Friday Favorites-- The Calm Before the Crazy

We had a very quiet week at home.  We actually had no plans for the whole 7 days!  At first I found myself trying to think of fun things to add into our day and week to try and squeeze the most out of the season but then I realized that I just wanted to embrace the quiet and the calm.

I made one last gift on Saturday and then sewed the karate patches on Alec's new uniform.  While I had my machine out I hemmed a pair of pants (in the hopes I'd feel good enough to wear them on Christmas eve).  I also worked on some blog posts so I have most everything done on the blog up until the New Year!

Sunday my husband and I went out to breakfast and then I helped him with some raking at the hydro plant.  Normally there isn't much raking to be done in winter but we've had so much rain and snow melt that the water is really high right now and washing all sorts of trash, sticks, & debris downriver.  Once home I finished up my book, watched a movie, worked on our puzzle and helped Evan whip up a batch of Christmas Crack.

Monday the boys and I tackled some schoolwork and then I spent part of my afternoon on the phone with the hospital going over all my pre-op instructions.  I worked some more on our puzzle and started a new book.  We were supposed to be getting another snow storm on Tuesday so Ian headed off with his grandfather to get the sander and plow all set up.

We didn't have karate on Tuesday because our snow storm turned to an ice storm.  We had freezing rain falling just about the whole day.  Ian did head out in the late afternoon to try and plow while his grandfather salted and sanded the roads.  We worked on some schooling, our puzzle, did some reading, and just relaxed around the house again... do you see a pattern here?

I woke to snow covered trees on Wednesday and after a quick grocery shopping and some schooling I coerced the boys into heading out for a hike.  The sun was shining and since all the trees were coated in both ice and snow everything looked like it was sparkling!  While I may not love ice and snow seeing it like this-- definitely a favorite!

Alec had a makeup class for karate on Thursday.  I spent part of my morning at Dressbarn trying on some clothes since they are having a huge going out of business sale.  I did find a pair of pants and a sweater. I LOVE the pants so much and found myself wishing I had thought to look at Dressbarn for clothes long before now.


  1. We got the ice storm too. I love doing puzzles, especially in the winter when it's so cold outside. I have to work over the holiday break, so we don't have a lot planned either. Sometimes, it's just nice to relax and enjoy the not rushing around with the normal everyday craziness. Have a great weekend!

    1. I completely agree. We are loving having this laid back time to relax and enjoy.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful week!! Beautiful photos from your hike too, thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you! The trees have stayed like that for days and it is so beautiful.. if cold!

  3. I keep reading about Christmas crack...
    I think I'm very glad not to have the recipe.

    1. It is so yummy; that perfect mix of sweet and salty and crunchy... and sweet. LOL. We've added peanut butter in a few times too. I sort of rue the day we ever decided to give it a try!

  4. The snow is so beautiful! We are hoping to have some this year, but living in Georgia you never know. Last year, not a flurry but the year before, we had two snows. We shall hope and see! Hoping to have a balance fo laying low and doing some fun activities this break.

    1. We always get snow in New England but we have had a few winters in the past few years where it was warm & without snow until well into February! So for us it's really a matter of when we'll get snow and how much. This year seems like it's going to be a cold snowy one based on the 3 storms we've already had.

  5. You look beautiful!! Thankfully I've had little bits of calm and quiet here and there throughout my very busy schedule lately. Glad you've been able to enjoy those peaceful times. The snow and ice are beautiful!! While an ice storm can cause a lot of trouble, it makes for beautiful winter scenes! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

  6. Very pretty photos. I like ice on trees, not so much on the ground :) Have a nice weekend.

    1. Yeah, I don't like it on the ground either. I fell on it this week and have been so sore. Thankfully the town/state have been great about keeping the roads pretty clear. I hate driving in the ice and snow.

  7. It's nice to have a quiet week once in a while, isn't it? Your winter photography is beautiful.

  8. What a nice peaceful week you had. I love all of the snow pictures and your puzzle looks great.
    Blessings, Dawn

  9. I don't love winter, but your pictures are stunning! The best part of having an ice storm I guess, haha!

    1. Thank you! It is definitely the only part of having an ice storm that I like.


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