Our 10th Grade Curriculum-- Mid Year Check

With our school year just about 1/2 over I like to check in with what we had planned at the beginning of the year and see how well we're making our way through each of the subjects.  I feel like we're doing really well in some subjects this year and have completely dropped the ball in others, but that's OK as I know we'll start double up on subjects as we finish up others.

Here is what we had planned to use to teach 10th grade, (with a few changes added along the way):

English II: Once again we'll combine writing, grammar, and reading together for a full credit.

Writing: Write Shop I and begin Write Shop II-- (.33 credits) We have 12 lessons left to go in Write Shop II so I'm pretty pleased with where we are. 

Grammar: 180 Daily Teaching Lessons for Grade 10-- (.33 credits)  We aren't loving this book so we use it just a couple times a week and I've decided that as long as we make a good dent in the work I'm calling it done whether we complete the whole thing or not.  

Reading: We'll continue reading books of his choosing combined with family read alouds and books on CD-- (.33 credits). Check! 

Math:   We have three books we'll work through this year: (1 credit)-- We have completely finished up the first two books already and made a start in book 3.  

 No- Nonsense Algebra Practice Workbook (to practice what he learned in 9th grade), Straight Forward Math Series Algebra book 2, and parts of E-Z Algebra 2 (it's a good 500 pages so we only plan to use it if and when he gets stuck on a certain area for more practice).

Science:  Ian really wanted to learn chemistry this year so we'll piece together our own curriculum using Lifepac Science 11th grade and Top Shelf Chemistry along with our chemistry lab set(1 credit)  Other than our lab set which we are diligently working through I have hated our other two materials and made the decision to toss them.  We just ordered a more traditional high school textbook to supplement our lab work and we'll see how that goes when it comes in. 

Civics and Government: We want to focus on civics and government for part of the year-- (.5 credit).  We have The Three Branches of the Government DVD and we plan on visiting the state capital, attending town meetings, state hearings, and even hopefully a short trip to Washington DC! A trip to DC is out of the question right now and I have completely dropped the ball on this!  We will start working on this and should finish up by summer. 

And we'll study current events for the other 1/2 year using local and national newspapers, the news, and on-line sources. -- (.5 credits).  I also have dropped the ball on this so we'll cover current events and the branches of the government at the same time since so much of our news right now is about the presidential campaign anyway. 


Foreign Language-- He will continue with his German practice using Duolingo everyday (.5 credits) Yep! 

Study Skills-- Using the Victus study skills system I'm using with Alec, Ian will learn test taking strategies, how to take notes, how to get organized and manage time. (.25 credits)  Check!  We've completely finished up this series. 

Work Study/ Machine tool and Die-- Ian will continue working on the model screening plant he started in 9th grade and finish building it from scratch. He will also continue working for his father, grandfather, and uncle. (.75 credits) He's been working most weekends and even heading out one or two afternoons a week most week. 

Home economics/life skills-- We'll introduce more cooking, cleaning, and household tasks this year focusing especially on auto maintenance in preparation for getting his license.  (.25 credit) Check! 

Physical Education-- (.25 credits).  Check! (Lots and lots of hiking! and Ian has taken to working out in our basement a few times a week on his own)

We also plan to work through a PSAT prep book and at least talk about why people take the PSAT's, how to prepare for a multiple choice test-- Check!

All in all I'm pleased with how we're coming along. 

Linking Up With: Morning Cup of Joe,


  1. Great! We are at the point of doubling up on things that fell behind this year. However, other credits are done or almost done. It is always interesting to see what is easy to accomplish and what get's pushed to the rear.
    Blessings, Dawn

    1. I'm hoping to start doubling up on some things soon; typically a we finish more and more work we double up on those subjects that are left.

  2. This looks like a great curriculum! So good to do grammar...I feel like it is lacking in our public school system. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Really?! Wow, I can't imagine. We spend a lot of time studying grammar.

  3. That's great! I used some of this curriculum and I miss homeschooling.... most days :).

    1. I can already see the end of the road and I can tell I'm definitely going to miss homeschooling when it's behind us.

  4. It sounds like the schooling is going really well. Ahh! I used to hate studying Algebra. It was one thing from school I just didn't understand. x

    1. I love Algebra; my son--- not so much! LOL. At least he does understand it; just not when he'll actually get to use it or why he has to learn it.

  5. Thank you for the pin and shares.


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