Friday Favorites: Hello March!

We had a great into to March with quite a few days of really nice weather.

Friday the boys and I finished up schooling nice and early.  We each cleaned one of the bathrooms in the house and then Ian headed to work.  After lunch the younger two boys and myself headed out to return some clothes to Old Navy and to stop at Barnes and Noble so they could use up their Christmas gift cards.  They actually went a bit over but I don't mind pitching in some money for reading. We stopped at the cafĂ© for a small snack and then once home Alec whipped up some cornbread to go with our pumpkin chili we were having for dinner.

Saturday I worked on the blog, did a few loads of laundry, planned out a couple crafting projects for March, and managed to tackle a few small projects around the house like organizing the closets, pulling out spring décor, and dismantling our old baker's rack.

I dragged out my paints and did a painting project on Sunday.  I haven't been painting nearly as much as I used to but I found a few pieces of slate in my craft room and was inspired to create something new.

We tackled a bit of schoolwork Monday morning before heading out for a hike with our hiking group. It was beautiful and warm and sunny!

It was so warm and sunny on Tuesday that I decided to start my day off in a dress.  I rarely wear dresses of any kind but it just felt spring-like.  I took Alec to karate and watched most of the class.  Afterwards I changed into jeans and spent the afternoon outside cleaning my car.  It felt so great to vacuum all the dirt out.  Ian offered to wash it while he washed the excavator.

We tackled a lot of schoolwork on Wednesday but still managed to finish up by lunchtime; which was perfect since my mom was coming over to visit.  We ended up playing a rousing game of Clue which Evan won.

It was another beautiful, sunny day on Thursday so after we tackled our schoolwork we headed out for a hike and to run some errands.

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  1. That is some good looking corn bread!
    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. It was delicious; and I don't normally like or eat cornbread.

  2. Love your sweet dress! That barn and waterfall on your hike was gorgeous and great pictures!!

    1. Thanks; it was so comfy too. I can tell I'll get lots of use out of it this spring.

  3. I love your home and its windows. It always looks so light and airy.
    I also love that your son loves to cook. How amazing would it be if he became a chef when he grows older?

    1. We have tons of windows so if it's sunny out it's bright in here. He is hoping to pursue a career in the culinary arts and is actually interviewing at a local high school that offers it.

  4. Your outfits are always so cute. Love!!! I love that your boys help you clean and cook. So fun. And those pics from that hike were absolutely stunning.. reminds me of Maine!
    Have a great weekend xo

    1. Aw, thank you! I can't say my boys are always eager to help clean but I keep reminding them that it's an essential life skill they'll thank me for one day. We do have lots of areas that remind me of Maine... I think most of New England looks pretty similar.

  5. What another lovely week you have had. Love your dress you look fab!
    Your slate welcome sign is amazing, the colours are beautiful. :) #MMBC

  6. ah, the sun! we should have a few sunny days before more rain. i am going to try to take advantage and take some blog pictures. better get inspired!

    1. We are supposed to have 4 or 5 days of rain next week which I am not looking forward to so we definitely take advantage of getting out in the sun whenever we can.

  7. That Alec is a keeper! Gosh I'd love it if one of my boys wanted to cook! Your hikes look amazing too, such beautiful scenery!

    1. He sure is! In fact I was just talking about cooking up some double batches of pancakes and waffles this weekend so we'd have quick, easy breakfast foods on hand and he interrupted me to tell me I wasn't making them; he was.

  8. That barn picture is perfect for the abandoned theme! I always have to chip in for extra after gift cards, but oh well!

    1. As soon as I read that abandoned was our theme for the week and I knew we were hiking at Moore I had planned to take a few photos of that old mill.

  9. What a beautiful area you have to hike in! Such pretty pictures, especially the waterfall. You look adorable in that dress! And what a great stack of books the boys picked out.

    1. We really do have lots of beautiful scenery around. The boys have read almost all of their books already.. in fact Alec has even started reading the books Evan picked out!

  10. Such a pretty hike! Have a great weekend!

  11. Looks like a great week. You got some lovely weather too. Thanks for stopping by and joining us at 7 Blue Dresses For Dress In Blue Day: Cancer Awareness. #WelcomeToTheWeekendLinkUp

  12. I love the barn picture. You guys find the best places to hike.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. Thank you! That is one of our favorite places to hike.

  13. This place that you hiked with the waterfall and old mill or barn or whatever that is-- what state is this in? Or are you in canada? This is beautiful! Also, you got a TON of stuff done.

    1. That is in Massachusetts. We were just introduced to that park last year and it has quickly become one of our favorites!!


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