Summer of '79 by Elin Hilderbrand-- This short little novella re-visits the Levin family 10 year after the Summer of '69 when they're on Nantucket saying goodbye to the matriarch of their family. It was an alright story but since it was a novella it just seemed to sort of end with no real resolution for any of the characters. I liked it but wished it was longer.

4. Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng-- When I saw that Hulu was coming out with a series based on this book I just knew I had to read it.  It starts out with the Richardson home catching fire with suspected arson and then backtracks to when Mia and her daughter Pearl moved to the area. They rent a house from the Richardson family.  These two families become intertwined and the stories that unfold have all sorts of little twists and turns.  It was a cute story and so far I just don't think the Hulu show is doing it justice..

5.  Essential Oils: All-natural remedies and recipes for your mind, body, and home by Susan Curtis and Fran Johnson-- Now I didn't read the whole book as I wasn't quite ready for mixing up recipes but I did want to try and understand how and why essential oils work, which oils would be most beneficial to us to start out with, and just grasp the basics.  With bright beautiful pictures and easy to read text I thought it was a good book to start with.. so good that I bought a copy of my own.

6.  Regretting You by Colleen Hoover-- Morgan and her daughter Clara struggle to find common ground after the unexpected death of Chris (Clara's dad and Morgan's husband).  His death sets off a series of repercussions that draw the two even further apart... so far they aren't sure they'll ever find their way back to one another.   It was a great story; I could not put it down.

7.  The Weekend Girlfriend by Emily Walters-- While I thought this was a cute enough story I'm honest to admit it wasn't the best.  I felt like there should have been more time spent on character development and story line. The premise was really cute but I was just disappointed it wasn't a great page turner.  Jess is talked into pretending to be her boss' girlfriend for his sister's wedding weekend and sparks fly as soon as they move their relationship beyond the office walls. I guess I am just not a novella type of person!

8.  Spy by Danielle Steel-- Alex and her brothers sign up to help out with the war effort as soon as war is declared.  Working in London during WWII Alex attracts the interest of the SOE and is recruited to be a spy for them. Once the war is over MI6 approaches her to continue spying and reporting back to them as she follows her husband around the world with his job as ambassador. I thought this was a pretty good story but I thought it began to drag once the war was over.

9. Nantucket Nights by Elin Hilderbrand-- A very typical Elin book that I had not read before.  My mom recommended it to me and I really did love it. Three friends Kayla, Antoinette, and Val have always gotten together for a Night Swimmers meeting (where they skinny dip in the ocean and catch up on one another's lives) but one night Antoinette does not return from the swim and as repercussions of her loss reverberate around Nantucket Island secrets are revealed that threaten to destroy everything.

10. I'd rather Be Reading: The Delights and Dilemmas of the Reading Life by Anne Bogel--  I loved this delightful book about what it's like when you are an avid reader.  I often felt like this author and I could best friends if we actually knew one another in real life because so much of what she said resonated with me and my love of books.

11.  The Fountains of Silence by Ruta Sepetys-- I have really enjoyed all of Ruta's books so I was anxious to dive into this one; another aspect of history I knew nothing about! At 512 pages it is her longest novel to date and I thought it was fantastic.  I never knew anything about life in Franco controlled Spain.  Daniel is an 18 year old  aspiring photojournalist who accompanies his mother and father to Spain during Franco's dictatorship.  Through his camera lens he sees more than most tourists.  Ana works at the hotel where Daniel is staying and her family is suffering in this troubling time but they do their best to keep working hoping for some way out of poverty.

Linking Up With: Thinking Out Loud, Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. You are so good at making time to read! I used to read A LOT then Pinterest happened! I did recently purchase The Great Gatsby for the Kindle and am trying to make some time for it every day. I want to read The Dressmaker's Gift next, it sounds like something I'd really enjoy reading. I still have an old Essential Oils usage book in German from my late teen years in Germany. I used them a lot back then with a tea lamp (not sure if that's what they are called...) that used the little tea lights to distribute the scents.

    1. I find solace in reading; it always keeps me calm. I pretty much always have a book with me and I am also a pretty fast reader. I still have a few of those tea light warmer things but never thought to use them with essential oils.

  2. I haven't seen the Hulu show, but I did read Little Fires Everywhere. I had mixed feelings about it, so I'll probably skip the show. Regretting You sounds like something I'd like too. I'd Rather Be Reading was delightful to me as well! We readers do have so much in common. :) Thanks for sharing your list! Great selection.

    1. I had/have mixed feeling both about the book and the show! They've changed the story line a bit for TV which always drives me nuts... but since I'm pretty much caught up on all my other shows and I'm out of books from my library and my Kindle isn't holding a charge for long I have to fill those hours somehow so I figure why not watch it?

  3. I have been watching Little Fires Everywhere and liking it, but it's been awhile since I read the book so I don't have it at the top of mind to compare. I want to read Regretting You!

  4. I love Elin Hilderbrands Books!! I recently read a few good books....Have you read The Favorite Daughter? Loved that one!

    1. I have not but that sounds great (I just looked it up on Amazon). Thanks for the recommendation.

  5. I haven't read the new JD Robb yet! The Colleen Hoover book sounds interesting - I'll have to add that to my list. Thanks!

  6. I also really enjoyed I'd Rather Be Reading. And it's such a delightfullly designed little book. I want to read her newest offering: Don't Overthink It.

    1. I thought that sounded like a good book too as I always tend to overthink everything!

  7. I'd Rather Be Reading was a good one. Have you read Anne Bogel's new book Don't Overthink It? It's good too. I've put several of these books on my TBR list.

    1. I haven't read her new book yet, but is is on my list!

  8. I remember the days when my nose was always firmly stuck in a book. Now, I consider myself lucky to get to read two a month never mind 11. It sounds like a good choice this month. I like a novella when I know I don't have much time but I find longer books more satisfying.

    1. Yeah, I definitely find longer books more satisfying but like a good novella when I'm looking for something to quick to read.

  9. I always like book review posts because I am always looking for the next great read. Pinning the Fountains of Silence. My online book club really enjoyed 2 of her earlier books so I am certain this one won't disappoint, either.

    1. I've read all 4 of her books and have enjoyed them all.

  10. I loved Regretting You! I read Little Fires Everywhere as well. I liked it but I'm not sure if I should watch the show. I hate that most movies don't follow the books. The DressMakers Gift is in my TBR list.

    1. I have to admit I'm often frustrated with the show because they have definitely made tweaks to the storyline and I hate that too. I am awful to watch a movie or show with after I've read a book!

  11. I am really excited to read Fountains of Silence eventually- I think the length is putting me off a tiny bit, but I've loved her other books. I'm not super familiar with Anne Bogel, but that sounds like such a great book for any lover of books and reading.

    1. The length put me off a bit but I found that since it was such an engrossing book I was able to read it rather quickly. I really enjoyed learning about an era in history I had never even heard of.

      I had never heard of Anne before either but a book challenge I've been following asked us to read a book published by a blogger and I thought that looked so cute. It was a quick and easy read and I think any lover of books would easily be able to relate to it.

  12. I read Regretting You via Audible and really enjoyed it!

  13. So glad you enjoyed Regretting You! I love Hoover. I enjoyed Little Fires Everywhere and wish I had Hulu to watch the show.

    1. I'm actually finding the show to be disappointing.

  14. I'm pretty sure that Ruta book is on my list as a possible read - I have to gear up for monster length books.

    Regretting You is definitely on my kindle.

    1. I often have to gear up for them too. In fact I once requested a book from the library and when it came it and I saw how thick it was I ended up not even checking it out!

  15. I am not loving the adaptation of LFE but I loved the book.

    1. Yeah I am not either but I do keep forcing myself to watch it anyway.

  16. I can't wait to read the Little Fires book. I'm trying hard not to watch the tv show yet.

    1. Like all movies and shows I do think the book is better but I find that sometimes I just can't wait and end up watching it first.

  17. I love book/movie tie-ins, but haven't checked out either version of Little Fires Everywhere yet. I'm sure I'll get to it. ;) Take care of you and yours!

    1. I do too; I am much more likely to read a book once I hear it's also a movie.

  18. The Dressmakers Gift and Regretting You both look good - I added both. I read Little Fires Everywhere. I haven't watched the series yet, and I know it won't do the book justice but I'll still watch it.

    1. That's how I felt; I have to watch it even if it doesn't do the book justice.

  19. I have really been enjoying Elin Hilderbrand's books during the quarantine. An escape to St. John is fitting the bill. Pam :)

    1. I bet! The only problem with reading great books like hers that bring the area to life is that it makes me want to travel there and see it in person too.

  20. i have never read anything by Ruta Sepetys! i own like 3 of her books though, including that one, so i don't know what i am waiting for!

    1. I don't know what you are waiting for either; they are all so good!!

  21. I am a self-professed fangirl of Ruta Sepetys books, so I need to read The Fountains of Silence. And, I have Little Fires sitting on my bedroom floor waiting to be read.

    1. Oh me too and Fountains of Silence did not disappoint.

  22. The Hulu series is making Little Fires weird. It's not like the book in many ways. I liked the book, didn't love it, but Kerry Washington is kind of ruining the show...she's so mad all the time. Mia wasn't like that in the book.

    1. I totally agree!! I keep feeling like they are alluding to an affair between her character and Reece's husband too. I feel like the show is bringing out a lot of weird undercurrents.

  23. The Dressmaker's Gift sounds good. Your description kind of reminds me of The Gown.

    1. I haven't read that one (but it is on my list!) and from the description they do sound similar.

  24. I am a diehard fan of the In Death series and glad to see another fellow fan. That one was definitely a good one!

    1. It really was; I was so happy to read about a victim that was so well liked for once... not that I didn't feel bad for him but I much prefer a victim I can feel bad for.

  25. Wowza!!!! You got a lot of reading done this month. Isn't reading the best part of quarantine? I am putting The Dressmaker's Gift on my list. It's rare to hear someone say I wish the book was longer. Most of my reviews say the author should have cut 50 pages! Keep reading and stay healthy!!

    1. I sure did! I am loving the escape that a great book provides.

  26. I have yet to read an Elin Hilderbrand novel, but I have been seeing them on so many book blogs in the past year, I am incredibly curious! Which would you recommend I start with? Little Fires Everywhere has been another on my radar for awhile. I haven't read anything by Celeste Ng and and thinking I should start with this one! I enjoyed I'd Rather Be Reading as well! Are you familiar with Anne's blog (ModernMrsDarcy) and podcast (I'd Rather Be Reading)? Both are incredible resources for great books. And on the 15th of every month, she hosts a link-up (well, its in her comments now, not actual link app anymore) so you can get a LONG list of book blogs, similar to Show Us Your Books (where I found your lovely blog!). I apologize if all of this is old news to you! Just thought I would pass along since you enjoyed her book! I am intrigued by the Fountains of Silence. Would you say there is a lot of violence or sexual content in it? I like to be aware of that before I dive in.

    Here are my March reads, if interested!

    1. Elin has so many great ones... one of my favorites that is kind of an iconic Elin book is Barefoot. I had never read any of Celeste's books before but it made it onto my radar because of other bloggers and the miniseries coming out. I had heard of Modern Mrs. Darcy's blog and podcast but didn't know about her link up. I'm always on the hunt for new books; not sure why since I don't have time enough to read all the ones I want to read now! But I just can't help hunting for more. I didn't think there was a lot of violence or sexual content in Fountains of Silence but it does deal with some darker aspects like kidnapping.


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